Chapter Twenty

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Please read the authors note at the bottom, don't skip it!


I woke up, feeling tiny pricks from the slightly damp grass that was underneath me. I opened my eyes slowly, adjusting to the dim sun that had fallen behind a large cloud. The field I was sitting in grew dark, pitch black shadows corrupting the peaceful environment. They grew and grew until they shifted into what looked like human forms. They stood together in a circle, their arms extended towards each other, but not touching.

I hoisted my self up on my elbows, staring wide eyed at the scene before me. From the middle of the circle, another shadow was emerging. It extended towards the sky, stopping when it had reached at least 6 and a half feet tall. The enormous shadow's nondescript head started to transform.

Charcoal colored hair sprouted from the top of its head, stopping just underneath its ears. The raven colored locks had a light sheen to it, and fell around its still blank face in light waves.

Spots of tanned skin emerged from the black shape, until each inch was covered in it. The skin was covering chords of tight muscle, broad shoulders, quite like a swimmers, and lean legs. The skin was quickly covered with a dark grey, pin-striped suit, and a red tie. I furrowed my eyebrows, completely confused and slightly irritated.

Its facial features started to develop, showing a hawk like nose, an angular jaw with a slight dusting of black scruff near the bottom edges. Its jaw was clenching, as if in pain, and its newly formed hands were in tight fists. Finally, lips rose from the bottom half of its blank face, and two eyes adorned with long lashes appeared. It kept them closed, while the rest of its features were appearing.

I stared, in awe. I was unable to tear my gaze from the slightly horrific, but overall intriguing sight. My shoulders burned from the strain, but I couldn't move, frozen to the cold ground.

It opened its eyes in one quick motion, landing on my stunned figure resting outside the shadows circle. I gasped, slightly frightened by the creatures eyes.

They were pitch black, matching its wavy hair. But what was truly unnerving was the small strikes of violet being inter-twined with the black, reminding me of purple cobwebs. They wove their way across the eyes, and all met at its white pupil.

Suddenly, he began marching out of his circle, and I found myself moving backwards as quick as I could. He smiled, a perfect smile, as if amused by my behavior.

"Now Adelaide, I have been dying to meet you. And you can take that literally." He winked. "But I must say this isn't the reaction I was hoping for." He pouted, his handsome face scrunching up in a very overdramatic way.

"I apologize if my behavior was inappropriate. After all, it's not like I just saw a man transform from a shadow that just appeared out of the ground." I said, with a dead serious expression.

Surprisingly, the man just tilted his head back, and laughed. He clutched his stomach, and bent over slightly, still laughing. His eyes were crinkled at the sides, and he had well developed lines on the outsides of his lips. This man looked to be around his late thirties, to early forties. If he even was a man.

"Adelaide, you are such a sassy little thing. It's truly remarkable how you can hold all your snarky comments in that small body of yours. But I'm afraid I'm not here to discuss how much your attitude amuses me. I have been summoned for a particular reason, and there really is no more time to waste." He said, still smiling slightly. He flicked his hand in an upward motion, and suddenly I was standing straight, my posture as stiff as a board. I was too surprised to reply to the almost insult, seeing as I couldn't even move my mouth.

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