Chapter Twenty Two

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Matt Bomer as Killian Leveaux! His character isn't in this chapter, but he'll be in the next one.


I watched sadly as Flynn carried Adelaide up the stairs. She was shouting and squirming on Flynn's shoulder, trying to get back to Charlie and I. Eden's small hand tightened around mine and I glanced down at her. Her large, grey eyes were filled with concern, as she continued to stroke Charlie's hair. 

Charlie stuck his head deeper into her neck, sighing onto her delicate skin. She closed her eyes dreamily, before opening them with determination.

"What was that about?" She asked, her beautiful voice piercing the awkward silence. I glanced at Charlie who refused to take his head from its current position, even when Eden pulled at the strands of his hair.

"Yeah, what was that about?" Julians deep voice sounded, angry and disappointed. He was holding Boone tightly against him, staring at us with an unwavering glare. "How could you not tell her?" He asked.

"We didn't want her to know, because we wanted Flynn to have extra motivation to kill Marshall." I said, explaining our logic.

"It also gave Adelaide another reason to hate Marshall. Even though she probably doesn't need it." Charlie said, finally bringing his head out of Eden's neck. Her hand fell out of his hair, and he wrapped it in his own.

"Who is Marshall?" She asked, looking confused, which was adorable.

"That's something Adelaide needs to tell you, it's her story." Julian replied, before either of us could speak. His eyes pierced ours in warning. Julian was the mother hen of the group, always looking out for us. But Adelaide was like his small treasure, he was very protective of her, like a father and brother wrapped up in one. He took her safety very seriously.

We both nodded and placed kisses on Eden's head. I breathed in her delectable scent of grapefruit and another flower I couldn't decipher, closing my eyes.

The sound of the doorbell echoed throughout the house, causing Boone to jump from his sleep on Julian's lap. My eyes darted to the door, cautious. Thinking it was Marshall arriving a day and a half early, I gave Charlie a look that said follow.

We nudged Eden towards Julian and stepped towards the door, only relaxing when we saw a red blur through the misted window.

I pulled the door open to reveal a skittish looking Ezra, with the beta, Alex holding onto the scruff of his neck. I raised an eyebrow at him and he shrugged.

"I forgot my key, give me a break." I just rolled my eyes and let him in. Alex is actually a really good guy, Charlie and I have been getting to know him seeing as he is Eden's only family.

"Ezra! My man! How've you been?" The ever hyper Charlie shouts. It's clear how Ezra's been as his eyes have large bags underneath them and they're glaring at Charlie.

"Piss off, where's Adelaide?" He asks, apparently not in the mood. Charlie's eyebrows shoot up and he raises his hands in surrender.

"Ezra?" Adelaide's voice sounds from behind Flynn. They're both at the foot of the stairs, where they probably came down to see who was at the door. She doesn't spare us a glance as she practically tackles the witch, in one of her famous bear hugs.

I look back to see Flynn glaring at the scene, his arms crossed in front of his chest. I crack a smirk and he glares, speed walking up to Adelaide and putting his arm on her shoulder. She rolls her eyes but steps back into his waiting arms. Ezra looks up at the tall alpha, and visibly shrinks down.

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