chapter seven

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A/N: dedicated to @beatinglove, hanks for the feed back:) glad you're enjoying the book:)

Hunting for my mate

chapter seven

Skylar's POV

I felt a light cold breeze cover my bear arms while two warm arms are wrapped tightly around my waist. I couldn't help but always feel safe in Logan's arms. I looked on the closest nightstand to me to see that it is already 11:30 am. I turned around in Logan's arms to face him without straining my neck. He looked so peaceful and almost surreal; and angel, my angel.

I looked down to see my newly made mark that seems to be healing well under short notice. I studied Logan's features like I do every other time he is asleep while i am not. Sometimes I think he is too good looking for his own good; I mean common, it's like un-human, or should I say werewolf.

"Logan..." I said trying to wake him up. Nothing; not a flinch, nothing. Deciding on something i knew would wake him up plus scare him, I gently climbed out of his embrace and backed up to the while. I began charging at him and jumped on him with full force while screaming "Rouge are attacking, rouges are attacking!" His eyes snapped open and he sat up to find me sitting innocently on his lap.

Once realization hit him he growled at me with his morning husky voice. "You are very lucky that you my mate and I love you or else you would probably not leave here alive." He replied dead serious making me double over I laughter. "Are you laughing at me?" He pouted jutting out his bottom lip. Awe. “No I'm not; I just thought it would be a good time to get rid of all this extra air in my lungs." I smirked earning myself a glare. He looked so discombobulated at my early morning sarcasm that it was hilarious; I had to hold in my laughter.

"You notty, notty girl." He said shaking his head letting out a low chuckle. "Want breakfast while were up?" He asked, I nodded eagerly. "I can make pancakes if you like?" I said. "Awe, nothing beats a girl who can cook." He said. I looked at him questioningly he sighed and let’s just say I did not anticipate what his next move was. He stood up throwing me over his shoulder with what looked like little effort. "LOGAN PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT!" I yelled punching his back. He chuckled and continued walking down the stairs. I huffed and crossed my arms stubbornly. Once he entered the kitchen he set me on the counter top and gave me a kiss which made my scowl disappear and butterfly invade my stomach. He grinned at me as we pulled away.

"Still mad at me?" He asked. "Nope; well not this time. Let's just say you got away easy." I pointed at him then pocked him in the chest. He rubbed it like I actually hurt him badly. I thought flashed through his eyes as he looked at me mischievously making me suddenly scared. He crept forwards in front of me attacking me with tickles. "No... Stop... Please" i asked out of breath as his fingers stopped their movement. He placed his hands on my hips and started rubbing up and down my back. "As long as you love me." He said letting his lips tickle my ear sending shivers down my back. He let a long line of kisses invade my cheekbone until he kisses right beside my lips. Right then he turned around and started walking to the fridge.

"So what do you need for your pancake recipe?" he turned to me smirking. I sent him a glare and got up to go to the fridge to find the ingredients. Teasing him back, I walked around him gliding my hand along his back lightly. I heard a muted growl while i was reaching for the ingredient which made a smirk break out on my face. I grabbed the necessary ingredients for pancakes along with bacon. I placed everything on the counter top and got out the dry ingredients and measures them placing them in a bowl and mixing all the other ingredient. "Do you want chocolate chips in the pancakes?" I asked. "Yes please." He said while he continued watching me while sitting at the other end of the island where it was a breakfast bar kind of thing. I nodded and added some chocolate chips to the batter. I walked over to the stove and turned two burners. I placed the bacon in a pan then grabbed the batter and started pouring it neatly into the second pan. I felt Logan's eye pressing holes in me back.

"I can feel you staring." I yell whispered as i continued flipping the pancakes. I grabbed two plates and started placing the freshly cooked ones on them then popped them in the oven to keep warm. I turned around to look at Logan. "Hi. Enjoying watching me cook?" I asked. "Very much so." He nodded. I shook my head chuckling at my special mate. I turned around to flip the rest of the pancakes and bacon then made my way to the fridge to grab the toppings. I took out the maple syrup, whip cream, blueberries and strawberries and placed them all on the counter. I rushed over to take all the pancakes out of the pan and stacked them on our plates. I took the bacon out of the pan into paper towel to get all the excess fat off. I plated it all up and added the toppings on the pancakes and passed Logan his plate over the island and went to sit beside. I heard a moan escape his lips as he scarfed down the heavenly concoction. I took my first bite of my pancakes and closed my eyes in pure enjoyment. I looked over to see Logan had already eaten all of his pancakes and was starting at his bacon with a huge smile on his face.

"Enjoying it?" I asked, he nodded his head vigorously. "I'm glad" I smiled at him and continued to my pancakes. "So what do you want to do today?" I asked licking what is left of my pancakes off my fingers. "I was thinking I could introduce you to my pack." He said hopeful. "Sure! I would love to meet them!" I said grabbing our plates and taking them to the sink. "Don't worry about cleaning those, we have a dishwasher" he said. I couldn't help but smile as he said 'we'. "Okay." I replied as I found it and opened it and placed the dishes in neatly. Once i stood up after kneeling down I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist pulling me into Logan's warm chest. He nuzzled his head in my neck. "Hi" I said hysterically. "Hi." He said before kissing the mark he gave me yesterday. The connection of him and the mark mad my wolf purr in enjoyment.

"So when do you-" I was interrupted by a door opening. Logan slowly lifted his head to see the culprit. "Justin? What are you doing here?" Logan asked with his eyebrows furrowed. "Oh you know, just strolling the neighborhood." Justin I'm guessing said. "And who is this fine piece of meat?" Justin questioned making Logan's grip on me tighten and my eyebrows to rise. "This... Is my mate Skylar, Skylar this is my goof of a brother Justin." Logan replied with his hands still in a hugging position around me. "Um yeah, hi." I smiled, "It's nice to meet you" I said again. "Likewise." He smiled at me and then turned back to Logan. "Are you being safe?" Justin questioned making me choke. "I am being so safe that we haven't even finished the mating process. Unlike you I want to get to know the girl first." Logan smirked. "Anyway, mom apparently saw you come home with a girl yesterday and she wants to meet her, well in this case Skylar, so yeah, I'm going to go now. Bye Skylar." He said and then jetted off. "Well that was interesting." I said. "No, that was my brother. So when do you want to meet the pack?" He questioned. "Um, anytime is good." I said carelessly shrugging in his hold. "You're so chill about this." Logan stated. "Believe me, I'm really not. I' kinda freaking out but I know you'll be with me so I'm all good." I smiled. “How about we do it at a meeting tonight and after I can introduce you to my parents?” He asked. “That sounds good, so what now?” I asked. “We could go to the lake for a couple of hours and bring Alex and Alice, huh their names sound alike.” He said. I giggled at his manly actions. “Sure, why not.” I smiled. Gosh, I am nervous but it’s a good thing I have Logan…


hey guys sorry for the short chapter:'(

comment on what you want to happen further in the book please, that would be highly appreciated

so yeah, first comment gets a dedication for a chapter

thanks lovely's for reading

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