chapter thirteen

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Hunting for my mate

Chapter thirteen

Skylar’s POV

Recap (In Logan’s POV):

“Logan?” Skylar asked.

“Yes princess?” I answered.

“What did last night mean?” She asked in almost a scared tone.

I let go of her hand and picked her up so that she had her legs wrapped securely around my waist. I looked at her sadly and replied honestly, “I don’t know, but were going to find out.”

(Back to Skylar’s POV) I hung onto Logan as he walked down the hall to the stairs. The words he told me kept repeating in my head over and over again. I rested my head on his shoulder and sighed; I felt at ease just being here with him holding me. I tightened my arms around his neck as he approached the stairs and started going up.

When he got to our room he set me down but I still kept my arms tightly around his neck.

“Skylar?” he asked me.

I grinned, “Logan.” I tried to say seriously mocking his face.

“What are you doing?” he asked eyeing my arms.

“Oh you know, just chill’n,” I shrugged. I felt his arms loop around my waist and he placed his forehead on mine. “And is there a reason being of why your arms are securely around my neck?” He asked grinning.

“Nope” I said popping the ‘p’. “Em hmm,” he said clearly not believing anything of what I just said. “Well maybe there is a reason…” I dragged out. “And that would be?...” He urged. “Well I may have wanted a kiss…” I dragged out again. He smirked and pulled me closer to him so we were chest to chest. He leaned in and I met him half way. After sharing a gentile and sweet kiss. I unwrapped my arms from his neck and pulled away to go to the closet and change.

“And where do you think you’re going?” He asked behind me. Before I knew it I was being pulled back into his strong and sturdy chest. “You’re not getting away that easy.” He whispered huskily into my ear. Logan turned me around in his embrace so that I was facing him. He leaned in and gave me another kiss that was the perfect balance between gentile and rough. I pulled away and heard a growl escape his lips. I smiled smugly at him for the reaction I got from him.

I watched as his eyes swirled with the addicting green that I could stare at for hours on end and black signifying that he was fighting for dominance with his wolf. His eyes turned into the beautiful emerald green that made my legs feel like jelly. He looked in my eyes and I saw a whiff of an un-named emotion pass by. I looked at him questioningly and before I knew it her threw me on his back and dropped me on the bed. I saw amusement pass through his features as he bent down and started to attack me with tickles. I couldn’t control my bubbles of laughter as he tickled right under my ribs on my most ticklish spot.

“Please stop!” I said breathlessly full of laughter.

“Say Logan is the hottest and best mate ever.” He said while he continued to tickle me.

“That… Would… Only… Be stating… Fact.” I said through my endless amount of laughter.

“Flattery will get you nowhere now say it!” He continued. I laughed so hard I am surprised I didn’t pee my pants.

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