Surviving Your Love Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

(Nicks POV)

To say I was shocked seeing my sister when I answered the door earlier was an understatement.

When I saw her at the ice cream shop I was hoping we could talk and maybe somehow go back to how things used to be. I was obviously wrong in thinking that could happen. I didn’t understand why she was so cold towards me and I know now that it had to do with my father. I don’t know what he did but I know that I have to find out.


The sound of my mate’s voice roused me from the thoughts that plagued my mind.

“Hmm?” I mumbled distractedly still thinking.

“Your sister…that…your dad… Did he really do those things?  Abuse her?  She was just a little girl…I don’t understand.” She mumbled with tears in her eyes, I quickly gathered her in my arms.

If anyone knew what it was like to come from an abusive family, it was Lacey. Both her parents were drunks and her older brother was no better. She had dealt with them all her life, all the beatings, name-calling and drugs that circled the life her family was a part of. My sweet little mate had been abused from the age of seven until I had taken her away from that god forsaken place. Her parents ignored her and when they did pay attention to her it certainly wasn’t the good kind.

Realizing she was still waiting for an answer, I tried my best to come up with something.

“I don’t know babe, I really don’t. My father never was the same after my mother died. I know one thing for sure though, my sister isn’t a liar and she wouldn’t make accusations like that for nothing. I just really wish Devin would talk to me.”

“I know…just give her time, it’ll be okay.” I know she was trying to be strong for me. My mate always was very caring. “Come on honey, let’s go to bed.”


I got up and helped turn off all the lights before following my mate upstairs to bed.

As I laid there I couldn’t help but replay everything that happened to day in my head.


Lacey and I had decided to have a little movie night so while I set everything up she went to make us some popcorn and get us some drinks. We weren’t expecting anyone so I was surprised when the doorbell rang at 8 p.m. on a Thursday night.

"Devin...?" I asked in a completely surprised tone of voice.

"We need to talk."

She had a hard edge to her voice and I really didn’t know what to think right now. I was really baffled as to why she was here.

"Now?" I asked almost hesitantly.

"Yes now."

"Well alright, come in," I said turning around and allowing them inside. They followed me until we reached the living room.

"Babe," I heard my mate say as she walked into the room, "who was at the door?"

"Oh my sister and her..." I replied before trailing off not knowing what or who the man was that was with her.

"Husband, Xavier." The tall, dark blue eyed man replied. I could tell he was an Alpha by the way he carried himself. There was something else about him that I just couldn’t put my finger on…it was weird.

"Oh and her husband Xavier." I said.

"Oh my gosh! I have heard so much about you. It's so nice too-" Lacey began before Devin cut her off.

"Look I'm not trying to be rude but I really don't have time for this. Honestly you look nice and everything but frankly I don't care. I have more important things to worry about than meeting Nicks whatever you are." Devin said.

I have never heard my sister talk like that, ever.

"DEVIN! You will NOT talk to her like th-" I said coming to my mate’s defense.

That's as far as I got before Devin had snapped and had me pinned against the wall by my throat.

"I don't care! My family's life is in danger and I need some goddamn answers! Did you or did you not tell Father where I was?"

What was she talking about? Her family, answers? What does my father have to do with all of this? I know he’s been looking for Devin but that’s because she ran away…right?

"Well yeah but-" I started before she cut me off.

"You fool!" She yelled.

"Do you understand what you've done? No of course not! You know why? Because you left me to deal with our abusive father! You left and he beat me every day after that! I almost died the night you left! You promised everything was going to be okay," She said in a softer broken tone but I could see that her anger was right back after that last sentence. "Well you know what it fucking wasn't! You left me and never looked back, not once. And now he's coming after MY family! Two innocent little angels who have had a hard enough life as it is already! What in the name of god made you tell him where I was? Why? Why would you do this?"

I didn’t know what to say. He’s after them? I thought he just wanted Dev to come home because he missed her. What the hell in going on?

"I...I...I'm sorry, I didn't know." I said I was confused, angry, and sad all at the same time.

"Of course you didn't you don't care! I could kill you, you know that? I-" that was as far as she got before a glass vase was broken over the top of her head. She was snarled and I saw her eyes go completely red. She dropped me and I started gasping for breath. She turned and glared at my mate who was standing behind her.

"Oh, shit." I vaguely heard Xavier say.

"You really shouldn't have done that," She spoke, her voice filled with venom.

Just as she was about to lunge, two strong arms wrapped themselves around her. I could tell it was Xavier.

"Shh, baby. Calm down. It's okay. Shh...“ he tried to soothe her but it didn’t look like it was working to well. Suddenly she kissed and I had to look away. Hearing her moan was the last straw.

"Sorry to interrupt but could you not grope my little sister in front of me?" I asked, hoping they would break it up.

She growled and turned to look at my crumpled position on the floor. I saw her take a deep breath before speaking.

"Look I want you to stay out of my life, okay? I don't need you fucking it up any more then you already have. My family is in danger because of you! Why on earth would you tell that son of a bitch where I am?" She cried the last part out in desperation.

"I...I....he told me you ran away and he was worried about you on your own, he didn't want you to hurt yourself. He...I am so sorry, I didn't know." Tears filled my eyes as I spoke. I never knew my father was like that. I can’t believe I left my sister with him. How could I do that to her?

"Don't give him any more information on me or my family. They are the only people I have left and I won't lose them." She said her voice hard.

"Okay, I'm sorry."

She shook my head and started towards the door, with Xavier following close behind.

"Wait! Will I ever see you again or meet your kids properly?"

"Not for a long time. I can't trust you.”

With those last words she left my house and I couldn’t help but feel broken. I hope someday we can fix this. Lacey didn’t say anything as she sat on the floor next to me and for that I was grateful. I wrapped my arms around her and we just sat there both lost in our thoughts.

(End of Flashback)

I knew Lacey was right; I had to give Devin time. But in the mean time I was going to try and figure out what had happened after I left home all those years ago.


Thanks for reading! Hope you liked it. Let me know what you think!


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