Survivng Your Love Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I was sitting across from Xavier at his house. Apparently he didn't actually live in the pack house. Only some of the pack members did the others lived in neighboring houses close to the pack house. The pack house was mostly for teens or others vamps and weres that didn't want to live on their own or hadn't found their mates.

Xavier brought us here when I asked where I could lay the twins down for bed. We were now talking about where we would stay while living here with his pack.

"Well you could always stay here at my house," he said but quickly explained himself upon seeing the confused expression on my face. "It would just make sense since I'll be helping you with the twins and everything. I have more than enough room here. Plus...I want to be close to you."

It sort of did make sense for me and the twins to stay here with him. He must want to be close to me so he can help protect the twins...right? I think I'm over thinking this. Yeah that must be it.


"Huh? Oh right," I said when I remembered I was supposed to answer him. "Sorry, I'm beat. But yeah, that'd be cool. Um, do you have a guest room I can crash in? I'm so tired."

I looked up at him with a smile on my face after answering.

"Uh...yeah. First door on your left when you hit the top of the stairs," he said looking back at me with an odd expression I had never seen on his handsome face before.

"Thanks," I said softly while getting up and kissing his cheek before heading upstairs.


"Dev?" I asked after waiting five minutes for an answer.

God, she is so beautiful.

"Huh? Oh right," she said snapping out of whatever thoughts had gotten her in a daze. "Sorry, I'm beat. But yeah I think we should stay here that'd be cool. Um, do you have a guest room I can crash in? I'm so tired."

The smile on her face just made her all the more beautiful than she already was. I realized she asked me a question and hastily replied.

"Um...yeah. First door on your left when you hit the top of the stairs," I said looking back at her and feeling like a love struck fool.

"Thanks," she said softly while getting up to leave but not before kissing my cheek, leaving a warm tingly feeling where her lips touched my skin.

I sat there for a while before heading up to my room to go to bed. I stopped, checking on the twins as I made my way down the hall. They were peacefully sleeping side by side tangled up in the covers. I had to laugh a little at the sight before shutting the door slightly again. I bypassed Devin's room because I don't think I could restrain myself from going in there and cuddling up next to her.

When I got to my room, I stripped down to my boxers before climbing into my bed,

Once I was comfortable, I laid there thinking.

I thought about my pack.

I thought about how much things have changed in the last couple years.

I thought about the danger from escaping the institute.

I thought about Devin.

A lot.

And the twins.

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