Surviving Your Love Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Thinking back to the day we were brought here I laugh although, I wasn't laughing when it happened. It’s been three months since we decided we were going to stay with Liam's pack. It turned out he really was my mate, though we are taking things slow. Very slow. He doesn't seem to like that very much but I just can’t shake the feeling that something is off in our relationship, like he’s hiding something from me. I don’t know what it is but sometimes I just feel uneasy when I'm around him. Maybe I'm just over thinking things. The twins seem to like it here especially when they hang out with the older twins. They have become very attached to Matt and Shane. It seems they are always together just the four of them. Callum and Aiden are always copying Matt and Shane, they are already popular with the ladies and they are only 4! I didn't like that to much but they have taught the boys to control their wolves better which I am very proud of. None of them know about our other powers and I plan to keep it that way, for now at least.

I and Kyle, Liam’s Beta, were on a run checking the perimeter around the pack house.

"Race you back!" I yelled.

"You’re on!'

Even though he’s a Beta, I was faster due to the added vampire speed I could harness in my wolf form. I hadn't told anyone about what happened and why we are here. I wanted to tell Liam but I just felt like I could never really trust him with something so personal.

I made it back in no time and quickly shifted, then dressed in my sweats and tank.

"I’m going to go shower before I start dinner," I told Kyle.

"I’m going to take a shower too, so I’ll follow you up."

By this time we had gone through the pack house and were at the bottom of the stairs. Even from down here we could hear the faint moaning coming from upstairs.

"Do you hear that?" Kyle asked me.

"Somebody’s having fun!"

As we got to the top of the stairs, the moaning could easily be heard now. We kept walking down the hall and I stopped at my and Liam's room. Now the moaning was louder than ever and I knew it was coming from our room, you could hear the woman groaning out the words faster and harder. I turned slightly and look at Kyle, the look on his face was all I needed to confirm he had come to the same conclusion as I had. Slowly I turned back and reluctantly opened the door to see the pack slut, Brittney, riding Liam at a furiously fast pace.

I was shocked and didn't even know what to do. I thought mates were supposed to love each but it’s obvious that's not the case. How can you love someone that would intentionally hurt you?

"You bastard," I whispered, with tears helplessly streaming down my face. I turned and ran. I could hear Kyle yelling at Liam and telling him how stupid he was for messing everything up. I’m not sure what that meant but if didn’t want to stay and figure it out.

I couldn't stay here, I didn't deserve this and my little boys didn't need to be around this either. I sniffed and wiped my eyes, he wasn't worth my tears. I sniffed and caught Matt and Shane’s scent, following it to the front yard knowing Callum and Aiden would be with the older twins. When I got to them they were all playing soccer.

"Callum! Aiden! Come on boys were gonna go on a road trip," I yelled out shakily.

"Kay mommy! Can Uncuhh Matty and Shaney come too, pwease?"

By now they had made their way over to me and Matt and Shane could see I had been crying my tear streaked face giving me away.

"What’s wrong, D?" they asked like protective big brothers would.

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