Surviving Your Love Chapter 11

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Heyyy, this is kind of a short chapter. I promise the next one will be longer!

Anyways I hope you like it!

Let me know (:


Chapter 11

(Xavier's POV)


That whispered curse caused me to snap my head up towards Devin.

"Dev...what's wrong? What is going on? Dev?" I asked, hoping for the answers that would calm my beating heart.

" father. He thinks Xavier got me pregnant and the twins...God, he doesn't know about...He thinks that when I ran away I came to Xavier..." she whispered in a broken, confused voice. I wasn't sure if she even knew she was speaking out loud.

"Devin!" I nearly shouted, urgently scooting forward a bit. I grabbed her shoulder, turning her towards me and shaking her I repeated myself, "What's wrong? What did the letter say?"

"Um...I guess I should tell you about how I ended up at the institute. Well-" but she was cut off by Jake.

"Hey, guys we are gonna go and let you talk, okay?" he said, standing up to leave.

"Okay, could you take the twins to the pack house with you?" I asked, looking at Devin for an okay. She nodded, telling me it was fine.

"Sure thing, see you guys later."

They headed out the back door this time, taking the twins with them to the pack house.

"Okay, now that we are alone you can tell me. I promise I will do everything I can to help you, I promise." I said to Devin sincerely.

"Okay well I guess I should start from the beginning," she began. I just nodded my head agreeing with her. "My mother died when I was young. She had gone for a run while my dad was away on business and Nick and I were at school. She was attacked and killed, we never found out who had done it. I was always really close with my mom and was devastated when she died. After that my father kind of lost it and was barely home. I honestly was surprised we were able to keep our house but my dad being the lead enforcer of our pack probably helped. My dad would leave the house and be gone for two or three days at times, being the drunken fool he was. Anyways it was usually just me and my brother. My brother was my rock. He was always there for me when I needed him, he was my best friend. When I had nightmares about my mother or my father came home yelling in an overly drunk state, he was there holding me while I cried and would assure me that everything would be okay. It was like that for 7 years before my brother turned 18 and decided to leave. I had no clue why he would leave me with our father and I begged him to take me with him. I didn't want to be alone. And you know what the bastard said right before he got into his car and never looked back?"

By this time she was standing in front of me, pacing back and forth. Her voice was hard and cold but I could see the angry tears threatening to tumble down her cheeks. I wanted to gather her in my arms and make all her pain go away. I knew she needed to get all this out and I needed to know so I could help her.

"He said, "I have to go Devin. You'll be fine, I promise." But that wasn't the case, I wasn't fine. Far from it actually. "She stopped to stand in front of me, for the moment ceasing her pacing. “The first night he left and every night after that my father blamed me. The first time my father ever laid a hand on me was because my brother left. I had two black eyes, a split lip, bruised ribs and my right arm was broken in three places! THREE PLACES! I was fourteen! That wasn't even the worst beating I got. One time when I was seventeen I wanted to do something nice for my father. Me being the stupid kid I was thought I could get of getting a beating for a day or two. Boy, was I wrong." She finished with a snort.

"I had cleaned the whole house including my father's desk in the den. I'm not sure what exactly was so important about some of the papers that I threw away but I knew they were important enough to put me a mere breath away from death. This time my father took a knife to me. Between every punch and kick, he would draw the blade repeatedly across my stomach. The scars are still visible because of the type of blade he used. I went through that for three hours before I fell unconscious. When I came to I was still huddled where I had fallen unconscious, only now it was two days later. I could barely move and when I did finally get up all the wounds that had scabbed over, ripped open and started to bleed profusely. I lost so much blood in that space of time that if it hadn't been for my werewolf genes, I would have most likely died."

The thought of Devin dying was something I never want to think about. She was slowly but surely becoming my everything.

"That was the last time I ever did anything for my father. The one thing I ever did for myself was run away. That got me to the institute but you know what? I wouldn't change it for the world. It may have been a horrible experience but it helped make me who I am today. I would never have met Della, who became the sister I never had. I never would have met the twins who have become such a huge part of my life and I wouldn't change a minute of it. I wouldn't have met Jenny and Max"

With that last word spoken so softly, I almost didn't here, she looked at me with her soulful blue-green eyes. They made her look so pure an innocent and by looking at her you never would imagine the things she's been through. Even with all that has ever happened to and around her, she holds herself so strongly. I looked back at her, love shining through my eyes. It came from deep within me and I couldn't control the feelings that were erupting inside me. She was everything I had ever dreamed of and more.

The only question now was what to do.

"What do we do now?" I asked voicing my thoughts.

She took a deep breath before speaking.

"I need to find my brother."




Hope you like it (:

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