Surviving Your Love Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

We stopped at a restaurant in some small town in the middle of nowhere. It was 50's style with bright red booths and checkered table cloths. The juke box playing in the background was soothing but we still had to be careful as we were on pack territory.

"Kay boys, what do you want to eat?" I asked the twins.

"Macawoni and Pizuh," they excitedly answered in together.

"Alright," I giggled. They were just too cute.

The waitress came over almost reluctantly. "What can I get for you?"

Her voice was guarded and hostile. She kept looking at me funny. I guess we were going to have to eat quickly. I gave all our orders and she quickly walked off.


I looked towards the twins and they were looking up at me nervously with puppy dogs.

"Can you be our mommy?"

"Uh...," I was floored. I would love for the twins to call me mommy and looking into their bright green eyes, I couldn't say no even if I wanted to. "Of course I can honey. You guys are my special boys."

Just then the door slammed open, bouncing off the booth next to it. Four huge men came in scanning the room, stopping only when they came to us. Uh oh.

"Boys, stay behind me."

"Kay mommy."

The others in the room stopped to stare as the men made their way towards us. The man in front was gorgeous; he had clear blue eyes and short dark brown hair that was spiky in the front. He was very muscular and just looking at that ripped chest through his shirt was making my mouth water and don't even get me started on those arms. The two men to his right were identical except for the color of their shirts. They had medium brown hair to their ears with bangs hanging in their eyes. The other man had spiky blonde hair and light blue eyes. They were all muscular and tall but the man in front was slight more so then the others. He was about 6'3 which was something to my 5'6 frame. He dwarfed me!

"Can I help you with something?" I asked when they reached the table. I could feel all of them checking me out.

"What's your business here, rogue?" the leader asked me in a deep husky voice.

"We are just passing through. We will be on our way once we eat."

"You must have permission from an Alpha to be on their land and I know for a fact you don't have permission because I'm Alpha Liam and I was not informed of you being here. LOOK AT ME WHEN IM TALKING TO YOU!"

I flinched and looked up. When I did it felt like time froze and it was only us in the room. I was lost in those ice blue eyes. My wolf whimpered softly. What is wrong with her? We were brought out of our daze when the twins shouted "don't yell at our mommy!" and proceeded to kick him in the shins. They now stood in front of me protectively.

The leader looked gob smacked while his companions rolled on the floor laughing at the twins display.

"Callum! Aiden! That wasn't nice, you say you're sorry right now," I told them sternly.

"But mommy," they looked up at me with big puppy dog eyes," we want to protect you and that big bad man yelled at you." They turned looking at the Alpha and stuck their tongues out at him. I had a hard time containing the laugh that threatened to slip past my lips.

"Mommy?" our little conversation was interrupted by all four mumbling the word.

One of the dark haired twins said, "There is no way you're a mom! Your body is way to smokin' to have a kid! None the less TWINS!"



We all looked at the leader shocked by his outburst.

"Excuse me?"

"You are MINE, My mate. Come with us, we will talk more this at my house."

What? Mate? Just what I needed, this was not good. My wolf wanted us to stay but I didn't have as much of an attraction to him because I wasn't all wolf. Therefore, the mate bond wasn't as strong.

"No thank you," I grabbed the twins hands and started to walk away, "sorry for your trouble."

We were almost to the door when a pair of hands grabbed my waist and hauled me over their shoulder. The boys were yelling as they were in the arms of the two older twins. The blonde guy just smirked and followed us out of the diner.

Great. Just great.


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Pic on the side of the twins! (:

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