Surviving Your Love Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

The leader a huge brown wolf with white paws stepped forward and shifted quickly pulling pants as he did so.


I shook my big wolf head, growling as I nuzzled the twins more under me, taking a protective stance over top of them.

He threw me a shirt to put on for when I shifted. I growled loudly and looked at the twins, a warning to the five men to stay away from my pups. They wouldn't like the outcome if they did, that's for sure.

"Boys," I spoke through our mind link, "you tell me if they did anything suspicious or some any closer to you okay?"

Okay, mama."

I licked each of their muzzles before walking towards a tree that I could shift behind still giving me view of the twins. I shifted quickly, pulling on the shirt and walking back towards the tiny clearing, we had stopped in. All 5 of them looked me up and down before the first man spoke,

"What are you doing in our territory, rogue?"

"My sons were going through their first shift and we were driving along the road that borders your forest. “I’m sorry, we will leave now. We didn't mean to trespass on your territory."

"We are still going to have to take you to our Alpha. "It’s protocol."

"I understand. Do you want us to all run there?"

"Yeah follow us," he said just before he shifted.

I shifter back also and we made our way back to their pack house, the twins jumping and bopping around the whole time. I think the older wolves were quite amused by the twin’s antics.


We were in Alpha Liam's office. I sat on a love seat with Callum and Aiden on either side of me. Liam sat in the hair at his desk and the other 3 men stood behind him.

"Why are we here? I didn't mean to come on your territory. Please let us leave."

"Where would you go? You have the option of staying here with me, your mate, yet you still want to leave. Why?"

"I think it will be safer for us all if we leave. Trust me. Plus, I don't want a mate right now. Everything is very complicated and I think it would just make things worse having a mate now."

"Can we please speak alone?"


The three older men whose names I had learned were Kyle and Matt and Shane being the older twins, walked out of the room taking Callum and Aiden with them.

I looked around, the office was big probably the size of an average bedroom. There was a big desk in the center with huge windows that went from the ceiling to the floor behind it. There were two couches, a regular sofa and the love seat I was sitting on. He also had bookshelves lining one wall and a fire place on the other.

Liam came and knelt in front of me, grabbing my small hands in his big ones.

"Please don't leave. You have no idea how long I've waited to meet my mate. My one true love. You’re the only one who can make me feel complete," he said looking up at me with sad, pleading eyes, "You can’t leave me. We were made for each other."

"I don’t know...I have the twins to think about."

His eyes flashed. "I will treat them like my own. You have nothing to worry about. Stay here with me, Devin. Please? I promise I will never hurt you."

"Umm...Okay, I’ll stay. But we are taking things slow. I don’t want to jump in to anything."


We ran for about 20 minutes before there was an opening in the trees ahead of us. When we walked through there was a woman holding clothes for all for us. I walked forward and grabbed the clothes for the twins and myself before padding back to the trees to shift.

"Okay boys, to shift back you need to think of your human self. Make a picture in your mind... You’re going to feel kind of tingly all over, when you do you know its working."

"Kay, mama."

After we shifted I handed the twins their clothes which consisted of just a pair shorts each. They had given me a tank top and some sweats. We walked back into the big backyard. The leader of the wolves who found us was standing there with two other men who I assumed were part of the small group we came here with.

"Our Alpha had some business to handle. He will be here shortly," he said to me.

"Okay," I took a deep breath and only then realized that there was vampire scents mixed in with the werewolf scents, "umm it’s not really my place to ask but the vampire sce-"

"Oh yes! We also have vampires that live with us. It’s kind of like a pack/coven mixed."

"I understand, I once knew someone from a pack/ coven like this," I said with a smile.

After that it was silent, I looked around the huge backyard. It was beautiful; there were flowers all over the place and a big garden of to the left side of the mansion like house. It looked like there was a lot of fruits and vegetables growing there. Everything was so lush and green. It was so refreshing to see things actually being taken care of. At Liam’s pack house pretty much everyone was lazy and never did anything for themselves. Half of the pack couldn't even shift because they were so out of shape. Which reminds me of the twin’s early shift. I have never heard of a child shifter being able to shift at such an early age. It just wasn’t normal but then again neither were the twins.

I was brought out of my little mind babble by the twins yelling out an all too familiar name. I quickly turned, his name tumbling from my lips as I did so.


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