Survivng Your Love Chapter 7

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I haven’t uploaded in a while so here you go!

Hopefully uploads will be regularly now!

Happy reading, ENJOY!!!!

Let me know what you think!!


Chapter 7

As we made our way back downstairs and to the back yard, I asked Xavier how it worked having both vampires and werewolves in the same pack.

"Well it helps that I am a vampire that can turn into a werewolf but at first it was just vampires because when we all split up I continued on my own for a while until I stumbled across a coven with no leader. Apparently the group I happened to come across were survivors of an attack from another coven. I told them that I wanted a coven/pack where shifters and vamps could live together in peace as equals."

"Wow, do they know you can shift into a wolf?"

"Yeah, I told them and it actually comes in handy because I can see things equally from both points of view. At first they were all shocked and certainly had a butt load of questions from me and I answered some but I really didn't want to talk about it and thankfully they understood that. I hate talking about what happened at that place, it makes me sick."

I could see talking about it really made him upset. I reached my hand up, my palm cupping his cheek and looked at him with a small smile in my face.

"Believe me, I know. Let’s not talk about it, kay?"

"Your right, anyways they accepted me and I became king of the coven."

"That explains the vampire part but how did werewolves come into the mix?" I asked him while sitting on the porch he had led me to when we had come outside.

"I knew some lone wolves that I had run into over the years that didn't like how a regular pack worked. You know like the whole omega thing? They wanted a change and that's what I was offering. Obviously this wasn't going to be like a normal pack and wouldn't work the same way because we had to accommodate for both wolves and vampires. So I invited them to come here and see if they liked how it worked, some brought family, friends and those with mates brought them too. It just grew from there and now vampires and werewolves alike come here for a change."

"Wow, that's amazing how you've done all of that for them. It's crazy to see vampires and wolves getting along after always being taught that they are sworn enemies. Here everyone acts so warmly towards each other it's refreshing."

"I agree. Everyone is equal here and knows how to defend themselves whether they were previously omegas or not. In most packs omegas don't learn how to defend themselves and are just used for cooking, cleaning and other chores that are done for the pack that people could do for themselves. Some previous omegas are my best pack warriors."

"That is really great how you've done that for them."

"Thank you," he said looking at me with a shy smile on his face. I answered with one of my own.

"Come on, let’s go talk to the twins," he said standing up and leading us towards the playground.

Aiden saw me first and as soon as he did, he yelled "mommy!" while running towards me with Callum quickly following suit.

"When did they start calling you mommy, if you don't mind me asking," Xavier said watching as the twins made their way towards us.

"A few months ago they asked me if they could call me mommy and I couldn't say no. I treated them like my own anyways so it just felt right and I promised Della I would protect them."

"I understand. They sure are amazing little guys, that's for sure."

I laughed while saying, "They sure are."


"Hi boys! Are you having fun?" I asked gathering Aiden in my arms and settling him on my hip.

"Yes mommy. It so much fun! We gots to play on all da toys," Callum said.

"That's great baby," I say ruffling his soft dirty blonde hair.

"Hey guys how about we go for some ice cream?" Xavier asked while looking at me. I knew that would be a good time to talk with the twins about staying here. I already had a pretty good idea what the answer was going to be I thought, smiling to myself.

"Yeah! We wuv ice cweam," they shouted together.

"Okay, let’s go!"

. . .

Once we got in the little local ice cream shop in town. We ordered before sitting down. The shop was cute and had light yellow walls with white booths and tables. At each table they had sprinkle shakers and squeeze bottles of chocolate, caramel and strawberry syrup. It was too cute.

"What would you like boys?" Xavier asked them.

I smiled; he was in for it now.

"We want half banilla, half moose twacks twiple fudge brownie wif cawamel and hot fudge and on da top we want spwinkles, gummy bears, chocky chips, nuts, cwrushed oweos in a chocowate waffle bowl," Callum answered for the both of them.

"Wow...Um, did you get all that?" he asked the equally shocked employee behind the white counter.

She nodded and got to work making the twins ice creams. Xavier turned to me with and incredulous look on his face.

"Are they really gonna be able to eat all that?"

"They always do," I said with a giggle.

"Jesus do they have iron stomachs or what?"

"All I'm going to say is that they eat everything."

The girl behind the counter handed the boys their ice cream then turned to Xavier and me, asking what we wanted.

"I’ll have strawberry ice cream in a waffle cone."

She turned to Xavier who looked at me with a smile the asked for the same.

Xavier said he'd grab our ice cream when they were done so I led the twins over to a booth in front of a big window facing the entrance to the store.

"Dis is yummy, mommy," Callum said while munching on his ice cream. Aiden nodded his head vigorously in agreement.

"I bet it is honey," I replied as Xavier sat down next to Aiden and across from me.

Taking my ice cream I looked back and forth between the twins before opening my mouth to speak but Aiden beat me to it.

"Mommy?" he asked looking at me with his adorable puppy dog eyes and pouty face.

"Yes, baby?" I said while trying to look away. I managed for a split second and noticed Xavier had been sucked in just as much as I had.

"Can we stay here? We wike Zavy, he's nice to us and we made fwiends. Pwease mama, we don't wanna go utter places mommy," Aiden said in a hopeful voice.

"Yeah me either," Callum chimed in.

"Well that's what I wanted to talk to you guys about. Xavier and I can help you control your powers so if something bad ever happens you guys can protect yourselves if I'm not there. It will also help if you get angry and accidently hurt someone. Alright, guys?" I replied looking between the two of them.

"So we get to stay wif zavy?" they asked excitedly.

"Yes boys," I said giggling.


By that time we had finished our ice cream and were getting up to leave. I turned quickly and bumped into someone almost knocking the both of us over

"I'm so sor-"









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