Surviving Your Love Chapter 8

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Hope you guys like this!

Sorry it’s kind of short!

Who do you think it’s going to be???


Chapter 8


"Nicky please don't leave me! Don't go please," my fourteen year old self cried helplessly.

"I have to go D. Please understand," said my eighteen year old brother Nick in a soothing voice trying to calm my hysterical babble.

"No! Nick you're the only one who cares. You always ask how my day was and make me hot chocolate when it’s cold and take me to get pizza. What am I going to do! Please don't leave me! You can take me with you!"

"I can't Devin. I have to go. You know how dad feels about my mate being from a different pack. Please understand."

I could feel my heart breaking. Nick was my best friend and he was always there for me after our mom died. When I would wake up screaming because of the horrid nightmares I had, he was there holding me and telling me everything was going to be okay because he would always be there for me when something bad happened. He said he would protect me and never leave me because we would always have each other. But he lied.


"I have to go, Devin. You'll be fine, I promise."

He didn't know how wrong he was. I watched as the only person left in my life that actually cared, or so I thought, left and never once looked back.

Later when my father got home from another alcohol induced escapade, he asked me where my brother was, seeing as I was sitting by myself at the kitchen table.

I shrugged and simply replied he left and he's not coming back.

"What do you mean he left?!?!" dad shouted furiously, stalking towards me. For being drunk he sure had good balance. The look in his eyes was starting to scare me along with the expression on his face. I sank further in my seat trying to anticipate his next move.

"You did something, didn't you?" he sneered at me. "What did you do?! It had to be something, he wouldn't just leave. It's your fault! It's always your fault. You ungrateful brat! Your mother is dead and now your brother is gone. Whose fault is that?! YOURS!!!"

By this time he had grabbed me roughly by the hair, dragging me out of my chair and throwing me to the ground like I weighed nothing.

"No daddy, it’s not my fault. “I’m sorry, I'll be good I prom-"

"SHUT UP!" he yelled while kicking my stomach but that wasn't enough to satisfy his anger. I never knew a parent could be so cruel to their child. When he was done with me I could hardly move from my fatal position on the kitchen floor. My left eye was swollen shut with my right quickly following suit. My right arm was at an unhealthy angle and my whole body was battered and bruised from the beating I had just endured.

"I hope you're happy. This is your fault."

With that he walked away, slamming the front door as he went.

I laid there thinking curled up on the floor. Why couldn't Nick just stay? Why would he leave me with our drunken unstable dad?

I don't know why Nick would leave with me with him but I don't think I could ever forgive him for leaving me to endure the endless torture our father inflicted upon me in the years to come.

If he would have just stayed things would have been so much different.


Looking up at my brother, I could see he was shocked to see me. He looked great exactly like the happy-go-lucky Nick I used to know.

He stepped forward grabbing me into a hug that had me stiffening instantly.


"Wha...? But D aren't you happy to see me? It’s almost been 8 years!"

"No," I said curtly turning back to Xavier and the boys. Xavier looked a little shocked and opened his mouth to speak but I shook my head quickly. "Callum, Aiden come on lets go."

"Kay, mommy."


I guess Nick was still here. Xavier started to follow the twins towards the door when Nick turned towards him.

"You got my baby sister pregnant?! I'll kill you," he said angrily, moving to take a swing at Xavier but I quickly intervened grabbing his wrist.

'You have no right," I hissed. "I can do whatever I want, with whomever I want. You lost the right to call me your sister when you left me take on our father's wrath. You will not be a part of my life or my families because my family needs people that they can depend on and that's certainly NOT you."

"But..? Devin you can’t be...Don't say things like that. I'm your brother, I'm your family."

"No," I said coldly, taking Xavier's hand and starting to lead him to where the twins were waiting impatiently. "You’re not."

Stopping in front of the boys, I bent down and picked Aiden up, settling him on my hip. Turning around I looked at Xavier then glanced down at Callum. He got the hint bending down to pick him up before following me outside to the black heavy duty truck.

"Mommy, I’m tired," Callum said while Xavier was buckling him in. "I know baby," I replied back, "You can sleep on the way back to Xavier's."

I was quietly fuming on the car ride to Xavier’s. The twins had fallen asleep within ten minutes of leaving the ice cream shop.

How could Nick just act like everything was okay? Sure he didn't know what my father did to me but he knew our dad wasn't the nicest guy when he was drunk or mad. Far from it. I just can't help but think about how things would be if he had just stayed...

"Hey, you okay? Do you wanna talk about it?" Xavier asked looking at me from his spot in the driver's seat.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just...Its...I don't know what to think right now," I said while trying to sort out all the emotions I was feeling.

"So that was your brother?" he asked after a while.

"Yeah.... I don't think...I'm not ready to talk about it right now."

"It’s cool, you can talk when you're ready," he said taking my hand of my lap and holding it. I smiled and he smiled back at me in return.

I never talked about my family with anyone. After Nick left when I met new people and they asked if I had any siblings I told them I was an only child. To me, that's what I was. An only child.


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Thanks for reading!

Again sorry it’s short!

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