Chapter One

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Hi all - this is my first story on Wattpad; recently I was writing under, under the same pen name, but only for one anime series - it was very restricted, especially concerning characters, so I came here, especially after being persisted by friends. Go ahead and check out my account on fanfiction if you want, but you might find duplicates of the stories, albeit slightly different and with different characters. Thanks, ya :)

Chapter One

His name was Lennox. Yup. Not the most common name, but there you have it. I liked it. I guess that was the first thing that attracted me to him. We met when I was in...what, Year One? I was six. He was six. He was tall, I wasn't. I was smarter, he wasn't - the truth hurts, suck it up - and we fought. A lot. From why he was so irritating to why I was so...well, boyish.

Who knew, that two enemies would later on become best friends?

Yeah. That really is what happened - the most...cliche bullshit, ever, was my primary school life story. Thinking back on it, the first thoughts in my head would be, "What the shit was wrong with me?"

We still fought - I chased him, hit him; he bullied and taunted and ran away from me when I got irritated with an "oh, shit!" He was still taller, I was...a lot shorter, enough said. I was still smarter, he was...less. But without fail, we had each other's backs, no matter what the circumstances.

So was it really a surprise, that after six years of being such close friends, my heart started beating faster around him? Or that I went to talk to him the minute he came to school? Or maybe that I sat with him and the guys' group every recess and lunch?

Hmm. Well, no. No, it wasn't. But it was, without a doubt, irritating.

I was 12, he was 12. My love life was tainted with two boyfriends already, something I wasn't particularly proud of, but couldn't go back to change. My feelings were developing, his weren't, it was as simple as that. So I did the only thing I could - ignore those irritating, distracting emotions to concentrate on exams, and, more importantly, keep a six year long best-friendship alive and active.

He wasn't always on Facebook. It sucked for me, but I saw him every day at school already anyway. So when he messaged me on FB one day, the first emotion  that registered was surprise.

Lennox: Hey :)

Adrianne: Umm. Hey?

Lennox: Surprised to see me? ;)

Adrianne: How 'bout no? :)

Lennox: Sucks for you then. Not surprised at all?

Adrianne: I see your stupid face at school every single day, why would I be?

Lennox: Cuz I got Internet now.

OHHH...Right, that makes so much more sense now.

It became a thing to chat on Facebook every day, and he would always - and I mean, always - start the conversation first. It gave me a hope I did not want at all, that maybe, just maybe, Lennox just found his first ever crush.

Before I get back to my fantasizing, let me explain something here. Lennox does not have feelings. No...okay, he does, but not those feelings, those feelings for girls that made it more than best friends, those feelings that were driving me crazy, those feelings. Never. Lennox just does not do that.

Which would explain just why my fantasizing and rising hopes were just...useless. As were those feelings, because there was no way in hell he'd be able to return them, so really, what's the point?

That question - what's the point - has  no answer. The feelings didn't go away, no matter how hard I tried. If anything, they grew stronger. Stupid hormones. Stupid puberty. Fuck you, honestly, as if life itself isn't miserable enough without you making my teen years any worse.

Because Lennox was not a particularly good looking guy. I wouldn't classify him as charming, or remotely cute even, so you understand my confusion of actually falling for him. I think his saving grace was his dry sense of humour and priorities, maybe. Just maybe.

I didn't like these feelings, not for my best friend of all things. I couldn't stop thinking off him either. But he began to change around me, friendlier, more caring, more concerned, throwing in more effort to make me laugh, things that make any girl think that maybe he has feelings for you...yeah, you name it, he did it and I found myself getting deeper and deeper, and him making it seem like he was too.

And as much as I didn't like it, I was falling head over heels for Lennox Fields, my own best friend, my own companion and partner in crime faster by the second. And all for the reason of uncontrollable feelings and his stupid, stupid, stupid actions that put only one thought in my head:

"Adrianne Reed, I can't get you off my mind either."

And sweetie, when you imagine your best friend telling you that, it seems wrong, and yet...and yet just so hopeful.

Oh, Lennox Fields. Damn you for making me feel like this. If you feel the same hurry up and tell me before I change my mind. Because I need you to say that...and I don't really want to change my mind anyway.

Damn you.

Okay, first chapter done. So heads up, my updates will be coming in by three days, tops. I know this first chapter was simple, but I promise you, it gets better. Thanks :)

Special thanks especially to L.A., Z, M and Al, my girlfriends, who're all on Wattpad as well, and to Z - there, I've started on Wattpad :) Love y'all, and thanks.

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