Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Oh, the guilt I felt.

But I learned the hard way that nothing, nothing came from crying and wallowing in tempting self-pity. It'll get you nowhere and you'll become even more miserable than you already are. And that's not a good thing.

So I moved on. It took some time, but I got there. How? Glad you asked.

Aaron had a sixteen-year-old brother, who went by the name of Derek. He was an idiot. A smart idiot, if that made sense at all. One of his best friends was someone called Peter. He was nice, kinda like the shy, geeky guys. He had a bad case of acne (or maybe it was just pimples that never cleared up) and I began to wonder what it was with me about guys with faces scattered with bright red spots. They weren't dimples, they were pimples.


Anyway, he followed us back in the car once because he was Derek's neighbour, and well...we struck up a conversation. He was the goofy kind of cute, and we got along well. Long story short, I added him on Facebook, got his number and stuck to the Three Day rule, started texting and ending up crushing on him.

Not crushing him, crushing on him.

I didn't realize until I found out from Shaun - who was close with all the seniors - that he had a girlfriend. I don't know why I felt so hurt; was it really a surprise? But yeah, when I found out, I felt a bit hurt and very disappointed. No, I didn't expect him to like me back, and to be honest, I didn't want to be in a relationship with him.

Truth be told...I latched on to him quickly to get over Lennox. I just needed someone there for me, and well, he was.

I asked him about it, and he readily said yes, and that he was happy with her. I didn't hurt, just disappointed. There wasn't longing, sadness, pain, regret, guilt...there was nothing. So I was crushing on him, not in love with him.

Good. I wasn't ready for that so soon.

Of course, there were some rumours flying around that he had a thing for me as well, because we texted so much, and we were on a 'hi and bye' basis at school, but I didn't believe them.

Eventually of course, I confessed, and I asked him not to hate me for it. He took it well, and if anything, we got closer. Hell, he even started talking to me about his girlfriend, what problems they was facing, and yes, I was his number one confidant. So take that, Irony.

And even though I kept Lennox somewhere special, even without any leftover feelings, and my crush was dating someone else, I was honestly, content; I figured I'd get through the rest of the school year without any unnecessary drama, especially in the love department.

Oh, there are no words to describe how wrong I was.

The first time I saw Dominic Wood was when I was on the top floor outside the auditorium with Mel, looking down and chatting about different things while killing time for the bell. I looked down to see Shaun talking to one of the most...err...outgoing, let's say, seniors, and the person I later came to know as Dom.

He looked like he was from mixed parentage, with black hair styled like one of the K-pop boy bands, dark eyes that seemed to shine somewhat sadly, a spatter of pimples across the bridge of his nose, and a very built body. Word had it he was one the few seniors with a visible six pack. And who wouldn't find that hot, honestly. From what I knew, he was an athlete badminton player on the school team and an art student.

He looked up at me as I was gazing down, and while I kept my face impassive, and the contact only lasted a second, he struck me as secretive and mysterious.

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