Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty One

When people say a second, or less than that, they usually mean two seconds at the most; when I say less than a second, I mean less than a second.

His lips touched mine in one fleeting moment of adrenaline rush then moved away. Even in the shadows, it was obvious he was blushing, almost like he couldn't believe what he just did.

I, on the other hand, was a mess of surprise and irritation. Surprise would be unneccessary to explain, but the fact that I just had my first kiss stolen from me in one moment of adrenaline and hormones when I wasn't ready...damn it.

Unsure of what to say and too shy to even begin to think of a response, I chuckled nervously and buried my face into his shoulder to hide my flaming cheeks. Oh, God...

"First kiss?" he asked softly.

"Mmhmm..." I murmured shyly, nodding into the crook of his neck and relishing the warmth it gave. "Yeah."

He chuckled lightly, and took my free hand in his, intertwining our fingers. "Mine too."

I got up to stare at him incredulously. "Seriously?"

He blinked in surprise. "Umm, yeah," he said slowly. "Why?"

I cocked my head from side to side and shrugged. "I don't know, just...just thought you might have given it away already."

Our hands still locked together, he yanked me back to him forcefully, and wrapped his hand around my waist. "Waiting for the right one," he murmured nonchalantly, lightly brushing the tip of his nose against mine.

I swear, the darkness hid my red cheeks so well, it was incredible. I didn't even know what to say to that. Seriously? Was he freaking serious? We just met, how could I be the right one? What sucked was that I didn't think he was the one for me, but...I let that thought go when he pressed his lips to mine again, and I gave in.

I was ridiculously happy after that day for an unexplained reason. It was also funny that when I told Mel about it, her reaction was, "OHMYGOD, ADRIANNE, YOU COULD GET PREGNANT, YOU STUPID BITCH!!!"

So on Canteen Day I was more than happy to spend some time with him. As I waited outside my classroom near the railings in my black class tshirt, loose slacks and black Converse, I was thinking about all the things we could do today. Even with teachers beginning to stick their nosy heads in, I planned to have fun with my boyfriend today.

That stupid kissing sound only guys can do echoed down the empty corridor, bouncing off the walls, making me turn immediately in its direction. Dom stood down the corridor just at the back staircase, smartly - and maybe overly - dressed in black jeans, a black shirt and a slim white tie, with his hands shoved down his pockets. His lips were upturned in a stupid little smirk that knew I thought he was looking hot.

Blushing as I turned to face him, he nudged his head in the direction of the dim lighting that was the back staircase, and I smiled. I looked around before walking towards him, awkwardly aware he was watching my every step and feeling so underdressed.

When I got to the smug little thing that was my one-month old boyfriend, his smirk became even more infuriating as he hooked an arm around my hips and walked me to the top of the stairs, where he pulled me onto his lap with a smug little grin, where he planted his lips on mine before I could say anything.

I relished the near perfect meld of our lips, but before I could enjoy it fully, he pulled back. "When's your shift?" he asked.

I frowned as I tried to recall after that two seconds of excitement. "10 and 1," I said slowly, counting on my fingers. "But I gotta be there early to help set up, then I'm free. You?"

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