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Here I am in my bed sheets cuddled up with my pillow as I watch multiple movies on my laptop. Yep this how a sixteen year old girl spends her Saturday nights, well not really it's usually spent with my two closest friends and we have a movie night. The only reason I'm sharing this movie night alone is because my friends surely have poor planning and timing. My friend's Marissa McAlester and Logan Duncan have been the only two other I can trust after my parents and him. I meet Marissa in grade school, in second grade I had fallen of the monkey bars and scrapped my knee also a possibly sprained ankle, but Marissa saw I was injured and took me to the nurse even though we were complete strangers. I knew I could trust her since, Logan on the hand was a complete different story. Logan and I went to the same grade school but weren't really acquainted until one day at the park he started picking on me and throw sand in my hair. I soon forgave him but he didn't fully earn my trust until the summer after second grade when he, Marissa and I got lost in the woods. We tried every path and still ended up in circles we were close to giving up hope when a ruffling noise came behind a bush and I almost shit my pants, but Logan calmed us down and told us to stay behind so if was a bear he be attacked first and not us. Ever since that day I gained a weight load of respect for Logan even though it turned out to be bunny rabbit instead of a bear it took guts to risk your life for your friends.

Knock knock

The sudden memory interrupted by my mom coming in my room and sat at the edge of my bed. I pause the movie and sit up to see what bad news she has since she has the sincere 'I'm sorry sweetie but I have bad news' face. "Oh no what bad news do you have now?" I say facing towards her.

"It could be good depending how you look at it," she smiles. "Please enlighten me," I laugh seeing how whatever news she's telling me is going to be good.

"Well your dad and I are going on a couple vacation for 2 weeks and we have asked Michael to take care of you while we are gone also we leave tomorrow," mom says with a genuine smile. The sound of his name made my heart skip a beat, old memories of when I was just a child come rushing, penetrating my mind. I haven't talked or seen him for at least a year when Melissa died. I still lived with the guilt for not coming to repay my respects or even coming to check if he was alright. Really Lily you couldn't check if he was alright his fiancé and unborn child just died. My conscience has scolded me since that day.

"Unless you have friends that let you stay with them that's what Max's doing." She continued breaking me from my thoughts.

"Oh I don't think I can stay with them on such short notice." I say wishing that Marissa wasn't at a gymnastics competition but then her and her little sister fight more than me and Max. Then there's Logan but he has one older brother and twin younger brothers who are extremely annoying with their antics. Plus I wouldn't want to stay with 4 boys I can barely live with one.

"Okay it's settled I will tell him that you be there at noon because our flight is at 1: 30, so begin packing now because you can't come back here until we return." With that she smiles and leaves me to my packing and jumbled thoughts.

I wonder if Michael is mad, upset even because I didn't come to the funeral and haven't spoken to him since then. I remember that day it was cloudy day for April my mom and dad getting dressed in all black for the funeral. I like the color black but not when it represents loss, I just stare at the black spaghetti strap dress and black flats hoping that they changed to a color that means life.
I stare some more and realize I can't go the thought of death made me numb. It wouldn't matter if I made my respects from home right? I didn't know Melissa that well but one thing I did know is that she loved him I could even see part of him in her when she expressed her dreams and goals. Maybe I should go for him it's what he needs. Right?

"Sweetie we have to get going get dressed," my dad says at the door way.

"Dad I don't think I can go," a tear feel down my cheek only then did I realize I was crying.

"Oh okay Michael would like you their but if you're too choked I won't force just at least talk to him some during the week." I nod as he leaves and I hear the front door shut followed with the car engine followed by silence. That day I made the one mistake I wish I could take back.


"Alright princess here we are remember to call us every day and behave," dad says before hugging me and handing my luggage to me. "I will, love you guys" I say hugging my mom next. "I love you too," they say simultaneously.

"Also Michael said he won't be home until later because something came up at work but he left a key under the cat statue for you," I nod and start walking towards the door but stop when I hear my dads last words. "Also don't leave or mess up his house while he's gone," he yells.

"I won't, have a nice flight," I yelled before unlocking the door and walking inside to the living room which has changed slightly. I soon noticed all of Melissa things have been removed leaving too much space now. I walk around the house to the lower bedrooms but each one is locked even the basement I wonder why. His house is still huge as ever but also emptier than it usually is. My stomach begins to growl so I head towards the kitchen to see what to snack on. I grabbed a banana and unpeeled it when I noticed a note on the fridge.

I have to work late their is some left over pizza from last night if you get hungry and you room is upstairs right across from mine ~ Michael.

I finish the banana and throw the peel and note in the trash and make my way upstairs. I couldn't remember which room is his so I open the room on the left side of the hall way and see the walls painted a navy color with a collection of guitars on one of the walls. By the decor and boxers on the floor I can tell this is Michael's room so I close the door and walk towards the other room across the hall. When I open the door all I see is PINK from the fuzzy pillows to the bright pink walls. This can't be the room right? Why is everything pink I don't hate the color but I like variety and this isn't variety.

Maybe it was for the baby I heard Melissa talking to my mom about the baby being a girl once. He didn't have the heart to change the room the only thing that was probably change was the beds. I guess I will live with it for the time being my brains pooped from lack of sleep. I change and soon I'm out like a light.


I jumped up startled by the loud noise down stairs I rush out the door to see if Michael was room. Then noticed I'm not really presentable so I walk back towards my room before I'm make it I'm being pushed against the closest wall.

"Baby girl it's been awhile," he says making the air being suck out of me. "I waited that day for you to come, to have some hope for a while but I never got my saving angel," he says with pain in his eyes.

"I'm sorry," is all I could say but there was so much I wanted to say in this moment.

"I know baby girl but don't worry I know how you can repay me I've waited long enough and now I know what I want." I feel my knees get weak as he sucks the skin below my jaw.

"What d-do you want-t," I stutter as he continues the pleasurable acts on my neck.

"You." He whispers.

With that he walks away and returns to his room leaving me confused and breathless.

~ so here the rewrite for this chapter it might be better than the first one I tried to remember what happens in the 9 parts I had written I mainly remember the important things hopefully my smut doesn't stink when I get to that I will update the rest later since my power was out for 4 hours and I need to charge my phone and laptop brb.

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