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*not edited

"Lily this has been one best two weeks of my life," Marissa says as we enter a coffee shop.

"Yeah It has, I can't believe y'all are leaving me tonight." I'm going to miss them I won't see them again until the holidays. We just watched a movie about a guy coming out to he's friends and family and I found it really touching. Now we're just grabbing a bit at this coffee shop before we head back to my grandparents house and they pack up to leave.

"So have you thought of where you might work after we leave?" Logan asked.

"No, I need to find a job soon." I need to get a job before I head over to NYU. After we got our coffee we reminisce about our childhood and high school memories. I'm going to really miss them, I don't think I've been away from them for longer than a week since 4th year when I had to go on a family vacation.

As I grab my purse and about to leave a tip for the waitress I noticed a help wanted sign at the register. I place my tip down and ask the young man at the front for an application. A coffee shop wouldn't be a horrible place to work.

Once Marissa and Logan were packed I drove them to the airport myself so I can give them a proper goodbye. They're gate was right in front of us so I took now is the time.

"Marissa, Logan, I couldn't ask for better friends. We've been through everything together, when I was at my lowest after Michael and I break up you two were there to pick up the pieces. I hope that we can still be that close even miles away. Promise me that we will call at least once a week to check up on each other and if anything serious is going on."

"We promise," they both say and we all hug each other with tears leaving our eyes. "I'm going to fucking miss you guys," I say wiping my tears and letting them go to security check.

I drive back to my grandparents and fill out the application for the coffee shop.


Two months pass and I'm slightly nervous about going to college next week. The job at the coffee shop has been okay my tips have been exceptional the last few weeks. I have enough money to buy all my textbooks so I won't need to get out a student loan. I'm moving in my dorm in four days I wonder what my roommates going to be like. Is she going to artistic like me? Will she have any of the same interest as me? Will the dorm be big enough to practice a few moves when I'm too busy to go to the studio. Multiple questions circle around in my head each one driving me more crazy than the last. I clock out in the back room and start to head home but first I wanted to take a detour. My feet lead me outside the NYU dance studio the lights were still on so I see if the door was unlocked. Luckily it was so I walked in and I felt like I was in heaven. I take off my busted up sneakers and I start dancing out all the negative thoughts about this new beginning of my life. I dance and dance until all my worries drift away. I take a deep breathe in and out and tell myself everything will be okay.

I go home and finally have a stress free nights sleep. When it was time to leave for NYU my grandparents helped me take all my belongings to my dorm. Of course my grandma was filming the whole thing so my parents wouldn't feel left out on my first college experience.

"Thanks for all the help, but I think it's time for me to finally be alone." I tell them.

"Okay sweetie I hope you enjoy every minute of this and call us if you need anything," my grandma says.

"Of course, I love you," I hug them goodbye. Once I fixed my side of the room how I liked i assumed my room mate came in with a guy. So she'll be bringing guys over I see.

"Hey I'm Amber and that's my brother Sean," I smile actually happy knowing he's just her brother I was worried on walking in on something that I wouldn't like to see.

"I'm Lily," I wave to them.

"I'm going to grab one more thing can you start unpacking Sean?" He nods while she leaves the room.

"So what are you majoring in?" He starts small talk.


"Cool I'm more of math guy but I was in a band in high school," I nod.

"Do you go here too?" I asked.

"Oh no I'm a junior at Princeton, majoring in economics, probably boring to you."

"Oh no that's pretty cool," I lie.

"Please you're lying, you're a terrible liar." I couldn't help but laugh.

"It's okay my sister thinks it's lame too, she's into theater. I think you two will hit it off here."

"Good considering my best friends live in Australia."

"You're from Australia?"

"Well my mom's from New York and I lived here until I was four then she finally married my dad and he's Australian."

"Okay that makes sense I just didn't hear an accent."

"It would make me sound so much cooler right."

"Well, yeah but you're pretty cool right now."

"I try," I joke flipping my hair. "I know this might sound weird because we just met, but would you like to grab something to eat some time."

"Like a date?"

"Yes, a date."

"Well I'm free now and really hungry if you want to join me." I smile hoping he says yes.

"I'll be delighted." I grab my purse and we head out. Sean texts his sister that he'll see her later and I would be surprised if she doesn't like me after going on a date with her brother. Sean is really charming with his hazelnut eyes and dimpled smile it be hard to say no to him. We actually have a lot in common and we talk for hours. It was almost dark when we got back.

"Here's my number text me if you want to do this again," he winks and I smile as he types his number into my phone.

"Hey did you see where my brother went he said he was going to get something to eat but that was 4 hours ago," amber says annoyed.

"I saw him by the fountain not too long ago." She sighs in relief as she leaves the room in search for him. I have feeling I'm going to love it here.


There's one more chapter left I'll have it up either later today or tomorrow morning. I'm surely going to miss writing this book.

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