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A/N: (about the picture above) I started writing this before he tweeted it but it seems to fit perfectly with this chapter so I'll post it with it.

*not edited

Today is my 17th birthday and I'm pretty excited because the closer I get to 18 the better. I didn't want anything too crazy just a nice small get together with friends, my parents had to go my grandparents in America because grandma is sick in the hospital we are praying she fine. Michael is supposed to watch my little brother while I have my friends over. Max will be fine at Michael's he loves him and they'll probably play video games all night. The door bell interrupts of my thoughts. Marissa and Logan stand at the door with presents and excited smiles.

"Happy birthday bitch!" Both yell as they walk in. I just laugh and hug them.

"Thanks guys," I place the gifts on the table and get the food from the kitchen. After an hour the 15 people invited were here and we played some party games, ate tons of food and danced like maniacs. By nine I heard my doorbell again, who could that be? I'm stopped by Marissa when I'm about to open the door.

"Before you get mad invite a few people,"
I just look at her then open the door to fine the Irwin twins.

"Happy birthday Lily," they say in unison and kiss my cheek before coming in.

"Is that all invited because that's fine," I directed my attention to Marissa. "They are a few more people." I nodded hoping it doesn't end up being fifty more people. I get back to the party and enjoy myself.


It's now ten thirty and this party way out of my control. Marissa and Logan apparently invited like 100 more people to my party without my permission, a senior brought a kegs so now everyone is piss drunk grinding on each other. This is not the party I wanted, I'm going to be so grounded.

"Marissa this party is getting too crazy, why you invite these people," I whine.

"I'm sorry I didn't think it would get out of hand." I'm really questioning our friendship right now. "I promise Logan and I will help clean up, that's if Logan can if walk and puts a shirt on," she adds the last part when we see Logan stumbles on his feet to the kitchen shirtless. We burst out laughing when finally falls over. Our laugh was stopped when my house phone started ringing, I saw my dad's number on the caller ID.

"Marissa make everyone quiet quick," she turns off the music and gets everyone's attention. "Everyone shut up for five minutes my parents are calling so if y'all don't want to leave yet be quiet," I say quickly then answer the phone.

"Hello," I say.

"Lily you took so long I figured you were asleep, anyways did you enjoy your get together I assume everyone is gone now." If only that was true.

"Yes everyone is gone, how is grandma." I said changing the subject. "She will be just fine. Well I let you go, but in the morning go to Michael's house because we left our present for you their." I agree and hang the phone up. The music is turned back on and everyone goes back to what they were doing.

By one a clock I kicked people out because they didn't seem to know when to leave. We spent the next 3 hours cleaning, good thing no one could get into my parents room, Max's room, and my room because they probably wreck it tens times worse than the living room. After the house was spotless, Marissa slept with me in my room and Logan slept in Max's room.

During the afternoon Logan and Marissa drop me off at Michael's so I can get max and my present. "Hey Michael where's max?" I asked as I walked in.

"I drop him off at a friends house this morning, he said he be there until six so just pick him up." Well easy said than done.

"I can't pick him up I don't have a car."

"Right, well your present from your parents is in the garage." Why the garage? I rush to Michael's garage to see two cars one his another that's brand new.

"Wait is that my present," I say grinning like an idiot.

"Yes it is, your parents said since you have your permit they'll let you have the car now, but you have adult with you in the car when you use it." I nod just wanting the keys.

"That's fine I'll probably be driving with you most of the time anyways." I the keys and put them in my new red Prius. I don't know nothing about cars but this one seems to work in perfect conditions.

"Come test it out with me," I say to Michael. He joins me in the car and we take a drive around the block a few times and decided to go to McDonald's afterwards. "I can't believe they got me a car, I wish could drive it on my own right now but the laws here are different than in America." I speak my mind.

"Speaking of which that reminds me, I have something to tell you and I don't know how you'll take it?" Okay now I'm worried.

"What is it?" I hope he's not breaking up with me.

"Your father and I record company is trying to expand and we decided to establish two, one in New York and one in Los Angeles. In a few months I'll be in New York to make sure they have everything running smoothly." I don't know what to say right now. He's leaving for awhile everything going to feel so different, what if he meets someone older than me and realise what he has with me is just trouble.

"When do you leave?"

"July and I'll probably won't be back until after your 18th birthday." That's a long time, 8 months to be exact.

"Why that long?" I can't believe this.

"Well I'll be there when they start building all the way until the first two months of business, if things go well there then I'll be back and definitely by your graduation." Well that's not too bad I guess.

"Okay but every weekend until then we'll spend time together," I smile.

"Sounds like a plan baby girl," kisses my hand. We drive back to his house where we spend the rest of the day watching comedies and making out a little. I'm going miss this and I'm certainly going to miss him. Michael makes my life so bright I couldn't ask for anyone more perfect. I'm hoping this break between won't change anything.

Here's another filler chapter. Also sorry if there's a lot of mistakes I'm too tired to even proof read it.

Michael is leaving soon, do you think they're relationship strong enough to be separated for that long.


Love ya❤️

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