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My Bestfriend's daughter
AN: I know why the story was removed because of the inappropriate gifs so this I won't have gifs that inappropriate. Still I wish wattpad gives you warning before deleting it so I could have removed them myself and didn't have to rewrite it. Okay well enjoy.


The sun is beaming down on my face as I seat on a park bench watching Lily play in the sand box. Her hair is in two curly pigtails and her smile as bright as ever. Luke asked me to watch her while him and Jamie are on their honeymoon, it's pretty ridiculous how they just got married 4 days and they have their own precious angel they can wake up to everyday. Sometimes I wish I could have what Jamie and Luke have, yes I know I have Sophie right now but I don't think it's enough. I shouldn't worry I'm only 24 I have time to figure out what I want all that matters at this moment is to take care of Lily.


Lily is the sweetest, cutest, intelligent, ambitious girl I know and she's only six. I see Lily as my own daughter if anything happens to her my heart will be broken into fragmented pieces, it stop beating, similar a broken record that won't play. I protect Lily like a mama bear protects her cub from danger. I can't, no I won't let anything or anyone hurt my precious angel.


My thoughts are interrupted by shriek, not just ordinary shriek but one that a child yells when they're punished or don't have their way. I look around to see who's child making the noise and soon realized it's Lily crying because a boy is throwing sand in her hair. I quickly rush over to comfort her and to teach this boy some manners.

"Lily what's wrong princess?" I cradle her in my arms while she sniffles leaving tears on my grey shirt. "That- boy keeps putting sand in my hair and I told him to stop but he won't," she cries a little more before wiping her tears. I take her hand and we walk over to the brat and his mother who's on her phone not even paying attention to her son.

"Hello ma'am is this your son?" I said politely gesturing towards her son. "Yes he is, why do you ask?"

"Well he keeps pouring sand in my daughters hair and she asked him to stop multiple times so I was wondering if you can talk to him about it." I say in the politest way I can.

"Logan come here!" She yells towards her son. "Yes mommy," smile like a well behaved school boy too bad it's all an act.

"Why do you keep throwing sand in this sweet girl's hair?" She says with slight disappointment. "Because my friends at school say girls only like you if you're mean to them," he explains but is clearly given horrible advice even so he can't date Lily their too young.

"Well girls don't fall for jerks they fall guys you are sweet to them and when you treat them like a princess," I but in.

"Oh well I'm sorry Lily can we still be friends," he pokes his bottom lip out.

"Okay but no more sand in my hair," she says in a serious demanding tone.

"I won't I promise," he says and walks away with his mother leaving the park.

"Thanks Bubba for helping me," she says before embracing me in a long hug.

"No problem princess that's what a knight and shining armor does helps damsels in distress." I smile picking her up and begin walking towards the park gates.

"So you're my Prince Charming right?" Lily asks when we reached a my car.

"Yes I guess you can say that," I laugh while she climbs in the back of the car and buckles up.

"I love you Bubba." I smile at her words turning the engine on and replied, "I love you too princess."

~ here's the rewrite of the prologue it might be shorter than before.

Anyway Just bare with me I have 8 more parts to rewrite.

Please vote and comment what you think of the writes because I want to know if they are better or worse. Keep in mind I won't have time to edit until later so sorry if there's grammar errors.

Thanks for reading love you guys.

My Best Friend's Daughter {Michael Clifford}Where stories live. Discover now