6. Back together.

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* 6 months later *

'' We need to go buy clothes. Oh my, this is going to be adorable.'' i said excited.

'' Alexis this is too early. Calm down.'' Hailey said.

I could feel her roll her eyes at the end of the phone.

'' But i want to help and baby clothes are adorable.''

'' Alexis come on. We need to leave.'' Denis said.

'' No wait a sec.''

'' You can talk later.'' he moaned.

'' Just a minute.'' i tried.

He tried to grab my phone but i dodged him.

'' Okay Hailey talk to you later. We need to leave to the airport.''

'' Finally.'' Denis said.

'' Okay bye.'' Hailey said as she hung up.

'' Deeenis.''

'' What? Do you want to get the guys from the airport or not?''

'' Yes i do but-''

'' Then let's go.''

We got into the car and started driving to the airport to pick James, Sam and Cameron. They were coming to see Hailey and Ben.

'' Why are you so excited about all of this?'' Denis asked.

'' Are you kidding? My bestfriend is having a baby. How could i not be?''

'' I don't know. You didn't even tell me if it's a boy or a girl.'' he raised an eyebrow.

'' Boy.''

'' Then Ben is gonna make a rocker out of him.'' he laughed.

'' He's going to know how to play guitar before he'll even know how to talk.''

'' We're here.'' Denis said parking the car.

I jumped out and started to walk through the airport as Denis was following me.

'' Walk slower. I can't keep up.'' Denis moaned.

'' When you are on stage you're going mental. Now you can't keep up with your girlfriend?'' i laughed.

'' This is not the same t-'' he started.

'' I can see them.'' i screamed.

They weren't looking in our direction so i took the oportunity to jump in James' back. I missed my stupid bestfriend.

'' Hello you.'' i said as he worked out what was happening.

'' Hi Alexis.'' he laughed.

'' Hey Alexis.'' Cameron and Sam smiled as i let James alone.

'' Hi guys.'' Denis said finally reaching us.

'' Why are you so tired Stoff?'' Cameron laughed.

'' You guys have no idea how hard it is to keep up with her.''

'' Then i should show you all. Let's go to our car.'' i laughed starting to head to the car as they tried to keep up with me.

'' Come on Alexis, go slower.'' i heard James.

'' I can keep up.'' Cameron said proudly.

'' Well we aren't all giraffes like you.'' Sam said.

I laughed and continued to walk. I missed them all.


We finally got to the car and they started fighting on who will stay in the front passenger seat.

Nobody Can Take This Away ( Sequel to ' I Always Loved You' )Where stories live. Discover now