12. Has to be perfect.

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After that i walked back stage and watched the rest of the concert. Denis was obviously more happy and the crowd was more energic.


When the concert was over the guys left the stage as the crowd cheered for a whole 5 minutes. I immediately jumped in Denis' arms and kissed him. I didn't even care he was sweaty. We kissed for a whole minute as the guys cheered.

'' I love you so much.'' Denis said when we broke off.

'' I love you too.''

'' Congratulations Stoff.'' Cameron said.

'' Thanks guys.'' he said taking my hand.

'' So that's why you got drunk last night.'' James said.

'' And that's why you fell of the stage.'' Sam continued.

'' And why you didn't came at the market.'' Ben said.

'' And why you were pacing around the room muttering stuff.'' i laughed.

'' Okay guys i got it. I was nervous. Not like Ben.''

I still remember how stupid was Ben's proposal on Hailey but it was adorable. We were all in California after a show and we were on the beach and out of nowhere Ben proposed but it was really cute. The interesting thing was that he planned it but he wasn't nervous at all. Not like Denis.

'' I would say yes a thousand times.'' i smiled.

'' Now i know love.'' he said kissing my forehead.

'' You guys go get a shower and i'll go call Hailey and my mom.''

They nodded and went to take a shower as i opened my phone. Who to call first? Hailey.

'' Hey Alexis. How was the concert?''

'' It was absolutely perfect actually.''

'' Really? What happened that made it so special?''

'' Maybe the fact that Denis proposed on me and i said yes.''

'' Oh my god Alexis! I'm so happy for you. You'll have to tell me every detail.''

'' I will don't worry. Now i need to call my mom. Talk to you later.''

After hunging up with Hailey i called my mom and she answered quickly.

'' Hi mom.'' i said excited.

'' Hi sweetheart. Did something happen?''

'' Mom, Denis proposed and i said yes. I'm so happy.''

'' Alexis i'm so happy for you. Congratulations. I can't wait to see you so you'll tell me everything.''

'' I will mom.''

'' Okay then i'll leave you with the guys.''

'' Bye mom.''

As i hung up Denis came to me changed and with wet hair.

'' Did they leave you to be the first one to take a shower?'' i laughed.

'' Yes they did.''

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist. And we just stared at eachother. I loved this man so much. I couldn't be more happier than this.

'' I promised you this. Even if you don't know.''

'' What are you talking about?'' i asked confused.

'' When you were in the coma is when i realized i can't loose you and i promised you that if everything is going to be fine i will marry you and make you mine.''

'' I love you Denis.''

'' I love you too beautiful. Since the first day.''


'' Alexis try this one.'' Hailey said pointing at a dress.

A few days after the concert me, my mom and Hailey went to buy a dress. And it had to be perfect.

'' I don't like it.''

'' But it may look good on you.'' my mom said.

'' See?'' Hailey raised an eyebrow.

'' Hey this is not your wedding, it's mine. You both had yours.''

I kept on looking through dresses as from time to time Hailey and my mom made me try one that i never liked. They were too big and looked awful on me. And i didn't wanna be a plastic wrap on my wedding.

'' What about this one?'' Hailey asked getting one.

It was so beautiful but it wasn't going to look good on me.

'' I won't ever rock a dress like this.''

'' Come on, try it. I'm sure it will look amazing.''

'' Okay i will try it.''

I got into the changing room and put the dress on. I turned around to look in the mirror and i've been shocked. It looked so good on me. It was perfect. I started smiling as it reminded me of prom. When i put on a dress Hailey picked and it looked amazing. How i was so happy to go to prom with Denis even if we weren't a couple. 10 years earlier if you would've told me i will marry Denis Stoff i would say you're crazy. But here i am. Picking my dress for my wedding with him.

I got out of the changing room to show my mom and Hailey the dress.

'' My god Alexis it looks so gorgeous on you.'' Hailey said.

'' Alexis sweetie you have to get this one. It is perfect.''

'' I know, i like it so much. Denis will love it.''

'' He will be breathless when he will see you.'' Hailey laughed as she hugged me.

'' Okay i will buy this one.''

'' You are going to have your perfect day.''

After buying the dress i got back home.


'' Did you find one?'' Denis asked wrapping my arms around me.

'' Yes i did. And i love it.''

'' Can i see it?'' he tried.

'' Fuck no Denis. It brings bad luck.''

'' But i can't wait to see you in it.''

'' I'm sorry but no cheating for you.'' i said kissing him.

'' Anyways i know you're gonna be so beautiful in it.''

'' Come on let's eat something. Finding a dress is tiring as fuck. Especially when Hailey and my mom were going crazy choosing dresses i didn't like.''

'' Okay let's go eat.'' he laughed.

Nobody Can Take This Away ( Sequel to ' I Always Loved You' )Where stories live. Discover now