9. I would do anything.

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I woke up from an awful nightmare about the car accident. I couldn't get over it. Denis was sleeping and i didn't want to wake him up but i didn't want to go back to sleep. I got up to leave in the living room.

'' Nightmares again?'' Denis asked with his eyes still closed.

'' You know about them?''

Then he opened his eyes.

'' I always try to calm you down when you're having them.''

I didn't want to tell him about them because he was going to be more worried than he already was. But he knew all along. Could i be more lucky than having him in my life?

'' Come here.'' he said opening his arms to get me in a hug.

I got back in bed in his arms and burried my face in his chest.

'' I know this is hard. We'll get over it together beautiful.'' he said kissing my forehead.

After that i fell asleep and once after all these days i didn't have a nightmare.


I woke up later and Denis wasn't next to me so i got up and walked downstairs.

'' Good morning.'' i said entering the kitchen.

'' Good morning.'' he said giving me a quick kiss.

'' What are you doing?''

'' Pancakes. They are almost done. Choose what you are decorating them with. By the way we don't have any whipped cream after that fight.'' he laughed.

'' I'm not in the mood for decorating.''

He gave me a sad look and walked to me taking me in his arms and holding me tight.

'' Everything is going to be alright. I promise.''

I nodded.

'' I'm sorry i just, i'm not myself anymore.''

'' I know it was awful. It was for all of us. I couldn't stay in this house without you. I couldn't leave for more than a few hours. Because i couldn't imagine my future without you.''

'' I'm sorry.''

'' Why are you apologizing? It was all my fault.''

That shocked me. How could he think it was his fault?

'' How could you say it was your fault?'' i said getting out of his arms.

'' I wasn't here.''

'' Denis it's not your fucking fault.''

I couldn't let him think it was his fault. That accident destroyed a part of me but i was going to be alright and i couldn't let that destroy him too.

'' Bu-''

'' But nothing. It wasn't your fault.'' i said taking his face in my hands.

'' Come on let's decorate those pancakes.'' i continued.

I had to wake up and get over it and be back to normal because i was destroying people around me.

'' Are you sure?''

I nodded.

'' Come on let's do it.''

He gave me a big smile. That smile i falled in love with. I loved to see him smiling again because in these last days he was always worried. I loved that beautiful smile.


After our little art moment we finished breakfast and decided to just be lazy and don't do anything productive for the day so we were sitting on the couch. I was in his arms of course.

'' What about us going to get a new car tomorrow?'' he asked.

For a moment i bit my lip but i had to really get over it.

'' Okay.''

'' Are you sure?''

'' Yes let's do it. Similar to the old one.''

'' I was thinking maybe a different one. Like a new start.''

I gave it a think for a moment then nodded.

'' Sounds good.''

'' Okay then.'' he smiled.

'' I'll be back.'' i said getting up and walking to the bathroom.

I stopped to look in the mirror. I was looking so bad because i didn't take care of myself. Then i noticed.

'' Denis where's my necklace?'' i shouted walking in the living room.

'' What?''

'' My necklace. The one you gave me on our first Chrstmas. With your initial.'' i said starting to look everywhere.

'' You don't have it anymore?'' he said starting to help me.

'' No. I just noticed. Where could it be? I can't loose it.''

After 20 mintes of searching we couldn't find it anywhere.

'' You must have lost it. We searched everywhere.''

'' I need it back.''

'' Let's go get you a new one.''

'' But that one you gave me on the day we became a couple and it means so much.''

'' Fresh start right?'' he smiled.

I nodded.

'' You're not mad i lost it?''

'' Why the hell would i be mad?

'' You gave it to me and i just lost it.''

'' Alexis that was going to happen at some point anyways.''

'' Okay i should go get ready.''

I got changed and put on a bit of make up to look a bit more awake than i was and we left.


'' Which one do you like?'' he asked me while we were looking at different models.

'' I want it to be like the old one.''

'' You won't be able to find one that looks the same. That one was so long ago.''

'' You're right. Look this one is similar.'' i said pointing at one.

'' It does. Do you want that one?''

'' Yes please.'' i said giving him the sweetest look.

'' Stop doing that.''

'' Doing what?''

'' Being so beautiful, adorable and amazing.'' he laughed as i kissed him.

'' Can i help you?'' a woman asked interrupting us.

'' Yes. We'll get this one.'' Denis said pointing at the one i choose.

After buying it we got out of the shop.

'' Will you do the honors?'' i asked handing the necklace to him.

'' Of course my love.'' he said putting it on.

'' There you go.'' he smiled as i turned around and kissed him.

'' It's beautiful. Thank you.'' i smiled as we broke off.

'' You are welcome. I would do anything for you.''

'' I know. Me too.''

'' I love you Alexis.'' he said looking into my eyes.

'' I love you Denis.'' i smiled.


A/N: Heeeey. Hope you like the chapter. I want to thank all of you again for the feedback. It means a lot to know people are liking this :)

Nobody Can Take This Away ( Sequel to ' I Always Loved You' )Where stories live. Discover now