8. There is hope.

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Denis' POV:

The next day i was woken up by my friends entering the room.

'' Hey guys.'' i said still sleepy.

'' Denis you've been here the whole night?'' Hailey aproached me worried.

I nodded.

'' I'm not leaving.''

'' Man you have to take care of yourself too.'' James said.

'' Do you know something? Will everything be fine?'' Hailey asked with tears in her eyes.

I didn't like to see my friends this way but i couldn't do anything else than stay strong.

'' We don't know anything.''

Then there was silence. We were all just sitting in the room. Hailey was in Ben's arms and James, Cameron and Sam were sitting on some chairs in silence.

'' Denis Shaforostov?'' the doctor entered the room.

'' That's me.''

'' Can i talk with you?''

I nodded following him out the room. I could see hope in everybody's eyes.

'' Is everything okay?'' i asked.

'' There are chances Alexis won't wake up. We don't know yet.''

'' You can't do anything?''

'' We have to wait to see if she will wake up. That's everything we can do for now.''

I slowly nodded.

'' Thank you.'' i said feeling my voice crack.

I ran back into the room next to her.

'' Don't you dare fucking leave me!Don't you dare!'' i screamed starting sobbing.

I could feel everybody watch me not saying anything. They understood what was happening. Hailey walked to me taking me into a hug.

'' It will be okay. We won't loose her.'' she whispered her voice cracking too.


Since that day i only left the hospital for a few hours to go home, take a shower and change. Then i was back. Her mom came everyday with the guys and stood with me for a few hours. They all tried to convince me i had to go home and get some rest but i couldn't do that. I couldn't spend more than 2 hours in that house without her.

* One week later *

I just came back from home to change and i was back in the room that became my home for this last awful week.

'' Denis? You're still here?'' Alexis' mom entered the room.

'' I just came back from home. I took a shower and changed.''

She shook her head.

'' You need to go and sleep. You look so tired.''

'' Well yes because i am tired but i'm not leaving.'' i snapped.

She looked at me with pain in her eyes. I wasn't helping the situation at all.

'' I'm sorry.''

'' It's okay. I understand you. I know you love her a lot.'' she said sitting next to me.

Then we just sat there. How much i hated to sit there in silence because i wasn't able to pick my words.

I was watching my beautiful girlfriend when suddenly i could see her move.

'' Alexis?'' i ran to the bed.

I could feel her mom watch me with hope and i was gaining hope with every second too.

'' D-Denis?'' she quietly asked.

'' I'm going to get the doctor.'' her mom said running out of the room.

'' I'm here beautiful. I'm here.'' i said tears of happines filling my eyes.

She tried to get up but i slowly pushed her back.

'' You need rest. It's okay. I'm here.''

'' What happened?'' she asked concerned.

'' You were in a car crash. Now you're okay. Don't worry everthing will be fine.'' i slightly smiled kissing her forehead.

The doctor entered the room with a smile on his face. Alexis' mom was smiling too.

'' We are glad to see you woke up.'' the doctor said.

'' Can i go home?'' Alexis asked.

'' Not yet. We'll be running some tests and if everything is okay we'll keep you here for 3 more days to make sure everything is okay and then you can go home.''

She slowly nodded.

'' Alexis sweetheart.'' her mom said.

'' Mom i don't know how this happened i-'' she started.

'' Shhh. You are okay now. I'll go talk with the doctor. I'll leave you with Denis.''

'' I missed you so much beautiful. I was so scared i was going to loose you. I can't imagine my life without you.''

'' Me neither.'' she said tears filling her eyes.

'' Don't cry. We'll go home soon and everything will be alright.''

'' You were here all the time?''

I nodded.

'' I only left for some hours to get changed. I was here as much as i could.''

'' You look tired.'' she said taking my hand.

'' It doesn't matter.''

'' The car is destroyed right?''

'' Fuck the car. What matters is that you're fine.'' i said taking her into a big hug.

* 2 days later *

Alexis' mom bought her some clothes and we were all ready to go back home. The guys came to see her yesterday. The doctor said she was recovering really good so he left us out one day earlier.

'' Finally out of that place.'' she said.

'' Believe me i feel you. Let's call a taxi.''

'' No.'' she said immediately taking my hand.

'' Alexis we're too far from home and you have to get some rest.''

'' Please i don't want to be in a car right now.''

I could see panic in her eyes so i agreed because i could understand why she was so scared.

'' I'll carry you.'' i said taking her in my arms bridal style as i started walking.

'' Are you cold?''

'' No.''

'' Okay because i don't want you to get sick or something.''


A/N: Heeey. I'm sorry i didn't really have time to update sooner. Hope you enjoyed the chapter :)

Nobody Can Take This Away ( Sequel to ' I Always Loved You' )Where stories live. Discover now