Ignore it, and it will go away

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Emily's POV
It's almost been a week since me and Alison said we like each other. We haven't really acted on it. We talked and said that we'd wait a while instead of rushing into anything. I completely agree, I wouldn't want to rush into a relationship with a girl I've only known for two and a half weeks. I honestly think Ali doesn't want to "rush" into anything for our sake, but it's more of keeping her popularity safe. Maybe she'll change, maybe she won't. I guess we will just have to see what happens.
Today I've decided to go back to school, sighing as I reach the door that leads to hell. I walk down the school halls and spot Alison with her 3 friends: Hanna, Spencer and Aria. They're the typical cliché group that rules the school, but obviously Alison is the queen bee. Her three friends are her pets, her followers, but who's a ruler without her followers?
"Hey ali" I say calling her from behind.
No answer.
No answer.
"If you ignore it, it'll go away." She says to her possy.
I hear my heart crack inside. Why would she say such a thing? Last week we were talking about our feelings towards one another. Hanging out, cuddling, watching black and white films in bed with a takeaway and popcorn. But now! She's different. I knew she was still the manipulative bitch that told me I ruined her life.
After school ended I quickly walked out, making sure to avoid eye contact with anyone.
"Hey em!" I hear someone shout, I ignore the call of my name and carry on walking. My house wasn't too far from school so hopefully I can make it home as soon as possible.
"Em" I hear someone shout again.
Why won't people just leave me alone.
"Wha- oh Ali. Hi."
"Hey you." She winks.
"Don't hey me." I reply sternly.
"No. Ali. Don't!"
"Em, what have I done now?"
"What have you done now!"
"You ignored me during school this morning. In your own words "if you ignore it, it'll go away."
Ali was speechless. Just what I thought she would be.
"Exactly. Now leave me the fuck alone."
I walked away flipping her off. I'm sick and tired of being treated like her pet who she can have whenever she wants, but drops me when she gets bored.
"em wait" Ali says grabbing my arm and turning me to face her.
Before I could say anything her lips were against mine.
"Emily, Hon. That wasn't about you. I honestly had no idea you was calling my name."
"You promise?"
"I promise. Now come here and kiss me."

Thank you guys for being so patient and waiting for the next chapter. Hope you enjoyed this, also there is fricking 3K views on this story! 3,000 people have read my story. Omg I can't even.

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