Chapter 2

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GRACIE POV: After softball practice, I met up for icecream with my boyfriend William. "Hey baby" "Hi" He than gave me a kiss. "ok so how was practice?" "Good, I'm sorry but I can't stay too long today" "you have to get home?" "Yeah, my parents think I'm still at practice, but since it ended early.." I said smiling "yeah I know, so want to go out for dinner Friday night and than to a movie?" "Yeah sure!" "Ok than I will pick you up around 6pm?" "Perfect" we than just spent a little time talking. Than before I knew it, it was getting late. "Oh no!" "What?" "its past the time I'm supposed to be home, I'm really sorry" "no its ok, just tell your parents practice ran a little later than you thought" "yeah I could do that, listen I got to go" "ok I love you" I turned to him. He's never told me that before. "What?" "I love you" I smiled "I love you too" "really?" "yeah" He than kissed me. "ok I really have to go" "ok talk to you later" I than left. I got in my car and checked my phone. My parents didn't even try to call me. I decided to call them "Hello" "Hey mom" "Gracie, I was just going to call you, is everything ok?" "yeah fine, sorry practice ran a little late, but I'm on my way home" "ok see you soon" "Ok bye" I said and hung up. Hmmm that was too easy! I got home and went upstairs to shower and change. I than went back down to eat dinner. "hey sorry I was late" "Its ok, but next time, you need to call" "I know I'm sorry, I forgot" "ok well you need to eat dinner" I than sat and ate. After I was done, I went back to my room to do my homework. I than tried to study for this test tomorrow. But I feel to tired. I fell asleep. When I woke up, I saw it was almost time to get up for school. Oh man. I than tried to look over my stuff for this test today. I didn't really have much time to study. So I did as much as I could before I had to leave for school. It than came time for my test. I was so nervous. I couldn't remember some of the answers to these questions. I than just tried to wing it. I did know some of it but some I kinda guessed. I just pray I didn't fail this test. If I did, and my parents find out. I will be in trouble especially if they find out I lied yesterday to spend some time with William. I've always gotten good grades in this class. I just hope I did good on this test. The bell rang to go to my next class. "Gracie, come here please" I turned around. "yes Mrs Johnson" "Gracie is everything ok?" "Yeah fine why?" "Well you've always done good in my class. But lately your grades have been slipping and today on the test, you got a D" "A D??" I was surprised I thought I would've done better than that. "I'm sorry, I just didn't have much time to study" "Gracie this isn't like you" "I know I'm sorry, I will try harder I promise" "ok well if you need any additional help, you know I will help you" "Thanks Mrs Johnson, but I need to get to my next class or I'm going to be late" "Here I will give you a pass" "Ok thanks" I got my pass and hurried as fast I could to my next class. I just barely made it.

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