Chapter 51 (LAST CHAPTER)

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LAST CHAPTER Everyone. Thank you ALL for reading! Hope you all enjoyed this story! I have 10 more finished and one in the works.. LOL I've been busy haha. Enjoy!

GRACIE POV: Today is my baby's first birthday! I can't believe he's one! He's getting so big. He started to take his first steps the other day. He's not full out walking yet but he's getting there. He talks. He says mama and dada, he's trying to say other words but just can't get it yet. We are having a small party for him at the house. Just family and close friends. Nothing too big, but I just wanted to do something for him. I got the house all decorated and ready to go. He got his own little smash cake as well. I can't wait to see him try to eat it. I'm doing good with college and so is William. He also has a job along with college classes. He wants to be a lawyer. He got a job for a law firm just helping with stuff around the office and also learning the ropes. He really like it. My friends and I started a band. We write our own music. Its going good. I try to arrange everything around Sammy. My parents help when they can and so does William's parents. But I feel he's my responsibility. Mine and Williams But the grandparents keep saying they don't mind and Sammy loves going there. I think it's because they spoil him. "Mama" "hey baby" he put his hands up for me lift him up, so I did. "so how old is Sammy today? can you say one?" He just smiled. "ok how about you show me one finger?" I than took his hands and held out one finger. He than kept doing it and would laugh. He was so proud of himself. Than William came home. "hey honey" "Hi babe" He kissed me "dada" I think someone wants his daddy" He than picked up Sammy and started to blow on his tummy. He was laughing so hard. "ok well we need to get this little guy ready for his party" "ok" I than took him to his room and got him dressed. Than went to the living room. "here you sit here and play with your toys" I sat him down on the floor with some toys. He was having fun. I got the presents out and put it on the table. Than there was a knock. "hey mom, dad" "hey honey, so where's the birthday boy" "right over there" I said pointing to the floor. My dad went over and picked him. "Can you say grandmpa?" "pa" "did he just.?" My mom laughed "he did" "oh ny baby is getting so big" "Hi Gracie" "hey Audrey, What's up?" "can I play with him?" "sure go for it, keep him entertained for me" "ok" Sammy loves his Aunt Audrey and he loves Maggie also. "Where is Maggie?" "oh she's coming. She had cheerleading practice but she's on her way now" "oh okay good" Than soon Williams parents and some close friends we invited came. Than Maggie came. It was perfect. He loved his smash cake. Cake was everywhere. It took me and William like a half hour to wash it all out of his hair and all over him. But he had fun and that's all that mattered. As I put my baby boy to sleep that night, I couldn't help but think how lucky I am. Yeah Sammy wasn't planned but I wouldn't change him for anything. I lay in bed with William, just thinking about everything. "you ok?" "yeah I'm just so happy!" "me too. You and Sammy made that happen for me. You both are my world, and I love you both so much" "and we love you too. I can't wait to have more babies" "yeah but not now" We both laughed. 

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