Chapter 29

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GRACIE POV: "it hurtssss" "I know honey, just breathe" "mom I am..its getting closer together" "Okay hold on" My mom than left the room. "William!" "yeah baby I'm right here, I'm not going anywere!" He held my hand. I than felt another contraction. "here comes another one..ahhhhhh" "okay just squeeze my hand, breathe" "good job baby" My mom than came in with the doctor. "okay lets have a look here" "getting closer Gracie, I'm going to have the nurse give your epidural if you still want one" "YES! Please!" "Ok" Than the nurse came in and gave me the epideral shot. It hurt so bad but afterwards it really helped with the pain of the contractions. Before I knew it was time. "Okay Gracie, on my count, I'm going to need you to push!" "ok.." "1,2,3.. PUSH!" I than pushed and than put my head back down on the pillow. "Ok Gracie, I need you to give me another push" "I can't.. I can't do this" "Hey baby, I'm right here, just squeeze my hand you can do this" "ok.." "ok Gracie one more big push!" "Ok" after one more big push. I was exhausted but than heard the sound of a baby crying. My baby! "its a boy!" I started to cry happy tears. William was the only one allowed in the delievery room. My parents, his parents and my sisters had to stay out. "is he ok?" "he's fine" "I want to see him!" "The nurses are just cleaning him up ok!" "ok" "you did so great baby" William said and kissed me. "I love you" "I Love you too" Than the nurse came over and handed me my son. "oh wow..he's so beautiful" "yeah he is just like his mommy" "can my parents come in?" "yeah once we get you to your room" "okay, will my baby get to stay in the room with me?" "Of course!" "okay" "Okay lets go" "Where we going?" "to the room" "oh" I was than taken to my room. I was so happy its a private room. They had the little bed thing for the baby right next to my bed. They got me all in and than handed the baby back to me. "okay Gracie do you want to try to feed him?" "how do I do that?" "well you can try breast feeding or we can get him a bottle" "Is it okay if I try the bottle?" "sure it's no problem, I will be right back" "Oh wait.." "yes what is it?" "can you send our families in?" "sure no problem" I just can't stop looking at my little boy. He's so perfect! Than our families came in. "oh Gracie, he's beautiful" My mom said "thanks!" "she did great, you'd all be so proud of her" "We are"  I than looked at William and realized he hasn't held his son yet. "William"  "yeah.." "Do you want to hold your son?" "I do but I'm scared to" "Why?" "I've never held a baby before" "William he won't break, I'll help you" My mom said "okay" I than carefully handed him to William. "see your doing good" "thanks" I smiled watching him hold our son for the first time.  "do you guys have a name for him yet?" My dad asked "William, we never talked about a name" "its ok we have some time" "well he's here, he deserves a name!" Than the nurse came in. "okay Gracie here's the bottle, now if he doesn't take all of it, don't be alarmed, its okay" "Okay" William than handed me back the baby. I tried to feed him. He took the bottle and drank just about all of it.  Afterwards Williams parents held him. But than had to leave since they have a young son and the babysitter had to leave. So it was just me, william, my parents and sisters with us. "Mom, do you want to?" "Yes" My mom than took him. "oh he's perfect Gracie!" I smiled. Than my dad took a turn. The smile on his face was priceless. I had William take pictures.  "Gracie..Here I got this for him" Maggie said as she handed me a gift bag. "thanks" I said and opened it and inside was the cutest little onsie! As I watch my dad holding my son, I just thought of a perfect name for him. "William, I just thought of a perfect name" "you did? what is it?" "mom, dad can you give us a few minutes?" "sure come on Audrey, Maggie, lets go get something to eat" "okay" They all than left the room leaving just me and William and our baby. "So, why did you want them to leave?" "to give this baby a name and I want to surprise them" "oh okay" "what do you think of Samuel William McGraw Carson" "I like it, but you don't think its too much?" "no, I want him to have my last name and yours. And Samuel is my dad's real first name" "and why William?" "Because its your name" "yeah and I'm happy you want to give our son part of my name but I think it would be better if he had a different middle name" "are you sure?" "yeah" "okay than we need a middle name" "I got it" "Just use the name you have now. Call him Samuel Carson McGraw" I smiled "perfect, thank you" He smiled "anything for you, I love you" "Love you too" He kissed me and than my parents and sisters came back in. "so whats his name?" My dad asked

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