Chapter 21

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TIM POV: The tour is now over. The girls are back in school. Gracie was very nervous to go back. She's afraid of what people at school would do or say to her if and when they found out about her being pregnant. She's been doing surprisingly well considering. I'm very proud of her and very surprisingly proud of William for stepping up. Well so far he has. He has been there for Gracie so far through this pregnancy. She finds out next week the sex of the baby. She's in her senior year of high school. She has some credits from some other classes thats going to help her finish high school a little early. I'm really proud of her. She's told her friends which she was very nervous about, but they were very supportive towards her which she was very happy and relieved about.  She had to get new school uniforms before school because she wanted to get ones that were a little bigger, she doesn't want to make it too notieable as she put it. She's afraid of what other kids will do or say to her at school. We told her not to listen to them if they do. To just ignore them. We did go into the school principal's office and expained the situation and she was very understanding. Everyone at the school has been great, including the teachers.  Gracie talks to the guidance counselor every now and than which she says has been really helping her and I'm glad. I don't want this to change who she is. She still has plans and dreams for the future. She wants to go to college but now instead of going away, she decided to stay in Nashville and go to a school here. She wants to be home where she has help with the baby. Of course Faith and I told her we will do anything we can for her. She did decide she wants to keep her baby.  She thought of adoption but than realized when the time would come, she wouldn't be able to do it and she says abortion was never an option for her.  I am going back in the studio to work on another album. I've even been writing a little bit with the help of my friends Brad and Brett Warren. They've written songs that I have recorded in the past. They always send me stuff first and ones I don't think is a good fit for me, even though they are good songs, I pass on them. I also get songs from another talented writer Lori McKenna, she's amazing. We even have a song we wrote together, which I want to put on this album, but just have to wait to see what other songs come my way.  But today I'm taking time off to just relax after a long tour. I'm in my office now checking emails of anything sent my way, there were some but I will listen later.  I walk in the kitchen where Faith is. "hey baby" "hey" "something smells good" "just getting dinner prepped for tonight" I wrap my arms around her from behind and start kissing her neck. "hmm..Tim as much as I love this, I need to finish" "ok, ok I'm going to go in the home studio here and check on some songs that were sent" "ok" I than went to the studio, I figured, I'd check out these songs.

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