Chapter 18

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GRACIE: I am so nervous and scared at the same time. I know what those results are going to show. Then the doctor walked in. My mom jumped up and sat by me and held my hand. "Ok Gracie, we have your results back" "And? was the home test right?" "Yes it was, you are pregnant" I started to cry. "Its going to be okay" My mom said "I'm going to give you some options for you to look over and also give you a prescription for some pre natal vitamins. I know this is hard on you, your young and I'm guessing this was not planned?" "yeah it is and no it wasn't planned" I said "ok well, Here's some options for you whether you chose to keep your baby, or give it up for adoption, or abort the pregnancy." "Wait abort?" "I'm sorry Gracie, as a doctor I'm obligated to go over the options" "No it's fine I understand" "okay well I want to see you back in a month" "okay" He gave me the prescription and we left. I was quiet the whole ride. We stopped at the pharmacy to fill my prescription. After waiting about 15 minutes we got it and left. When we got home I went straight up to my room. I lied in my bed and just cried. There was than a knock at my door. "Go away" "Gracie it's me Maggie, please can I come in?" "yeah come in" She came in and closed the door. "hey so what happened?" "What do you think happened?" She put her head down. "I'm sorry Maggie, it's not your fault. I don't mean to lash out on you. You've been there for me when I found out" "Its okay, and that's what sisters are for!" I smiled "thanks" "so what are you going to do?" "I honestly don't know. But the thought of having an abortion, I just don't think I can do that. But I'm afraid of going to school, pregnant and being made of fun of" "hey nobody better make fun of my big sister!" I laughed "you always make me laugh when I need it" "hey thats what I'm here for. So can I ask you a question?" "yeah sure" "does William know?" "No he doesn't" "what are you going to do?" "honestly I don't know. I know I need to tell him. It's only fair, it's his kid to" Than my phone rang. "its him" "Answer it, I will stay here with you if you want?" "yes please" I than answered "hello" "hey are you okay?" "yeah fine" "you haven't returned my calls, I was worried" "I'm sorry, things have been a little crazy but there's something I need to tell you but I can't over the phone. can you come over?" "yeah sure I will be over shortly" "okay see you soon" "Love you" "yeah me too" I said and hung up. "you better warn mom and dad about him coming over" "yeah you're right, come with me" "okay" We than went downstairs. My parents were on the couch talking. They stopped when they saw us. "hey Gracie are you feeling okay?" dad asked "yeah umm there's something I have to tell you both" "what is it?" "I just spoke to William, he's coming over here shortly. I asked him to come over to tell him. Dad, mom please don't yell at him. it's not his fault. It's mine. All my fault! All of this" "Hey we wouldn't do that and we are not blaming you. Both of you did this, it takes two to make a baby" "I'm sorry. I just don't want him to be afraid to come here but after he hears the news, he may never want to" "Don't say that, you don't know for sure" Than the doorbell rang. "Mom, dad can you please give us some privacy to talk?" "yeah sure, come on Tim" my mom said And they both went upstairs. "Want me to stay?" Maggie asked "no thanks this is something I have to do on my own" "okay well if you need me just yell" "I will thanks Maggs!" I said and hugged her. she than went upstairs. I took a deep breath and opened the door. "Hey" "hey come on in" He kissed me. "ok so whats up?" "Have a seat, there's something you need to know" "Okay what is it?" "well remember that day when we.." "yeah I do" he said and smiled "well remember how we didn't know protection?" "yeah" "okay well I found out that I'm...pregnant" "WHAT? how did this happen? Well I know how. Wow, I'm sorry I did this to you" "Hey its just as much my fault also. I was there remember? If I didn't want to have sex, I wouldn't of" "I know but I feel like I pushed you" "NO you didn't. Look I don't know what to do" "About the baby?" "yeah, I'm only 17! I'm not ready to be a mom" "Gracie, I will be here for you and our baby, but I will support any decision you make, but could you do me a favor?" "yeah sure, what is it?" "can you let me know what you decide before you do it?" "yeah thats fair" "ok well I will leave you alone, before your dad kills me" I laughed "he's not going to kill you" "Well I need to get going, I will call you later" "ok bye" "Bye" He than left. That went better than I thought..

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