Chapter 47

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There's only a few more chapters left of this story! Hope everyone is liking it so far and thanks for reading!

GRACIE POV: I love that my grandparents and uncles finally got to meet Sammy. They are having a ball with him. He started to fuss and rub his eyes. "someone is getting tired" Gma said. "yeah, here I'll take him up for his nap" "Okay" I than got him up to the nursery. As soon as I laid him down, he was out. I grabbed the baby moniter and went back downstairs. "he is out" "oh wow, that fast?" "yeah, he was really tired" "so where is this fiancé of yours?" Gpa asked "He will be here soon" "okay good, I need to have a talk with him" "Gpa!" he laughed "don't worry Gracie. I know he's a good boy. Your mom and dad told us all about him and how good he is with your son" I smiled "yeah he is a great dad" "Well we are very happy for you" "thanks!" There was than a knock on the door. "I'll get it" I said and got up. I opened the door. "hey" "hey babe" He kissed me and than I took his hand to meet everyone. "hey everyone, Gma, Gpa, Uncle Wes and Uncle Steve, this is William. William these are my grandparents Edna and Ted and my uncles Wes and Steve" They got up and shook his hand. "nice to meet all of you" "you too dear" "so where's Sammy?" "sleeping" "oh okay" "don't worry he will be up from his nap before you know it" "okay" We all than just sat around talking. Than I heard Sammy start to cry. I started to get up. "I got him" William said. "he might be hungry" "okay I can do it if you have a bottle" "no shoot I haven't pumped. I can though" "No its okay. I will go get him and change him and than you can feed him" "okay" He than went upstairs to get Sammy. I smiled. "he seems like a very good young man Gracie" "he is" "and he's treats you good? And treats Sammy good?" "Oh yeah, he loves us both" "Well I'm glad, thats all your Grandfather and I want for you, to be happy" "thank you, I am very happy" They smiled. Than William came down with Sammy. He was really fussing. "oh here I'll take him" "okay" "is he okay?" "yeah he's probably hungry and he's started teething" "oh poor baby" "Dad can I use your office to feed him?" "yeah sure go ahead" "Thanks" I than went in my dad's office and closed the door. I don't like having to feed him in front of a lot of people even though they are family. I feel more comfortable when I'm covered or alone.

TIM POV: "Ok so I thought we could all go out for dinner tonight" "is that ok, Mom? dad?" Faith asked "yeah its fine with us" "Steve, Wes?" "yeah we are good for whatever"  "where are we going to eat at?" Audrey asked "well, what do you all think of that italian place in Franklin?" "That sounds perfect. Now Tim will your mom be joining us?" Edna asked "I don't know, I haven't asked her" "Well ask her I'd love to see her" I smiled "okay I will give her a call" I than went in the other room and called my mom. "Hey Tim" "Hey mom, listen Faith's parents and brothers are here and we were going to out to dinner at that italian place in Franklin, would you like to join us?" "sure but I may have to meet you there" "okay thats fine, we were planning on going around 6pm." "okay thats a little over an hour" "Is that okay?" "Yeah it's fine. I will see you all soon" "okay bye" "Bye" I than went back in the living room. "okay she said she will meet us there" "okay good" "so Maggie what's been going on with you?" "Nothing much just school, cheerleading and running track and now I'm getting ready for senior year" "you seem excited about that" "I am! I can't wait to be out of high school" we all laughed.

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