Chapter 45

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GRACIE POV: I was changing Sammy when suddenly he rolled off the changing table. "SAMMY!" I yelled and he immediately cried. "oh Sammy, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry" I tried to look him over but it was hard to tell. I quickly ran out my room and down the stairs where my mom met me halfway. "what happened?" I was about to cry. "He..fell of the changing table" "Oh honey, come down let me see him" I than came down. We went on the couch. My mom was checking him over. "I checked him over but didn't see anything! Mom..maybe we should take him to the ER?" "I'm sure he's fine but if it would make you feel better, lets take him" "yeah I really want to" "Okay lets go" I than got up holding Sammy who was still crying. We got in the car. I had mom drive so I can sit back in the back seat with him. "now tell me exactly what happened Gracie" "okay well I was changing him and he dropped his binky, so I had one hand on him and than leaned down to pick it up, I guess somehow I let go? I don't know. But than he rolled off and fell. I'm a terrible mother!" "Gracie no your not, don't say that. Your a great mom. Let me tell you a story. When you were about 4 months old, you had just started to roll over. Well I had you on my bed playing with you, when the phone rang I turned for a second to grab it when you rolled right off the bed and onto the floor. Boy did you scream" "oh wow so what happened?" "Well of course I was scared just like you are now, I brought you to the ER and you were fine. You cried for the longest time, but I think it was more from being scared." "so do you think I'm overreacting?" "no honey, if it will give you peace of mind to know he's okay, than its fine. Its better safe than sorry" "Yeah, well he is starting to settle down some" "yeah he is. Well we are here, do you still want to get him checked?" "yeah I do" "and that's okay" I than texted William to let him know. We got in the ER and I filled out the paperwork for Sammy. After about 20 min or so sitting in the waiting room, we were taken back. The nurse checked his vitals which were really good.  She got the info on why we were here. "okay the doctor will be in shortly" "thank you" I looked down at Sammy who was cuddled into me. His face and eyes all red from crying. I feel so horrible right now. The doctor than came in. "Hello and who is this little guy?" "This is Samuel, we call him Sammy" "okay so I see he fell?" "yes sir, he rolled off the changing table" "Was the floor carpeted?" "yes it is" "Okay, well can you lay him down here on the bed?" "sure" As soon as I put Sammy down he started to cry again. "its ok sammy" I than got his binky out to give to him, but he wouldn't take it. He just kept on crying. The doctor did his exam. "Well he seems okay, but I will get some xrays just in case" "okay thank you" I than picked him up. As soon as I picked him up he settled down again. I looked at the time. "He's ready for another feeding, I didn't bring anything. Do you think I can.." "yeah why not" "okay can you hand me that blanket in his bag?" My mom than handed me his blanket. I've still been breastfeeding but also giving him a bottle but I've been pumping. It helps when I can't be there to feed him myself. He latched on quickly. "see, honey he's just hungry" "yeah..I will feel better once those xrays are done though" Than the nurse came in. "oh want me to give you a few more minutes?" "no its okay" I got him off and than got my shirt all fixed. He started to cry again. "Okay the xrays won't take long, you can come if you want mom?" "Yes" She smiled "okay lets go" We than went to get the xrays. It only took a few minutes, than we were taken back to the room where my mom was still sitting. William had arrived by this time. "Hey" "Hey is he ok?" "yeah we think so, I just felt better to take him" "yeah I understand" "okay so they said the xrays results will take about 20 minutes. I'm going to finish feeding him. Part of him crying like this is because he's hungry" "oh okay" I than sat back down and continued to feed him. I just hope he's ok! After about 20 min. I look over and Sammy looked like he was falling asleep. I got him off and fixed my shirt. And just held him. He than closed his eyes and fell asleep. "I didn't get to burp him" "you can if you want to" "I know but I don't want to wake him" Than the doctor came in. "hey are the results in? Is he okay?"

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