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A masculine hand slapped down on top the clock, stopping the noise. The covers were thrown over and a pair of legs rested on the edge of bed. Larry sat up in bed for another minute trying to get his vision together. Blinking a few times and rubbing his face roughly. He shook his head as his twist slapped his face and placed all over his head when he stopped. He yawned and stretched a bit and slipped his house shoes on. When he did that he could hear the creek of his door as it opened. He looked up and smiled sweetly as a tiny body with wild curly hair walked through yawning and rubbing their eyes.

LL: Daddy, it's time to get up now.

Larry and Lilo stood in the bathroom brushing their teeth at the same time. Larry held his toothbrush in his mouth momentarily as he grabbed what was left of mouth wash and poured it into the cap. He sat it on the counter as Lilo spit. He looked at her in the mirror.

L: Rinse out.

LL: Okay. (rinses mouth out with water)

L: Here, use the mouth wash.

Larry placed the small cup into her hands for her to rinse. She did what she supposed to do and spit.

L: Go sit on the couch and watch cartoons. You pack you snack!?

LL: Yes!

Larry finished brushing his teeth in the bathroom then made his way to the bedroom. He took another 15 minutes to put his uniform on and pulled his twist into a pony tail. Grabbing his jacket and name tag he headed into the living room telling Lilo to get her stuff for school. Opening the door he let her through then walked out behind her.

LL: Bye-bye Daddy! (wave happily)

L: Bye baby, be good oki!

LL: Okay.

Larry watched as he always did when Lilo ran off into the school building. He missed her all day when he was at work and she was here. He didn't worry about her, but sending her to school on this side of town was what he could afford. He had a plan to send her to the best elementary school when she turned 5 on the other side of town. It was a couple more miles away from home, but at least he could feel at better ease when he was at work, and she was at school. He prayed for his baby everyday. And for days better than this.

Larry drove through the city 10 minutes away from Lilo's school. He was headed to the restaurant he worked at a little early, because his twin brother wanted to speak with him. Larry already knew what it was about. His twin was completely opposite of him. Larry was always the quiet one and didn't get out much. Always did his homework, wasn't a genius but he did what he supposed to. His twin Laurent on the other hand was the 'Wild Thang'. He did whatever he wanted and when he wanted. He lost his virginity at 14 years old. 8 years before Larry did. Anyways Laurent was very well known and a ladies man. Not to mention unexplainable swag with hella friends. Larry always wanted his brother's life but no matter how hard he tried to get out and be adventurous, his cautiousness and self-esteem held him back. One of those times he tried to be adventurous, he ended up with Lilo, so needles to say. Adventure was not for him. The simple life was much easier to handle.

Larry found a park and hopped out his vehicle to the front of the restaurant. He didn't spot his twin sitting at one of the outside tables. Lau called him over as he was opening the door. Larry walked over to his brother and greeted him properly before taking a seat across from him. Other workers who showed up early as well fixed up the tables outside around them.

Lau took off his designer shades placing them on the table. Larry took notice to his twins' outfit of the day. He always wore such fancy fabric and shoes to match. Larry felt so inferior with his normal rags. But he was always thankful he was in the place he was.

Lau: So how you doin bro?

L: *sigh* I'm okay. I mean just working as always.

Lau: The same as always huh?

L: ...Lau what do you want? You always meet me at my job every month and ask the same shit. No I haven't met anyone, no I'm not sleeping with anyone, and no do not set me up on another blind date.

Lau: Yo Yo! Chill bro. Ha ha I didn't come here to bother you. I just seriously need to let you know something.

L: Oki what is it?

Lau: Look I'm supposed to go to Russia next Week, I got an audition for this movie role. I gonna be gone for a long time so I just wanted to be sure you knew and that you would be okay.

L: ...

Lau: (lean closer) Did you hear me?

L: Yea. I heard you.

Lau looked over to the other side of the street where Larry's attention was. He spotted a brown skin girl with long brown curly hair. She was trying to manage her poodles and pull her skirt down. She was tall wearing nude pumps and had Larry's nose wide open. Lau just shook his head.

Lau: Larry staring at her is not gonna make her come over here and talk to you.

L: (head low)...I know.

Lau: Look that's another thing. I need for you to have a girl friend or something when I get back. I'm tired of seeing you alone. Lilo cant be the only lady in you life.

Laurent's smart comment made Larry laugh. His brother made him mad when he talked about him needing a girl but he could admit that his brother could always come through with a joke to make his day. After another 10 minutes of catching up Laurent bid his brother farewell for the day. He was off to hang with friends. Larry went to his locker in the kitchen, clocked in, and went to work.

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