Law & Order

366 46 4

The sound of the machine hooked up to Jada was the only noise filling the room. She lay breathing evenly and slow as the IV flowed smoothly into her vein, into her bloodstream. Larry sat next to her bedside laying his head face down on the rail. All he could do was allow a stream of 'If only's' to pool his mind.

If only he had been there earlier, she wouldn't be in the hospital now.

If only he had the courage a long time ago to keep her away from Toni.

If only...

If only...

....If only.

But he knew deep in his mind that all things happen for a reason. He remembered Don's words about how God puts people in situations to make them stronger. But at that moment Larry was doubting. Truth was, he had no idea what to believe anymore. For months nothing had been going right in his life. Once things seemed bright, something had to come rain on the parade. He sat up slow and looked at Jada's face. Emotionless as her chest heaved up and down steady. He kissed her forehead before getting up from the chair, and resting to his knees.

He lifted his head and clutched his hands together with tears, forever streaming down his eyes.

L: God, please h-...please help me...I no know what to do anymore. I been trying to believe in you and, hope that Jada and I could be together. I just..*fights back tears* I just want her to be happy again, and I want her to be okay...the doctor say she might have brain damage. And I just want to say...I no care if she no the same because...I will still love her the same. And I will still be there for her and take care of her. God please. I love Jada more than anything. I just want to love her forever and love her and Jaylen forever. Just please...let her be okay...please...*cries* just let her be okay...

The machine continued to beep.

 C1: Alright ma'am, there was obviously a struggle between Toni Rodriguez and Jada Samuels. She tried to free herself from him, he wouldn't let go and ended up beating her badly over here by the sofa. (points to area)

Mrs. Gina and Shay stood in the living room with the investigation team. Mrs. Gina wiped her eyes periodically from the sadness of the situation. Shay led her behind the officer as he led them into the kitchen.

C1: Now here we have found this by the front door by the bottom of the steps.

The officer pointed out a brown envelope with multiple photos spread out among the island counter. Shay and Mrs. Gina gazed on at them in surprise. Shay took notice to the corner of the island. The Nikon camera she got Jada was wrapped up in a bag. 

C1: These photos were taken all of Toni and his boys, along with large lumpsum of cash and drugs. We assume the camera and these photos were Jada's. In hopes to catch Toni in the act and use this as evidence to get him out of the house.  

S: Yea, I bought her the camera a few days ago. It was strictly for this.

C1: Well thanks to you Toni will be convicted and be put away for most likely life. Thank you for your smart thinking. We can order this to be a domestic violence case.  

S: You're welcome but, if Toni wouldn't have found the photos then, my friend wouldn't be in the hospital right now.

MG: Honey don't feel like that. Jada is much safer now and wont be in harms way anymore. (looks at officer) Thank you sir.

C1: Yes ma'am.

Mrs. Gina walked herself and Shay outside of the house for a breather.

Back at the hospital, Laurent and Larry sat at a table in the cafeteria. Laurent munched carnivorously at his chicken sandwich while Larry barely picked at his food. His mind ran heavy on Jada. All he wanted to happen was for her to wake up and speak to him. He longed for her to say his name at least once. Every second in that hospital felt like an eternity to him. Lau took a few sips from his soda before speaking to Larry.

Lau: You know, you wallowing in your misery is no gonna make her wake up. You need to eat. She would want you to at least have some hopes and smile for her.

L: You speak like she no here.

Lau: Well Larry she not. She upstairs in bed sleeping. Ha, ha.

Larry gave his twin a death glare from his comment. Laurent noticed and could tell it wasn't the right thing to say at that time.

Lau: Sorry bro. I just trying to keep you spirits up.

L: (shakes head) I know...I no even mad at you really. I just want my baby to be oki. Jaylen need her. I need her.

Larry tossed his fork into his plate and pushed it away from him, sitting back in his chair folding his arms across his chest. Lau wiped his mouth with a tissue and tossed it in his plate and pushed his away as well.

Lau: Look bro, Jada has been the only woman to make you happy since Lilo came into this world and- *sigh* to be honest I couldn't be more proud of you. Larry I love you so much and all I want is for you to be happy too...


Lau: You know. Just seeing the way you held Jada today in you arms and cried for her to be oki, just show that the love you guys have is real. I've always wanted that for you bro. Always wanted you to be happy.

L: ...You really mean that bro?

Lau: Hell yea I do! *sniffle* look at you got me crying and shit man!

Laurent grabbed a clean napkin from the holder and wiped his eyes chuckling. Larry smiled at his brother genuinely.

Lau: Everything's gonna be okay bro. I promise you.

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