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Larry POV

Today marks 3 months that Jada and Jaylen have been living with Lilo and I. It feel so good for us to be in the same house and live like a family. I am much more happier and at ease now that she with me. I just wish it didn't have to happen the way it did, but hey things are fine anyway. Right now I'm at the hotel downtown in New York City collecting dirty towels. I stroll down the hall on the way to the pool area with my cart. I see a room service tray with half eaten food on it. I immediately get sad and shake my head to keep walking. Oh, yea. This hotel job is all I have now. I got fired from my restaurant job last week for giving a homeless man a free meal. Boss man didn't like that. He fired me on the spot. But, I'll be okay. I guess. I make pretty good money here at the hotel so I should have enough soon to buy a bigger place for me, Jada and the kids.

Larry pushed the button to open the double doors of the pool. As he passed through there was a family with two kids coming out. They tossed their dirty towels at the cart without thinking twice. One of the towels fell to the ground and Larry walked around the cart to pick it up. After he tossed it inside he continued on to make his rounds around the pool.

There was a man lounging in one of the chairs on the corner of the pool. He looked over to see Larry grabbing towels and tossing them in the cart. Turning off his IPod the man stood to his feet and walked over to him.

M/v: Hey there.

L: (looks up) Oh hello sir. Wait, you're the man who drives the expensive car. How are you?

M/v: Well I'm pretty good. How are you? Honestly.

L: Um, I'm okay. I could be better.

M/v: Well don't worry too hard. Things will get better. Hey, soon.

L: ..(smile) Soon what?

The man placed his IPod back into his ears as he slapped Larry's shoulder and walked out of the pool area. Larry thought to himself confused. He had no clue what the man was talking about, but he just continued to pick up towels.

By 10pm Larry was off work and walking into the house. Jada was sitting on the couch watching tv in the dark. He flicked the lights on and hooked his jacket onto the rack on the wall.

L: Hey baby.

J: Hey babe.

Jada spoke without taking her eyes off the tv. Larry went over to her like he did everyday after work. He sat down next to her and kissed her head, placing his arm around her.

L: What you do today?

J: Nothing.

L: Baby, are you sure you oki?

J: *sigh* Yes. I'm fine.

Larry just stared at her and shook his head. He glanced at the tv just to see what she was so interested in. It was on the food network, which confused him. He doesn't even watch that programing, what was she doing watching it? Larry became fed up and turned the tv off with the remote. Jada immediately got upset.

J: What the hell? Why did you do that?

L: Because, you no acting like youself Jada. Ever since you got back from the hospital this is all you do. You sit in the house all day while the kids in daycare and you eat, sleep, and watch tv. Didn't Mrs. Gina say you can go back to work soon?

"Oh okay, so you tired of me now huh? Is that what it is!?" She said standing up to face him. "What is you problem, its no like that babe its just. I mean you been here for so long I just want you to be happy again." Larry said trying to plea. Jada folded her arms.

J: Yea right! You over here complaining about me being here all the time. What happened to all that talk about taking care of me, and shit. Was that a lie?

L: Baby, come on. Its no like that.

J: Whatever Larry...Look okay. I'm not happy okay!...I'm not. (tear up)

L: B-..Babe what do you mean you no happy. Don't I make you happy?

J: Yes. Its not you its me. Its me its always been me...I've been through this before when me and Toni separated the first time. I was down all the time. Eating more, and gaining weight...baby I was in a really, really dark place. And I'm so afraid...*cries* I'm so afraid I don't know what to do with myself. I'm scared you're going to leave me because I'm crazy and I'm just..I'm just a wreck!

Larry grabbed Jada up into a tight embrace allowing her to cry all her frustrations out on his shoulder. He had no idea how strongly she felt about her situation. Here he was thinking everything was just fine and all, when the entire time she was struggling to figure out her life.

L: Shh. Baby. Its okay. I promise, whatever you want me to do I will do it for you. You know this.

Jada pulled her face away from Larry's chest. He lifted his thumbs to her face wiping her eyes. He kissed her lips sweetly. He placed his forehead to hers, caressing her cheeks with his thumbs. 

L: Baby I got an idea. I think we should both try and get you out again. Ya know like just go on dates more and just get you back out there.

J: Babe, I don't know if I'm ready.

L: Honey, its been 3 months. You are beyond ready. I know they miss you at work and nothing will be better than for you to jump back into working at the Salon, doing what you love babe.

J: You right. Okay, yea *sniffle* you're right. I can do it right?

L: Right. We can start this weekend. And you can talk to Mrs. Gina and tell her you coming back next week first thing Monday.

Jada hugged Larry and made her way to the bathroom for a shower. But before she shut the door, she looked back at him and smiled.

J: I love you Larry. Thank you.

L: I love you too babe. You welcome.

That Weekend  {Play Audio}

Jada twirled around in a long gown as Larry sat in a chair and smiled at her. She tried on a blouse with a skirt and designer heels. 

Larry stood in the mirror with blue slacks on and a plain white dress shirt. Jada stood behind him, peeking behind his shoulder smiling at him as he fixed his tie. She walked off briefly and came back with a fedora to place atop his head. Slicking his fro down didn't quit work which made them laugh.

Next was the Movies to see a comedy. They shared a large popcorn with separate drinks and candy. She fed him some popcorn as the movie played, and on occasions kissed him. Their fingers linked together.

At the end of the day they walked through the park together. As they walked they linked arms and walked a steady pace. A few dogs passed them and they were reluctant to pet them. The sun was slowly start to set as they sat on a park bench. The nightlife of New York was beginning to come out.

J: Larry Today has been so great. I mean, the shopping the movie. I really needed this. And I know money is tight right now b-

L: Hey, no don't worry for that right now. I just need you happy oki.

J: (smile) I know. But I really appreciate everything. I love you.

L: I love you too. (smile)

They pecked on the lips and looked into each other's eyes. Suddenly a boom sound was heard in the sky. It got their attention to look up to see fireworks painting the sky. Jada smiled up at them. "Wow, that is a perfect end to the day." Larry looked at her then smiled up at the sky. "Now you show off with that one God." he said under his breath. He wrapped his arms around Jada and continued to watch the light show.


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