For You...

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W/v: Thanks girl, you hooked me up. I cant wait for my man to see me.

J: Ha well I'm glad I could help, see you later!

Jada' last customer left she gathered her things up to leave. Shay came in from the back and they walked out together.

S: Hey I'm bout to go, you sure you don't want me to drop you off home before I go?

J: No its okay. I'll just wait for the bus. Thanks Shay, but you gonna be late to your little get together.

Shay hugged Jada sweetly then sat her hand on her shoulder before walking off to her car. Jada looked on at her for a second before checking her phone. She didn't notice I tall figure walking towards her with a bouquet of flowers.

L: Hello Mrs. Do you need a ride?

Jada turned around to the familiar voice. Her whole world lit up when she'd seen it was Larry. She ran into his arms and embraced him. In realizing what she was doing she jump out of his arms quickly and touched herself like she couldn't believe what she had just done. Larry was confused.

L: Are you okay babe? Don't be scared.

J: Larry I'm sorry. B-..I mean its just you know the situation right now.

L: Yes I know...(smile) And I no care.

J: (smile) I know you don't. I miss you. I miss us. I'm so sorry to put you through this mess right now Larry and I promise you. That I don't love him nor do I want him.

L: Its okay baby. You no have to explain anything to me.

Larry walked up to Jada and placed his lips on hers. Something he hadnt done in a while. He pulled apart and handed her the bouquet as she smiled heavily. Grabbing her hand he maneuvered her arm around his. "Your chariot awaits Mrs."

After about 30 minutes Larry pulled up to his place with Jada. He walked her up the steps and opened the door. The sweet natural scent of Larry's apartment felt so familiar to her nose, and made her feel at home.

J: So what are we doing here today?

L: Well I wanted to do something special for you. And I would love for you to help.

Jada walked around to the kitchen next to Larry and eyed the ingredients on the menu. She smiled. "Sautéed shrimp, grilled chicken, and asparagus." Larry kissed her forehead before handing her an apron. "Suit up Lady."

A couple of hours cooking and the two love birds seemed to be back at their happy state. They sat at the dining table and caught up with each other, and shared some laughs. At the moment they sat on the couch with glasses of wine, well- more like Larry sitting on the couch and Jada on his lap. But same difference.

J: *kiss* Mmm. *kiss* I miss this with you.

L: *kiss* I know. *kiss* So do I.

Larry took he and Jada's glass and sat it on the coffee table. Then he guided her to turn around on his lap so that she faced him. They glanced at each other lovingly before speaking.

J: What do you want my love?

L: Is that a trick question?

J: (giggle) I know the answer.

L: You know I want you. (shakes head)

Larry shook his head and just stared out the window of his apartment. Jada could feel his pain, she knew it was about he and her and where they stood.

J: Hey, hey. Baby...I want us to be together. But...I have to get rid of Toni first.

L: ...(puts head down)

J: ...Shay gave me an idea the other day. She said that you and I could, run away together to Paris.

L: (lifts head) What?

J: Yea I know I thought it was crazy-

L: Non. That's almost like my idea.

J: What? Really?

L: Yea I mean, me and Lau talked the other night. We want to save money in a separate account, and get enough to move us back to Paris and buy a condo. And, I wanted you to come too. (smile) And I don't know bout Shay but Lau want her to come too.

J: I cant believe what I'm hearing Larry! This is amazing! (gets up) I-I just Ah! This sounds like the perfect plan!

L: Yea I know, and then whatever we have left, we will start our business for our own studio for dance.

J: Larry, maybe this could actually work. I just need the perfect opportunity to get away from Toni. And all this could go down. And me and you could be together just like we were.

Jada threw her arms around Larry and he happily hugged her back. "I have to take you home soon." He said to her with sadness in his voice. She sighed deeply before replying. "Yea...tomorrow morning."

Larry picked Jada up as she wrapped her legs around him. He walked into his bedroom with her in his clutch, and locked the door behind him.

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