All Over Again

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T: OOOOOH SHIIID! Pay me boy!

Toni and his boys were in the living room playing cards and rolling blunts. They had just finished weighing grams of weed to sell to customers as they came to the door. They were at Jada's house. She was upstairs in her room trying to get herself together for the day.

As she stood in front of the mirror of her vanity, she slowly applied lipstick with a blank expression. When she saw it was enough she stopped and placed the cap back on it. She jumped slightly hearing Toni yell downstairs at his boys. Her spirit was so interrupted with him back in the house. Her constant fear came back, along with her insecurities. She looked at herself in the mirror again but leaned in closer to look at her eyes. She noticed the fresh scar at the corner. Toni gave her that last night. She quickly tried to apply more concealer to cover it.

Jada soon came downstairs in a red long-sleeve shirt, black jeans and nude pumps. Toni seen her and stood up out his seat to walk towards her. She stopped in her tracks at the bottom of the stairs and stood with her hands together in front of her, and head down. He stood in front of her and placed a finger under her chin to get a good look at her face. His boys were in the back being nosey. Jada looked up at him waiting for his everlasting judgment.

T: You look sexy.

J: Thank you.

T: Now you know when yo curfew is right?

J: ...9pm.

T: Good. You come any later than that?....You know what's good.

He lightly pushed her chin as he walked away. "Oh and tell Shay my boy Pedro said wassup." he said as he sat back down at his seat. His boys laughed obnoxiously at the same time Shay pulled up outside. Jada opened the door and went through it quickly. She headed to Shay's car and got safely inside. Free from Toni and his pack of fools.

S: Hey girl.

J: Hey.

Shay and Jada shared a well needed hug before she pulled out of her neighborhood.

S: Okay so we goin to Manhattan today for some shopping and lunch with the guys.

J: (confused look) The guys? Who are you talkin bout?

S: Larry and Laurent. Lau just got back two days ago from shooting a film in Russia so Larry wants him to tag along with us today. And plus Larry fine and I been low-key jealous of you and him, ha! So now I get to know Mr. Laurent B girl Yaas!

Jada laughed out loud uncontrollably at her best friend's comment. Shay looked on at her as she drove down the highway. It made her smile to see her friend happy. At least for the moment.

Shay soon pulled into a large shopping center and parked in the lot. She and Jada got out and headed inside the H&M. The cool air hit their faces as soon as they walked through. Removing her shades Shay spotted the twins waiting for them.

S: Come on they over here.

Jada tagged behind Shay towards the twins. Something deep in her being made her feel guilty about seeing Larry. She knew Toni would kill her if he found out she was with him today, but at the same time, she missed him. And she loved him still.

S: Hey guys! (hugs Lau)

Lau: Hello belle. (kiss hand)

S: Lau this is Jada, well nevamind yall met at the restaurant that day...girl, you okay?

Jada stood there and stared at Larry who was standing with is hands in his pockets. Laurent and Shay could sense the uneasiness between them. That's when Lau got an idea and smirked at Shay. "Watch this." He told her. Grabbing both Jada and Larry's hands, Lau placed them together and shoved them towards each other. They bumped into one another as Shay giggled at Lau's attempt. They looked at each other and slowly began to grin.

L: ...hey baby.

J: Hey Larry.

They both laugh before Larry pulled her into a deep hug, lifting her in the air.

All day the four of them shopped and conversed. They hit all the big stores and left with plenty of bags. At the end of their shopping spree it was around 4pm so they decided it was time for food. The twins' favorite time of the day. They went to a restaurant with a elegant yet hipster feel. It was chill with a live band and decorative lights hanging from the ceiling. Larry sat in front of Jada and Lau in front of Shay. Both couples were caking it up and enjoying each other's company. However during their fun time Larry could sense Jada's happiness declining. He decided to excuse he and her from the table to the balcony of the restaurant.

They linked fingers as they walked through the doors. It wasn't enough for Larry so he pulled her by her waist into him and kissed her neck, making her giggle and grab his head.

L: I miss you so much...Baby I no want us to be over.

J: Larry, I don't want us to end either...its just that...I cant get rid of Toni for the life of me (shakes head) I have tried to get away from him since I was 20 years old.

L: You scared of him too. Afraid for what he might do? Because I cant take this anymore, I'm scared for what he will do to you if I cant be there to save you.

Larry grabbed her hands into his and squeezed them. Jada tried to fight her emotions. But she was no match for the feelings she had for Larry and she knew it. No matter what.

J: Larry...please don't do this..*cries*

L: (wipes her tear) No. I wont stop loving you. And I will fight for you Jada. I gonna help you get away from him because you are mine.

J: Larry..I-I don't want you to get hurt *sniffle* or killed. Baby please just...ple-

L: No Jada.

J: Larry just let me go please...*cries*

L: Jada...No. We will be together.

8:43pm read the time on her phone. Jada put her key into the lock on the front door and turned the knob. Upon walking in the aroma of Weed hit her nose. 'Ugh I need to remind myself to get Jaylen a gas mask.' She thought to herself. Closing the door back and locking it back Toni emerged from the kitchen. She stopped in her tracks and waited for him to speak.

T: What time is it.

J: It's a quarter till 9.

T: Aight.

Jada proceeded upstairs. She opened Jaylen's room door to find him sound asleep. Walking in quietly she kneeled down by his bed side and kissed his forehead. The thought of her not being there for her son if Toni killed her, flooded her mind. Larry was right. She was afraid of what Toni would do. The possibilities are endless.

She flicked the light on in her bedroom and changed into pjs. She curled up in a ball in the bed and cried herself to sleep.

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