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That following Monday Larry is at the restaurant waiting tables. He took someone's order then walked back to the kitchen. When he did he met one of the girl waitresses in the back, she handed him a few plates to help her with her table.

C: So, boss man working you hard this week?

L: Ah man Candice you have no idea. It's always like that though so I no complain.

C: Hell if it was me I would've been gave him a piece of my mind! Come on this is for table 9.

L: Oki.

Larry followed Candice to the table that had a huge family. They both handed out the respectable plates. Once they were threw with that they headed back towards the kitchen carrying on conversation. For a split second Larry turned his head to scan the restaurant for anyone who needed assistance, at the same time a familiar female face walked in.

Larry gasped with wide eyes and quickly dashed passed Candice and hid behind the bar. He made a lot of racket knocking over a few dishes and silverware. He crouched down afraid to pull up and see the girl. Candice went around the counter as everyone else resumed normal behavior. She looked on at Larry who looked like he had seen a ghost.

C: Larry, what the hell are you doing?

L: You see that girl that just walked in? She got long dark hair and brown skin.

Candice looked up for the girl Larry was describing. Once she spotted her she ducked back down to Larry.

C: Yea I see her. Why? (smile) You like her?

L: Well...yea, I mean I seen her at the grocery store this weekend but I no know her like that its just...she was there when I had to pay for my groceries with my food stamp card. I don't want her to think I'm a loser who cant pay for groceries.

C: Larry come on you're over reacting right now. I mean all you gotta do is talk to her. I mean the worst she can say is no.

L: I know...but I been told no so many times Candice I cant do it.

C: Look hey I would love to continue this little game with you but the supervisor is gonna be back soon and you need to get from behind this bar.

Larry shook his head and rose up from the bar and looked at Candice scared. She slapped him in the chest with his note pad and nodded her head towards the Mystery girls' table.

C: I think they need service.

Larry looked at the table with the girl and her two friends. He wanted so bad to chicken out but Candice had already left him to go back to the kitchen. So he had no choice. He walked over to their table to take their order. The girls were laughing at something together when he approached the table. He didn't know what to do so he just awkwardly stood there until they were done. Finally one of them noticed he was standing there and quieted the noise.

W/v1: Oh hey there. Are you are waiter?

L: Um. Yes I am. What would you like?

W/v: drink?

L: Uh y-yes. What would you like to drink?

W/v1: Well I would like a lemonade.

W/v2: I want a Chardonnay with a water please.

W/v3: And I want a sweet tea please.

Larry took down all their request then excused himself to go retrieve them. When he entered into the doors of the kitchen Candice smiled at him and gave him a small clap.

C: Great Job. Now lets see if you can keep it up Mr. Bourgeois.

Larry shook his head and took the platter of drinks to the girls. He set down every ladies' drink and took out his note pad again but it fell so he had to pick it up off the floor, embarrassed. The girls giggled as he came back to earth again. The one that Larry liked was blushing and covering her mouth as she looked on at him. He gave her a shy grin and proceeded with his waiter duties.

For You I Will (LesTwinsFanfic)Where stories live. Discover now