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Almost 2 weeks go by and Jada has enough photos of Toni and his boys, along with the drugs. Not to mention the various photos of her face when he abused her. All the evidence necessary to lock him up for good. She saved the developed photos in an envelope in her room hidden in her closet. At the moment she had on a white tank top and jeans. She stood in front of the TV messing around with her camera settings. Suddenly Toni erupted downstairs in an angry rage.

T: Jada!

She jumped and turned around placing her camera on the TV stand. "Huh?" she responded clueless. Her heart dropped when she looked at him. "What the hell is this shit huh?" he asked, as he held a tight grip on the brown envelope that held the evidence. Her face flushed as she tried to find her voice.

T: You gon answer me bitch? What the fuck you been taking pictures of me and shit! (slams envelope on floor)

Jada began to back up towards the kitchen and he noticed. He charged at her and she screamed as she ran to the kitchen. Snatching a knife Jada knocked down some things that were on the counter in order to create obstacles for Toni to get through. She walked backwards from him as she pointed the knife his way. He followed with his eyes locked on hers. Then out of fear she tossed the knife at him quickly before making a dash for it. He ducked in time and the knife stuck in the wall.

He caught up with her in the living room and tackled her down on the couch. She struggled under his grip as she fought with all her strength. Her back was to him as he wrapped his arms around her body tightly. She managed to head butt him with the back of her head, freeing her a little. She fell over the coffee table trying to get away. She cried as she crawled for life out of the living room towards the stairs. But she only got up the first five steps before Toni grabbed her ankle and forcefully slid her back down. She hit her head once she got to the bottom. Her vision immediately got blurry from the blow, making the view of Toni appear a bit strange. He gripped tightly on her wrists, dragging her back to the living room. "AAAAHH TONI STOOOOP!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs.

Upstairs Jaylen peeked around the corner from the top of the stairs. He made it down a few of the stairs to see between the poles. The sight of his father terribly attacking his mother was in front of his young 4 year old eyes. He ran back up the stairs into his mother's room.

Meanwhile Toni gave vicious blows with his fist to Jada's face. Pounding her without letting up. He stood up and kicked her in the gut twice making her grab at her stomach and roll over. "I bet you learn next time bitch." He said out of breath as he stood over her. She was a complete mess. Her hair was all over her head as she lie there...motionless. Toni kneeled down to look at her. He shoved her slightly to see if she'd move. "Aye, aye!" no response. He stood up and shook his head. He rushed into the kitchen and rummaged through the basket on the counter to retrieve the car keys and disappeared out the front door, not even bothering to close it.

Larry was at the restaurant working. Lau had come to visit him for lunch time so he sat at the bar as Larry dried some glasses.

L: So I hear from a certain somebody that you and Shay are getting it in from time to time! Ha is this true!?

Lau: (sheepish smile) I mean, ha yea. What you want bro, Shay is fine. I mean I know she older than me but she is gorgeous.

L: Ha, that is so funny. Jada texted me that the other day and I was like wow! No my brother ew!

Lau: Ha, whatever man! I'm the one who taught you how to get booty.

Larry shook his head and placed the glass he had been cleaning in its rightful place. Suddenly his phone began to vibrate in his pants pocket making him pull it out to observe the caller. "Damn I missed Jada call 3 times." He said before pressing answer.

L: Hey baby I sorry I miss you ca- wait what?...Jaylen, ha what you use you mama phone for?...wait say it again? dad- he hit you mama?

Laurent sat up and stood up out his seat.

L: ...what you mean Jaylen, wait are you at home?...where is you mama?...laying on the floor? Is she moving Jay?...Oh my god.

"Larry whats wrong?" Lau asked standing next to his twin. Larry's breathing increased as he was still on the phone with Jaylen.

L: Oki Jaylen listen to me. Stay with you mama oki, I'm on the way and I will call 911 just stay with you mama and try to get her to wake up.

Larry ended the call and tugged off his apron, tossing it on the floor storming out the restaurant. "Larry what happen? Where you going?" Lau asked as he followed his brother outside. "We have to go to Jada house, Toni beat her and Jaylen say she not moving we have to go come on! Call Shay."

Larry, Laurent, and Shay arrived to Jada's house and noticed right away her door was left open. "Oh my god." Shay said as she covered her mouth in shock. Lau held her close as they walked behind Larry. He went in first and looked around at the mess. There was glass everywhere. Larry stepped on the envelope of evidence. Some of the photos were outside the envelope as he looked down. The rest of the living room was a wreck. The coffee table was slipped over and a lamp was broken on the floor with the light flickering. That's when Larry heard some whimpering on the other side of the couch.

He lowered his stance a bit as his heart sank and eyes began to water. "Jaylen." He called out. Jaylen turned his back and got up off the floor running full speed to Larry. He held onto him close as the tears began to flow. "She wont wake up daddy...she wont wake up." He said crying onto Larry's shoulder. Shay came in and pulled Jaylen to her. Larry crawled around the corner of the couch and seen Jada lying on the floor. She was lying on her stomach with her left arm tucked under and right arm sprawled out. Larry went to her and pulled her dead weight body into his arms. He cradled her and rocked back and forth, crying harder than he'd ever had before.

" no no my baby..*cries* Jada..." over and over he repeated. Laurent looked on at his brother as he allowed a tear to run down his face as well. The sight alone was sad, but the sight of his brother so hurt, was enough to kill him.

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