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The next day Jada goes to work at the Salon just like normal. The usual conversation about men and other topics was in the air. Mrs. Gina sat at her desk doing paper work as the girls carried on with their clients. She noticed however, that Jada wasn't acting like her usual self. She didn't look like it either. Her hair was thrown in a very messy bun and dark circles were around her eyes like she hadn't slept in days.

MG: Jada honey you alright Today?

S: Yea girl you not sayin a lot today you good?

J: ..I'm fine guys.

MG: ..Okay now.

The conversation in the shop began to pick back up, but out of no where Jada fell out on the floor. Every screamed in shock. "Jada girl!" Shay screamed aloud as she and the other girls ran to her rescue.

Mrs. Gina exchanged words with the doctor before going back behind the curtain to see Jada. She was lying on the hospital bed holding her head in agony. Standing next to her Mrs. Gina rubbed the top of Jada's head.

MG: baby...what's wrong with you baby?

J: Nothing...well, I don't know why I fell out but other than that I'm okay.

MG: (shakes head slowly) ....I never thought you'd do that to me again.

Jada looked up at Mrs. Gina confused with a raised eyebrow. "What do you mean?" she asked. Mrs. Gina's eyes began to well up as she fought back the pain emerging from her voice. "Lie to me...I know something's wrong with you honey. Just tell me." Jada shook her head and began to break down right there. With her face in her hands she spoke but it was muffled.

MG: What did you say?

J: Mama..*sniffle* I-I..I c-

MG: I seen your bruises when you walked in today. You cant hide black eyes and bruises from me...Is Toni back?

J: *break down* He came home last night Mama...*cries* He beat me after he put Jaylen to bed, and he...he r-..he raped my bed.

Mrs. Gina pulled her into her chest allowing her to let go her pain. Looking up, Mrs. Gina saw a familiar face coming in, pulling back the curtain. She pulled Jada off her as she looked on at Larry.

L: What happen?

J: Mama?...You called Larry?!

MG: You need to tell him what you told me.

J: Why!?

MG: Because you need to get away from Toni, and he away from you. Now I don't care what Toni told you. But Larry loves you and he deserves to know what's going on.

Jada looked up at Larry with so much pain in her heart. It broke his heart to see her cry and look so distressed. He made his way to her and sat on the hospital bed next to her and held her close. He allowed her a chance to break down on his chest before she forced herself to speak.

J: ...Toni. My baby father and back from jail. He came to my house last night after me and Jaylen got home...he put Jaylen to bed, then-

L: He hurt you?

Jada could sense the pain in Larry's face as well as observe tears beginning to pool is eyes. She couldn't bare to tell him what happened next, but she know he had to know.

J: ...Yes. He beat me...and. He- he raped me Larry.

Larry got up and went to the wall of the area they were in and leaned against it with his head on his arms with his fists balled up. Coming off the wall he grabbed an empty container and threw it in anger. Mrs. Gina attempted to calm him and sit him down in a chair. Jada tried to assist as best as she could but stopped in her tracks when she got off the bed. Toni and his boys showed up from behind the curtain. Larry stood up from the chair immediately pissed off.

T: What the fuck goin on here Jada?

J: Toni, I-I passed out at work and Mrs. Gina brought me here.

J: She passed out because you beat her so bad last night you asshole!

Larry was about to lunge at Toni but Mrs. Gina held him back.

T: Who the fuck you talkin to punk!?

J: Larry please I don't want you to get hurt!

L: Don't worry about me!

T: Yea don't worry about him Jada. You aint got no business being around him anyway what the hell I tell you bitch, you know better!?

L: Don't talk to her like that!

Larry pushed Toni but then like lightening his 3 boys jumped on Larry and immediately began to beat on him. Jada screamed for them to stop at the same time a few nurses came rushing in.

M/v: Hey HEY! You people need to get out of here now!

Toni's 3 boys let Larry go and backed up off him but not before Toni got his one kick to Larry's gut. Larry struggled to get up as he got himself on all fours. He coughed up a little bit of blood. Jada wanted to roll over and die watching the horror in front of her eyes. Finally Larry got enough strength to get off the floor as Mrs. Gina helped him. Toni grabbed at Jada's arm yanking her to him. "Get yo ass over here! Imma kill yo ass when we get to the house." He spoke harshly to her but she paid no attention to his words. She had her eyes locked on Larry as they were exiting the building. He looked on at her as he could see the cry for help in her eyes. Those eyes that he seen the first time they met read 'beauty and grace.' Now, they read 'Save me.'

Once they disappeared through the doors, all the other nurses and doctors acted as normal and resumed behavior. Mrs. Gina sat down in a chair to rest herself. "Well that was eventful." Larry on the other hand still had so much anger left in him. He knocked over an entire cart of supplies before slamming himself on a wall, sliding down to the floor next to Mrs. Gina.

She looked down at him with a raised eyebrow. "Are you done beating yourself up now? Because if you are then I can tell you what you really need to know." Larry breathed heavily as he tried to calm himself. Closing his eyes real tight then opening them again he took a deep breath. Mrs. Gina could sense he was ready to listen to her now so she readied herself to speak.

MG: Now. This is not going to be easy. But somehow, some way you need to help me and her friends get him away from her.

L: How I supposed to do that? She changed back to how she was before I showed up in her life. She under his control now and since he wont let me see her what the hell can I do to compete with his pack of dogs? I have nobody on my side to fight him and his boys.

MG: I understand where you coming from. But that's no excuse to give up. Listen to me Larry. That girl loves you till her last breath. And I'm sure that girl is still deep down inside her and all she needs is that crack in that shell she's hiding inside with Toni, to open up more. Larry you are the only one who has the potential for any difference to happen.

L: (shakes head) ...What if I cant do it?

MG: Well, think of this for motivation. It's only a matter of time, before she dies at his hands.

Larry raised his head.

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