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The sound of my alarm woke me up right out of my sleep. 'Ugh, Monday again' I think to myself. I sluggishly raise up in bed quickly grabbing the back of my neck from it being sore. I got no sleep last night because Lilo had a fever and whinned all night from her head hurting. My baby didn't get any better this morning either. She sounded really congested and coughed up a fit. I left my room and went to go check on her before I got ready for work. To my luck she was already awake.

LL: Daddy (rubs eyes)

L: Yes my baby, you okay?

LL: Nooo...*cough loudly*

L: Oki oki, calm down baby.

Larry sighed as he sat on Lilo's bed and cradled her in his arms. He tried to fight back tears as she gripped his shirt with her little 3 year old fist. He had no idea who he was gonna get to keep her while he was at work because taking her with him, was definitely not an option. His boss was definitely gonna fire him for that if it wasn't for being late. Larry just carried her into his room and layed her in his bed, covering her up as she got comfortable. He glanced at his clock and read the time


"*sigh* Dammit. I gotta get somebody to keep her." Larry said to himself. He got a quick shower as he weighed out his options to have Lilo taken care of for the day. As he brushed his teeth in the mirror he got the idea to solve his problem.

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Jada rolled over in bed and searched for her phone buried in the covers. Yawning loudly she squinted her eyes to see the contact name. "Larry." she read the contact before pressing answer.

J: Mm hello?

L: Jada hey, I sorry I call you so early. I just need to ask something.

J: It's fine, and yea sure what is it?

L: Uh, Lilo got sick last night and she don't feel good today either. My boss gonna kill me if I bring her with me and I have no one to keep her, so I was wondering if you could watch her. Please I will pay you whatever you need.

J: Yea babe its fine I'm off today it's just me and Jaylen here so yea that's fine. When are you bringing her?

L: Oh yes thank you so much, and probally in another 30 minutes or so. Thank you belle.

J: You're welcome. (smile) and hey there's no need to pay me. I'll do it with no problem okay.

L: Thank you. Uh well I'll see you in a little bit.

J: Okay bye.

L: Alright bye.

Jada hung up and placed her phone back beside her. Rolling over on her side she went back to sleep until Lilo and Larry showed up.

Almost 45 minutes later it was going on 7:15am and Larry was just now getting to Jada's house. It was pouring down raining and was not letting up. Larry rushed out the car and got to the back to let Lilo out. Scooping her up from her car seat and shutting the door. He took a few seconds to struggle with an umbrella as Jada opened her door with her robe on. She shook her head and giggled a little looking at him. He was unbelievably cute to her in so many ways. 

Once they got to the door Jada was met by a sick Lilo and a soaked Larry. His fro was falling over his face and Jada was slightly turned on.

L: Oki, here her bag and everything. She got some cough medicine in there and some children motrin in there, extra clothes and stuff. I might work late tonight so if you can give her a bath that would be good too.

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