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Jada POV

The next day I woke up feeling bad that I couldn't make it to Larry's place for dinner. I know I promised him I would come but between my phone dying, being stuck in traffic, and me being pissed off with Keri was not cutting it. So today I decided to leave Jaylen with my neighbor again so I could go see Larry. I went by his job and they said he was taking a leave of absence for this week. They didn't let me know why but hopefully he can. I'm a little worried about him, I hope he's alright.

Jada pulled up to Larry's apartment and parked close by. Walking up the few flights of steps she finally made it to his door. She gave a couple of knocks and waited for him to open up the door. It took longer than usual, but he answered her knocks. However, he cracked the door only revealing half of his face and for some reason it looked upset to Jada.

J: Hey babe. Are you alright?

L: ...Non. What do you want?

J: (shocked) Um, well I was just coming by to see if you were okay.

L: I'm fine just leave me alone Jada.

With that Larry slammed the door right in her face. Jada stood there just as speechless as could be. It shocked her to see Larry act like this to her, and it was beginning to confuse her. She knocked on his door again putting a little more force into the wooden door with her fist until he opened it again. "What!?" he yelled at the top of his lungs. "What the hell is wrong with you!? Why are you acting like this? Look I was trying to come over and apologize for not showing up last night and you acting like I did something wrong, wassup?!" Larry looked down guilty at first of how he was treating her, but then he turned his attention back to her. Sighing heavily he pulled open the door all the way with a blank expression, allowing Jada to see the various scars and bruises on his face.

J: Larry, what the hell happened to you!?

L: Oh you care now. (shakes head)

Jada followed Larry inside and closed the door behind her. He was headed to his bed room and of course she was on his heels.

J: Larry of course I care.

L: You didn't care to respond to those text messages before those guys kick my ass did you!? Huh!?

J: Larry..w-who did this to you, okay what guys?

L: I don't know. But they beat me up and took my money and my car. Lilo was with me too.

J: Oh my God Larry I'm...I'm so sorry.

Jada began to choke up and went to him for comfort but he shoved her off and sat on the bed. He sat with his elbows resting on his knees with his hands linked together like he was in deep thought. Shaking his head he responded, "Don't feel sorry for me now. I got my car back this morning when the police brought it back. Now its in worse condition than it was before it got jacked...They bashed my windows and busted two tires." Jada covered her mouth in disbelief at what he told her. She watched as he slowly tried to fight back tears. She knew he was hurting.

J: Larry if there's anything I can do just tell me.

L: Get out. That's what you can do right now.

J: Larry I'm trying to help!

L: No you not! (stand up) Get. Out.

Jada stared at him angrily before storming out of his apartment. Larry slammed the door to his room and didn't come out until later.

The rest of that week was rough for both Larry and Jada. They didn't speak not once. She tried to text him but after several failed attempts, he still wouldn't answer so she gave up. He got a new job working at a hotel part-time and Larry had been working like a dog to save up money to get his car fixed and to get Lilo to and from Daycare on time. Riding the bus around was not easy, sometimes it was on time and sometimes not. But he did make it. Finally that next week he went back to work at the restaurant but not without a surprise everyday. Jada didn't entirely quit trying to reach out to Larry. She had invested too much time and energy into her and Larry's relationship and going on 3 months now, was not going to end just like that. So her plan was to go to Larry's job everyday with a Teddy bear bigger than the last to apologize until he talked to her. He ignored every time. But today was attempt number 7 and it was bound to work.

It was closing time and Larry was cleaning his last table. He finished scrubbing the table then placed the condiments and other décor back in its place. Slapping the towel back on his shoulder he stood back, almost admiring his cleaning skills. He looked over outside the restaurant windows and spotted Jada on her way in. He quickly sprinted to the door at the moment she got there and locked it.

She twisted the knob and looked up at him through the window. Larry raised his eyebrow and flipped the 'open' sign to 'closed' and shook his head sarcastically. Jada pouted and held up an overly sized brown bear in her arms. Larry turned back to head to the kitchen but was interrupted by Jada's knocks on the doors. Candice looked at Larry with her arms folded with a 'nigga really?' face. He was convinced to turn back around to go to the door. Jada had hopeful eyes and formed a smile. Larry grinned sweetly then in an instant pulled down on the strings to the blinds, making the view of Jada no more.

He turned back around to see Candice making her way to the door herself.

C: Move.

L: Candy come on I no wanna talk to her.

C: You're not gonna let this go on forever. You love this girl and you know it.

Candice proceeded to unlock the door and let Jada inside the restaurant.

J: Thanks girl

C: You're most definitely welcome.

Candice flashed Larry a look and he returned an eye roll. He stood there stubbornly as Jada walked up to him with the teddy bear. Candice walked off to give them privacy. They both stood there in silence until Jada spoke.

J: ...La-Larry I really missed you. I'm sorry for not being there that night, but...I was stuck in traffic and my phone died. By that time Jaylen was crying to go home and sleep so...I don't know if you will believe me but that's my truth. You know I wouldn't just leave you hanging like that. Baby please I'm sorry.

L: ...

J: Baby please tell me something.

L: ....(grin) Something.

Jada paused at first before laughing. Larry started laughing as well and walked towards her with open arms. They embraced tightly and swayed back and forth. Larry kissed her forehead and put his to hers. She got on her toes and brought him down to her with her arms around his neck, pressing their lips together. Pulling apart they smiled at one another.

J: So how mad at me were you?

L: ...Mmm, no that mad. I missed you too. I love you Jada.

J: I love you too Larry, lets go.

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