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J: Shay.

S: Yea girl?

J: I'm so scared.

S: (smacks teeth) Girl you done said that 3 times on the way over here.

J: Well its true! Toni has his guys everywhere lurkin and they will let him know if I'm up to something.

S: Look. You gotta do this. Okay this is the first step to leaving him. We gotta do this girl. Now quit being a bitch about it and lets go!

Shay got out of the car first then Jada. They both wore trench coats, dark shades and hats to hide their identity. "Come on girl!" Shay spat at Jada who tip toed behind her.

They walked through the doors of the Police station and headed for the front desk. An officer had just got done speaking to a couple then they walked off. He greeted the ladies.

M/v: Hello ladies may I help you?

S: Yes sir you can. Um I would like to know what the process is to getting a restraining order against someone as well as having a motherfucka snatched out yo house?

J: Shay! Stop it!

Jada pulled Shay back as she made a face at her. She snatched her shades off and stepped up to the desk herself. "Hi officer, I need a restraining order against my ex-boyfriend slash baby's father. He just got out of jail and he showed up at my house almost 2 weeks ago now and he wont leave, and I cant get him to do it. *sigh* do you think you can help me?"

M/v: So you're saying he was released from Jail without any notice?

J: Well yea sort of. I mean he wrote me a not so welcoming letter a couple months before his release telling me himself that he was coming back, but I don't want him in my house. He is a drug dealer and he beats me in front of my son and I-

M/v: Wait a minute, you said he's a drug dealer and he beats you?

J: ...*sigh* Yes sir.

S: Oh so can you help us, well her?

M/v: Well filing a restraining order wont be as helpful if he's still inside the home. He would have to be out of the home for that to be in effect.

J: Okay, well what if you guys just take him away?

M/v: Well we cant exactly do that unless there's evidence of these things you mention. We cant just ambush someone being accused of accusations without proof.

Jada and Shay screwed up their faces at the officer. Shay once again sucked her teeth as she showed her disgust. Jada's lip quivered as the sadness crept deep within her gut.

J: But...sir, I-I don't know what you mean. I have to find proof that this man has been beating on me? Don't you have the files on him from the past 5 years that this man has been beating my ass!

M/v: Ma'am calm down

J: No! You tellin me that if I don't find any evidence that this man keeps beating and raping me in front of my baby, he can still stay in my house!?

S: Come on baby its ok-

J: No! have to do something..please I'm begging you sir, I don't wanna die in front of my baby.

M/v: *sigh* I'm sorry ma'am. I need evidence.

Shay and Jada sat in the living room at Jada's place. Toni was out so they took the time to sit there and figure out a solution. Shay sipped her wine faithfully while Jada sat at the end of the couch just holding her glass, circling the top with her fingertips. Suddenly Shay sat up in excitement.

S: Hmm! Oh girl! Okay I got an idea, but I don't know how you will like it.

J: I'm pretty sure it wont top your burning down the house idea. Go ahead.

S: Maybe, just maybe. You and Larry could runaway with the kids back to Paris. And live happily ever after!

Jada's eyes widened slowly as she let the idea marinate in her head. She sat up and placed her glass of wine on the coffee table. Looking at Shay she lightened her look.

J: Runaway to Paris...Hmph. That doesn't sound too bad Shay.

S: Girl what! (clap) Ha I told you I be thinking sometimes.

J: But still I don't know. How can I get up with Larry long enough to get that idea across to him? Toni tracks everything I do and he checks my phone. Shay I feel screwed.

S: No you're not. As long as you got me, we always got a plan. Okay?

J: Okay...but moving to Paris is a bit drastic, maybe if I can get Toni to leave my place for good and get locked back up 25 to life or something, I wont have to move far...then I can finally get that place with me Larry and the kids.

S: Huh?

J: Oh, nothing...(smile) Nothing.

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