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The room was quiet. Like no one was around. Larry was slumped on the seemingly uncomfortable chair in the corner of the room. It was a few feet away from Jada as she slept peacefully in bed. Her eyebrows began to furrow into a frown as she groaned in her sleep. It made Larry stir. As he began to waken from his nap, so did she.

Rubbing his eyes he sat up and stretched his arms a bit. He yawned and shook his fro. His attention was caught on Jada, making him raise from his seat with quickness to her side. She continued to groan and move around a bit. Larry leaned over her caressing her hair with his left hand, as he hoped for her eyes to open. It seemed like she could hear his thoughts, because slowly but surely her eyes began to flutter open.

L: (smile)...Jada. Baby.

J: Mmmm...L-Larry?

L: Yes, ha yes! Yes its me baby!

Larry leaned down and gently kissed her forehead making her smile. He lifted his head to the sky as a tear fell from his eye. "Thank you...thank you so much."

J: So how long was I out?

L: For since yesterday afternoon. I was so scared for you. We all were.

J: I know...I'm so thankful I'm alive. (holds head) Oh God I wonder how much Jaylen has seen. I cant imagine how he feels right now...hmph. My baby boy.

L: Well, he was the one who called me at work. He tell me what happen to you, and me and Lau and Shay came to you rescue. We called 911 when we get there.

J: Wow. I forgot I taught him to call for help if something was wrong. So what about Toni? Did the cops find him, cause I'm sure his ass dipped as soon as he seen that I was out.

L: (take sip of soda) Yea, he actually ran off, but they find him at his homeboy house. They arrested him and his boys. They all being convicted of all the things you caught in the pictures.

J: Wow.

Jada just stared at Larry as he sat next to her eating her Jell-O on her lunch tray she didn't finish. She grinned to herself just watching him. He looked like a squirrel just stuffing his mouth with the cherry gelatin. "Larry." she said to him as he stopped to look up at her. "Yea?" "I love you so much." Larry stared at her for a few seconds with Jell-O filling is cheeks before swallowing. He looked down sheepishly and continued to pick at his Jell-O cup. Jada looked on at him, giving him a look. She reached for his chin and pulled his face to her, forcing him to look at her.

J: Nah Uh. Don't do that to me.

L: (swallow) Do what?

J: Get shy with me. It's way to late for that, please don't start that again.

L: ...Sorry. I mean, this is the first time we got to talk without being worried about getting caught. I no know, its just. It feel like it was, when we first met.

J: ...Really?

L: ...Jada, you make me happy.

Jada kept her eyes on Larry as a tear escaped down her face. "No. You make me happy Larry Nicholas Bourgeois."

After 3 days in the hospital Jada was cleared to go back home. Larry came to get her in a 2016 Honda Civic, royal blue. He loaded her suitcase into the trunk of the car and shut it, heading to the front seat. The car circled a round about and took a left out of the Hospital parking lot.

After about 15 minutes Larry pulled into the driveway of Jada's house. Her face went from a smile to complete surprise. There was caution tape in the form of an 'X' across her front door, along with some tape around the side of the house.

L: The police say no one can go in because they still doing investigation. But if you wanted to get anything they say its okay.

Jada didn't even answer Larry back and he understood. Her eyes just kept scanning the exterior of the house. She never thought it would come to this. Her house was no longer a home. It had been that way for a long time. Too long. She started to slowly shake her head.

J: I don't wanna go in there. I cant. I'll just tell Shay to come here later and get my clothes and whatever else I need. Lets just go to your house.

L: Oki.

Larry turned the car back on and drove up out of there.

Pulling up to his apartment he parked up to the building. They both exited the vehicle. Larry grabbed her tote bag out of the trunk and grabbed her hand in his as they walked up the stairs to his place. As they walked up the steps the warmth in her hands made its way onto Larry's. It alarmed him so he asked if she was alright.

J: I'm fine, its just been a rough few days. I'm trying to get myself together.

L: Hey, its okay. You be with me for a long time until you get things together. And maybe even then. (smile) Look, I take care of you so no rush in getting youself together. It's gonna take time.

Jada looked up at him and smiled. He continued to get his key out and unlock the door. The door pushed open as she walked through first. "Hey turn on the lights. I think you gonna be happy for you present." She made a confused look and laughed lightly as she flicked on the light. "What you mean?"



Jada stopped in her tracks as she stood at the door still. Larry closed it behind her. In front of her however, was Laurent, Shay, Mrs. Gina, a few girls from the shop, and an old time friend Keri. Jaylen and Lilo stood in front of the crowd wearing party hats and noise makers in their mouths.

Jada covered her mouth in surprise and placed her hands across her heart. "Oh my-...oh my gosh guys..I-I am so surprised. What! How did, wh-" she struggled to speak but Mrs. Gina interrupted her. "Honey child, when Shay told us what happened we had to come see about you. You were still out of it when we got to the hospital but we decided that when you got back that we was gonna make you feel as comfortable as possible. Because honey, you are loved. And we care about ya now, so we done got together this little gathering for you just to let you know how we feel." Jada didn't know what to say. A simple 'Thank You' just wasn't enough, but it was all she had.

J: Thank you guys. Thank you so much and *sigh*  I love you all too.

S: Aww girl we love you!

J&LL: We love you momma!

J: Aww babies momma loves you too come here.

Jada knelt down as Jaylen and Lilo ran to her embrace. Larry came behind them and joined in, kissing each kid on the head and Jada on the lips.

Lau: Um I would love to join in the family gathering but I'm hungry so I think we should eat now.

Everyone laughed as they walked to the table for the food. Mrs. Gina was directing everyone around and letting everyone know what dish was what. Jada helped Jaylen get his plate as Larry did the Same with Lilo in his arms. He snuck a glance at Jada as she walked around the table. He smiled at her happily, knowing that it was only the beginning to a new life with Jada.   

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