Chapter 11 [part 1]: Sam's Secret

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"I'm not marrying him."

          "Why not?" Mum asked sulkily. 

          "Because," I said, forcing back a frown, "It's too soon. We've been dating for... what? A week?"

          "But-" started Dad.

          "Now, please," I said, holding the door open. "Get out of my apartment."

          Huffing, they left. I had expected them to visit, but not so soon. I mean, they just came over for dinner last week! Sometimes it felt more like they were in the 'relationship'.

          Sam was grinning in the corner. 

          "They just can't get enough of me," he said cockily. I rolled my eyes playfully but didn't feel like talking so I made my way into the kitchen to grab a packet of crisps from the top cupboard.

          Once I came back into the living room, Sam was typing away on his laptop. I sat down at the windowsill and stared at the view. For some reason, the sun was shining brightly - and it was October. A heat wave, the weather forecaster had said. He also said it was due to snow next week... England had such strange weather.

          The weather wasn't reflecting my mood like how it does in the books. I wasn't too cheery today. I'd gotten another text from Raj. I mean, what was his problem? We knew each other for about four days! Why was he so upset by this?

          I looked down and saw a couple walking along the pavement, the woman holding the hand of who I assumed was her daughter. The child was clutching her teddy and saying something excitingly into her father's ear.

          It made me think of two things.

          Firstly, the relationship between me and my parents. It had always been strained, ever since childhood. They were strict. I wasn't allowed a boyfriend until I had a good education. I wasn't allowed to have sex until I was married. I wasn't allowed to have fun.

          Secondly, my future family. Would I ever even find somebody? Perhaps my infuriating parents were right: I needed to find someone. I wanted children and a husband who adored me. I wanted a family. Probably not now, but some day. I'd never thought about it. Was I even ready for that?


          I snapped out of my daydream to find Sam waved his hand in front of my face.

          "Earth to Katrina! Anyone home?" he joked.

          I grimaced, slapping his hand away.

          "What?" I said irritably.

          "What's up?" he said, gesturing towards my face. Oh God, I wasn't crying, was I?

          Reluctantly, I raised a finger to my cheeks and almost sighed in relief when it didn't feel wet. Sam looked at me with narrowed eyes.

          "We're going out," he said abruptly.

          "What?" I said blankly. "But I've got school..."

          Sam laughed.

          "It's Saturday, Kat."


          "Um," I said hesitantly. "I don't really feel like it-"

          "No excuses," said Sam sternly. I hadn't noticed til now how close his face was to mine. I could feel his breath on my face. It was hard to look away from his concerned brown eyes. He pulled away abruptly and reached into his pocket, scooping out his phone.

          "What are you..?"

          "Ssh," he said, holding up a finger. I frowned silently. "Hey," Sam said into the phone, sounding warm. "Yeah. No. Listen, I can't come today. I'm so sorry. My friend really needs my company right now. She's really upset. Thanks. Love you too."

          "Who was that?" I asked curiously as he hung up.

          "Nobody," he said innocently.

          "Tell me," I insisted. I didn't like it when he hid things from me - we were supposed to be best friends!

          "It's none of your business," he said, lightly flicking my nose. "Right, let's go!"

          "Where are we going?"

          I felt like I was asking questions alot.

          "It's a surprise."

          And I felt like he never answered them.


Ah, this is so late, and so short! This is only part 1 haha, I would've done part 2 but Doctor Who is on and I've already missed the start XD

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