Chapter 23 [part 2]:

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Part 2

         I pinched myself. Nope, not dreaming. Crap! This is real? Oh my God... I blinked, trying to control my breathing, which was pretty hard when Sam was all over me.

         I squirmed under his grip. "Wait, wait," I tried to say against his lips. The little idiot apparently didn't hear me and instead took his opportunity to turn the kiss into a French one. I shouldn't have been complaining, but it was just so hard to unjumble my thoughts. 

         He wasn't supposed to like me back!

         Unable to resist, a laugh escaped my lips. Sam pulled back, giving me a weird look. "What are you..?"

         "Me?" I said between my fit of giggles. I shook my head in disbelief. "I can't believe this! You like me back?"

         He blinked. "Um... yes. Was I not supposed to?"



         By this time, I had sobered up but there was still a laugh on my lips. It was just so funny. All this time, I'd just assumed he would reject me that I had never prepared for this. 

         I folded my arms across my chest. "You were supposed to reject me so I could get over this crush and be your friend again!"

         Sam looked confused, bless him. 

         I laughed, plopping down onto the nearest chair. I brought my knees up to my chest and rested my chin on them. Sam just stood awkwardly next to me. A silence settled between us, both of us lost in our own thoughts.

         How was this possible?

         I started nibbling at my nail. This changed everything. How could he like me? How long had he? I looked up. "How long?"

         He didn't need to ask. "Since the kiss."

         I blushed. The kiss, I'd almost forgotten about that.

         It was about a year ago. We were both insanely drunk. One thing lead to another and... we kissed a little bit. But then I puked all over his shirt and we didn't go any further. We hadn't spoken of it until now.

         "That long?" I said, gaping at him. 

         He nodded. It was unreal how we were talking about this so calmly.

         "Wow," I said. "I never had a clue." He'd managed to keep his feelings under control for a whole year, and I couldn't even take a couple weeks...



         Now what?

         "This is insane," I said, more to myself than to Sam. 

         He raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

         I gestured towards him and then to me. "Us. I mean, I thought best friends becoming more only happened in the movies."

         "So we can become more than friends?" he asked hopefully.

         I was torn. Should I go for it? It would risk our friendship if we broke up... But then again, it was already ruined. Neither of us would be able to get back to being friends, not after we both knew how the other felt. His brown eyes bored into mine, making it hard for me to tear my gaze away. Oh, I so wanted to.

         I leaped up and tackled him into a kiss. It was more much amazing now that I was actually responding to it.

         "Is that a yes?" he murmured against my lips.

         Grinning, I knotted my fingers in his soft brown curls. "It's a definitely."

         And then we carried on from where we left off.



         My eyes bulged as I read the time. 8:30. 

         Sam stirred beside me, mumbling something incoherent in his sleep. A blush rose to my cheeks when I remembered last night's events. After admitting our feelings towards each other, we may have taken it to the bedroom...

         A grin spread across my lips and I buried my head in my hands, suddenly feeling giddy. It wasn't like we'd been animals about it (it had actually been really sweet) but still... I'd broken my five-date rule for him.

         Then I remembered the time again.

         Hurriedly, I grabbed my shirt from off the floor and jumped off the bed. 


         I looked over my shoulder. Sam had finally awoke and was beginning to sit up. I bent down and tossed him his shirt. "Get dressed!" I screeched, reaching the door. "We're late!"

         Back in my room, I leaned against the door, letting the girlish smile break through. I squealed, bouncing up and down in a happy dance.

         "Katrina?" Sam called from the other side of the door.

         I froze. "Yes?"

         "Are you okay?" he replied. "I thought I heard screaming."

         My cheeks flamed. "I-I'm fine," I stammered. 

         "Oh, and one other thing," he said, a grin in his voice.

         "Yeah?" I said warily.

         The door creaked open and Sam peeked his head through, a devillish smirk on his face. "You're pretty good in bed."

         The door slammed shut before I could throw my lamp at him.


I've finished my other story so hopefully I can concentrate more on this one!



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