Alphys' POV
The next day I woke up seeing Mettaton already awake. He greeted me with a smile. "Morning~" I waved at him and stood up. I went to the bathroom to change and then got ready for school. I sat on my bed waiting for Mettaton to come out of the bathroom since I had agreed to walk to school with him. He was taking forever. Once he finally got out, we walked to school. For once, it was a quiet walk. Mettaton didn't babble as much as usual. It actually seemed like he was thinking about something deep. The expression on his face said it. I shrugged it off for now, not wanting to disturb the possibly important thoughts.
We got to school and went to hang out with Undyne until class started. Mettaton excused himself and left us alone. I turned to Undyne. "H-Hey.. Has something been.. B-bothering Mettaton? He didn't talk much today a-and she didn't even say 'darling' or 'gorgeous' at all t-today!" Undyne rubbed the back of her head thinking, then nodded a bit. "Yea, I think it has something to do with his cousin, Napstablook.. My roommate" She replied looking around the hall as she spoke. "But, Y'know.. Now that I think about it.. I'm pretty sure we were supposed to be roommates, but it changed at the last second.. Mettaton was originally meant to be with Napsta in a room.." I paused and thought about this. "So.. Y-you mean Mettaton switched-" Undyne nodded. "It has to be."I walked with Undyne to our new class. "I-I don't get it- Wh-what kinda problem does M-Mettaton have with Napstablook?" Undyne shrugged. "Heck if I know..." I sighed at that reply. We walked into class 3 to see the students we were gonna be stuck with. There was Sans and Papyrus, two familiar faces. Toriel and Asgore were there too. There was a kid with glasses and red-orange fiery hair, another girl with her hair tied into two pigtails, with bows too. There was even a kid with no arms in class. There were also two kids, they looked pretty similar but I heard they weren't related. One had dark brown hair and a darker skin color, while the other had brighter hair and was pale with her cheeks stained pink. There were a bunch of other kids too. I sat at a desk in the second row while Undyne went to the back. Papyrus sat way in the front, right in front of the board. Which was kind of unfortunate since he was tall. A paper ball landed on the back of his head and he turned around. "Hey bonehead, some of us are trying to learn here. But there's an idiot in our way!" It was the pale one with the pink cheeks. Papyrus looked at the ground and moved to the side of the class. "Chara! That's not nice!" The one next to Chara spoke up. Sans was glaring at Chara.
Class finally started and lasted for what seemed like forever. But eventually it ended, so I went with Undyne to lunch. I didn't know why but for some reason things were a bit.. Awkward between me and Undyne, especially when we were alone. But nonetheless we talked about the Mettaton business. "D-Do you think there's a way t-to maybe.. G-get Mettaton to talk with him?" Undyne shrugged. "They'll have to talk eventually.." I nodded in agreement. "M-Maybe we should get them i-in a room together..? And th-then they might.. S-sort things out..?" I said. I saw that in an anime and it seemed to work well. Undyne looked at me. "Hm.. Interesting idea.. I guess it's worth a shot." I looked at her in surprise. She actually liked the idea?! Huh.. Undyne stood up. "You get Mettaton and I'll get Napsta. Bring him to the storage room." She gave me directions to the storage room and went on her way. I still can't believe she accepted my plan! I ran to the place where Mettaton usually hung out. "Hello darling, couldn't survive two hours without my lovely face now could you?" I rolled my eyes at him. That was the Mettaton I knew. "Ehm.. L-listen Mettaton- I have- um.. S-something important to show you! Come with me!" Mettaton looked at me in confusion but shrugged and nodded, so I quickly led him to the storage room.
Once we got there I saw Undyne standing there which meant that Napstablook was in there already. Mettaton looked at Undyne. "Why hello there dear, so what is it you wanted to show me Alphys?" I didn't really know what to say. Undyne sure did though. "Sort this out, Metta." She pushed him into the storage room and locked the door. "Easy as weight lifting." I looked up at her. "B-but weight lifting isn't easy-" Undyne smiled. "Exactly. It's easy for me." I giggled at that, she sometimes reminded me of Mettaton.
We pressed our ears up to the door to try to hear what was going on at the other side. (Hello from the other SIIIIIIIIIDE- Ok I'm sorry, I had to-) But unfortunately we could only hear muffled voices. But hey, at least they were talking! My plan may have worked! For once.. Ten minutes had passed and still, nothing came out of that door. Until we heard a knock. "Darlings.. You can let us out now.." Undyne unlocked the door and Mettaton and Napstablook walked out. Napstablook was a shortish, pale boy with bright hair. He looked rather timid. Mettaton sighed. "Thank you for doing that, gorgeous.." Undyne smiled. "Wasn't my idea, T'was hers." She said pointing at me. "E-Ehm.. Yea.. It w-was.." Mettaton hugged me then pulled away shortly. "We.. Appreciate it......" Napstablook said looking at me. "Oh.. I don't think we've officially met before...... I'm NapstaBlook.." I smiled shaking his hand. "I'm Alphys.." He nodded in response. "Now darlings! Why don't we celebrate!?" Undyne groaned. "Count me out, I'd rather not go to YOUR 'celebrations', I would call it 'Let's sit and talk about how absolutely perfect Mettaton is~' So.. Yea, I ain't goin." I had to agree with Undyne on this one. "Um.. Y-yea- I need to s-study-" Mettaton skipped off with Napsta and me and Undyne were alone once again.
After those shenanigans me and Undyne hung out and talked a bit, until Mettaton came over to us looking very happy. "Daaaaaarlings! Guess what?~" Mettaton asked. "What?" Me and Undyne asked in sync. "I've talked with the headmaster, and he agreed to let me and Undyne swap places!~" Undynes face brightened a bit. "Wait.. D-do you m-mean-" Mettaton nodded. "That's right gorgeous! You'll now be sharing a dorm with Undyne~"
Oh my.
((A/N: Wee! I managed to make a longer chapter this time! So, the actual Alphyne action is coming next chapter, so stay tuned! And of course we can't forget our question of the day, now can we? Today's question is: What are your top 5 favorite Undertale soundtracks?
Mine are:
1. Bergentrükung/Asgore
2. Battle against a true hero
3. Finale
4. Dummy!
5. Spear of JusticeLater beauties!~
Oh wait.
By the way, if you have a request for a scene, PLEASE tell me! I really would like ideas from you guys! Thank you and good bye~!))

Out of Her League (Alphyne human AU)
Fanfiction"I couldn't hold my breath for so long, my vision was all blurry, and my hearing muffled. I heard a loud splash and saw something red and flowing. I felt something pulling me out and a sharp pain on my right ankle. It felt like a cut to me. I could...