Chapter 11. Not as easy as it sounds

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Alphys' POV

Moment of truth.

I inhaled and exhaled.
Suddenly I heard, some kind of, alarm?

"Oh, sorry Al. Gotta go for practice. Tell me that thing later- Kay-?"

I nodded.

I'm so dead inside right now.

Undyne grabbed a navy gym bag and sped out of the dorm. I just sat there thinking about my horrific timing. UNDYNE COME ON. Well actually, ALPHYS COME ON! There. Better. I should of just timed it better. But seriously, that was the absolute worst moment for her practice to happen! I just wanted to get everything off my chest!  I sighed and laid on my bed. I slid the chocolate that was under my pillow out and looked at it. "MTT branded white chocolate." I've seen ads about the chocolate on television and have heard Mettaton himself speak about it. I heard a knock at the oak door and a voice from the other side. ((HELLO FROM THE OTHER SIIIIIIIIDE- okay I have to stop doing that-)) "Ohhhhhhh darling~"
Speak of the devil.

I opened the door to see none other than Mettaton. With out a greeting, he waltzed right into the dorm. "Uh- H-Hi Mettaton-" He simply walked over to my bed, picked up the un-given chocolate and looked at me. "Alphys."
"Uh- y-yes M-Mettaton?"
"You didn't ask."
"I- I- I was g-gonna ask today I-I SWEAR! B-but she- she left b-before I could!"
Mettaton put his hands on his hips. "Alphys, Darling, gorgeous, please. You should know that Undyne has practice with Asgore at this time!"
"S-so you want me t-to stalk her and know her schedule b-by memory?"
Mettaton face palmed but cracked a smile. "Well, you can. But no, I'm not aiming for that." He lowered his head a bit, his eyes plastered right on to mine. I thought he was going to say something kind and light hearted, but all she said was- "Just time it better next time, won't you?"

After discussing a few strategies on how it'll go, Mettaton had to leave for drama club. He waved goodbye and left fabulously. As always. I shifted on my bed and waited impatiently for Undyne. For some reason, I didn't want to do anything. I didn't feel like watching anime, reading manga, fangirling over my OTP, writing in my own fanfiction or anything else.
Is that what love is supposed to feel like?
Feeling empty without the other?
Or maybe I'm just being lazy.


A bit later, Undyne finally returned. She was wearing a different outfit though. She wore a black sports bra that revered her heavenly stomach, which had an impressive six pack. She changed into gym shorts as well, so that revealed more... Leg. ((Leg so hot it fry an egg))
I must've accidentally started staring a bit too intensely at her leg area, because Undyne looked pretty concerned. "Hey Alphys- my face is up here yknow-" A blush of embarrassment appeared on my face as I looked up at hers. Her face was red and wet from sweat. She also had a towel around her neck. Undyne chuckled and rolled her eye in amusement. "Just jokin' with ya." She said and threw her gym bag on to the bed. "I'm gonna take a shower, I'm a sweatin' mess."
More like a hot sweaty mess.
Ok too many images in my mind right now. I nodded at Undyne and she went to the bathroom to clean up.


This is it.

Undyne eventually came out and was wearing blue yoga pants and her usual black tank top. I felt kinda disappointed. But anyways, it's time to ask the question..



I twiddled my thumbs nervously. "S-so uh- r-r-remember when I-I said I wanted t-to tell you s-something e-earlier?-"
Undyne thought for a moment and nodded. "S-so uh- Well- eh-"
Undyne blinked.
"I-I wanted to a-a-ask-"
Undyne watched.
Undyne waited.
"Do you want to be my date to the dance-?!"
Undyne paused.

"Date? To the dance?" She questioned. I nodded nervously in response.
"Yea sure."
I looked at her with my eyebrows raised. "R-Really?!" Undyne smiled warmly at me and nodded. "Yea, why not."
She didn't see this as a romantic thing, did she?

Well.. I guess I have to give her hints.

But now I should focus on getting ready.

((A/N: Ayyyyyy, a beautiful chapter with a thirsty Lizard lesbian. Now, this chapter I have an interesting and different question.
Question of the day: Who should get drunk at the dance? Undyne or Alphys?
Go ahead and choose my lovelies~
I have ideas.
Sinful ideas.
Plus next chapter is gonna be long. I hope I won't be lazy, but I promise it'll be long and all about the dance and the shit that'll go down in it.

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