Undyne's POV
I woke up with Snuggles cuddled up to me. Snuggles is this big Cat toy I won at a fair once. I know, I know, it's a stupid name, I swear I was drunk when I named him.
Okay I wasn't, don't judge me.
I got up and stepped out of my room to check on Alphys. I saw her on the couch, she was right about to fall off so I adjusted her position. She seemed to be more comfortable after I did that so I just sat there, not really knowing what to do. Usually I would go on a morning jog, but I might worry Alphys if she wakes up while I'm gone. Meh.. It'll only be 10 minutes- Yea- 10 minutes! I'll just leave a note, just in case.
I wrote a note and put it on the table where she would see it, besides, the paper was a vibrant yellow. Who could miss that? After leaving the note, I got ready and stepped outside. The smell of fresh rain always made me happy, it reminds me of when I was little, stomping and jumping in the puddles, splashing nearby strangers and the be scolded with Asgore escorting me away from the stranger... Those were good days.
But, y'know, good days can't last forever.Alphys' POV
I woke up and stretched myself out. Everything was blurry since my glasses weren't on, so I reached out for them knocking something bright yellow onto the floor, probably doesn't matter, it was just a paper. Once I could see everything in front of me clearly and stood up and looked around. Undyne didn't seem to be anywhere in sight. I snuck a peek into her room but she wasn't in there either. I looked in every single room of the house, but she just wasn't anywhere! I seriously am starting to worry. What if something happened to her? Nah, she's Undyne- What could happen. But just in case I called her to make sure she was fine.
Ring Ring...Darn, her phone is in the house. I decided to wait for another 15 minutes, during that time I got properly dressed and took care of my hygiene. 20 minutes and Undyne's still gone. What should I do? Go look for her? What other option do I have?
I got up, put on my shoes, and walked out.I didn't know the town well so I feared I would get lost. Which would most likely happen, but I'm sure she couldn't have gone too far. But hey, Undyne IS a bit unpredictable. Good thing it was a small town though. If I'm correct, to the west was Snowdin, a town known for its harsh winters. Past Snowdin, you'll get to an old city, where there are a bunch of historical attractions and old ruins, which is why the town was called Ruins. A few hours away, to the east of Waterfall was a place called Hotland, the scorching heat over there really kills. I do live there, so I've gotten used to it. The name speaks for itself. While being distracted with my thoughts on the towns nearby, I ran into someone and fell back. "O-Oh my g-god I'm so s-sorry!-" The man in front of me helped me up and shook his head. "Er, it's fine youngster." The man was looking down at me with his eyes, well, one of them. The other seemed a bit messed up. He was older, probably in his 50s or 60s and wore an outfit that a Postal worker would wear back then. "Who are ya? Haven't seen you around these parts kid"
"O-Oh Uhm- I'm l-looking for my f-friend- She's tall- R-Red hair- eyepatch-"
"Ah, you mean Undyne! She's never mentioned you to me, what's your name?"
"Nice to meetcha! Gerson's the name!"
I nodded at him and told him I'd be off on my journey to look for Undyne. As I continued looking I saw a ton of unfamiliar faces everywhere I went. After about an hour I seriously started to freak out, I'm pretty sure I had circled the whole town twice, but still, no sign of Undyne. Where'd she go? What happened to her? I need to know. I'm scared, honestly. A storm was approaching, not a good sign. I needed to find her before the storm hit. Maybe she went back to the house.... So I went back and tried going inside.The door is locked.
How?! I didn't lock it! Does that mean Undyne's home? I knocked on the door but no answer from the other side. I crossed my arms and rubbed my exposed skin, it was starting to get cold. Boy I hope I find her...
((A/N: Sorry if this ain't the best chapter! I wrote this all in the middle of the night, I should be sleeping right now-
Anyways, question:
Who's your favorite character based on physical appearance? (Their look). Mine are:
1. Mettaton (DUH)
2. Asgore
3. Undyne
4: Muffet
5: Chara/FriskByeeee peeps! Next chapter will have fluff and... Cheesiness.. Ugghhhhhhh -v-'

Out of Her League (Alphyne human AU)
Fanfiction"I couldn't hold my breath for so long, my vision was all blurry, and my hearing muffled. I heard a loud splash and saw something red and flowing. I felt something pulling me out and a sharp pain on my right ankle. It felt like a cut to me. I could...