Undyne's POV
So, I was gonna be in a room with her, huh? Sounds neat. In all honesty, I wasn't sure how I felt about her. She was really nice, and nervous all the time, Which was kinda cute- Eh. I mean- anyways- It's just that for some reason, things are kinda awkward between us. Dunno why.
But nonetheless, I was gonna be in a dorm with her whether I liked it or not, but there ain't anything for me to complain about. Who knows? Maybe things'll be more lively in here with her. I don't know her that well but maybe she'll be a bit more enthusiastic then Napstablook. I sat on my bed waiting for her quite eagerly. She finally entered, clearly struggling with her bags. I got up and took the bags, tossing them on her bed. "O-oh! Th-thank you U-Undyne-!" She piped up looking up at me. "Hey, no problem at all. Welcome to this dorm. That looks exactly like the other fifty." She giggled at my humor, which I enjoyed. Napstablook would blink and look at me blankly. But, let's stop thinkin' about Napsta right now. Alphys unpacked a few things until she got bored. It was the weekend, so obviously no school."U-um.. It's pretty.. Boring.. Right n-now.. Wanna.. Uhm.. D-do something?" She asked me pretty nervously. I nodded in response and she seemed to lighten up a bit. "H-have you ever w-watched Anime before?" I thought about. No, I actually haven't. I've heard of it but I never got around to actually watching it. It kinda sounded boring to me. So I just shook my head as an answer. "W-well... M-maybe y-you'd l-like to w-watch some with me....? I-If you want to, o-of course!!!" I smiled at her ditty-ness. I really didn't want to upset her, so I decided to go with it. "Yea, sure. Sounds fun." I replied. Besides, if it'll be boring I'll just go to sleep and say that I was tired. She smiled excitedly and held up a few discs. "I have all of seasons of Mew Mew Kissy Cutie on here!" I was definitely not interested. But she seemed so happy.. She didn't even stutter.. So I went with it.
She put it the first disc and we started watching.After 31 episodes we finally decided to continue watching tomorrow. We had watched from the late afternoon until 10 o'clock at night. Plus we finished two bags of chips and a jumbo pack of marshmallows. Alphys said she was gonna head off to sleep and drifted off. I stayed up a bit longer but eventually went to sleep.
"Undyne..? U-Uuuundyne-?" Alphys' voice swung around my mind. I slowly woke up to see her looking at me. "Eh? Oh.. Hey Alph." I said waving at her. "You d-do know it's 3 o'clock in the m-morning right-?" I looked around. Yea, outside was dark. "Why on earth did you wake me up at 3 in the morning?" I relied kinda harshly. She looked guilty.. "I'm r-really sorry- you were j-just talking in your s-sleep loudly and I just got a b-bit concerned and.. W-well.. I guess I o-over-reacted... I-I'm so s-sorry!" She saying doing a little bow like they do in anime when they're saying sorry. What a dweeb. "It's ok Alph, no biggie." Alphys smiled, happy that I wasn't mad at her. "U-um.... W-well I'm going b-back to sleep! Good-night!" I nodded and flopped back on my pillow.
What exactly am I feeling for this dork?
((A/N: Helloooooooo darlings! Sorry that the upload was kinda late, I'm a lazy person.. Anyways, time for our question!
Today's question is: What are your top five boss fights?
Mine are:
1. Undyne the Undying
2. Asgore
3. Sans
4. Omega Flowey
5. MettatonThat's all for today gorgeous!~))

Out of Her League (Alphyne human AU)
Fanfiction"I couldn't hold my breath for so long, my vision was all blurry, and my hearing muffled. I heard a loud splash and saw something red and flowing. I felt something pulling me out and a sharp pain on my right ankle. It felt like a cut to me. I could...