Third-Person POV
Alphys and Undyne were having a good time at the school's pool. Yes, it was winter, but Undyne had convinced Alphys to do this with her. The pool's temperature was decent, and the now girlfriends, were arguing over who should get out of the pool first. They decided to rock-paper-scissors it. "Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" They tuned in sync. Alphys won, with her fist pressed onto Undyne's scissor signaling hand. Undyne was enraged she had lost to her little girlfriend. "No way! I demand a rematch!" Alphys smiled and giggled a bit. "W-Well, it's all a-about luck!" Undyne huffed and jumped out of the pool, sprinting desperately for a towel. Alphys cracked a wide smile and dashed out of the pool, following Undyne to the locker room. They got dressed quickly so they wouldn't be late for Mettaton's New Years party. "So are we telling them today?" Undyne asked. Alphys nodded in reply.
After becoming a couple, they had both agreed to keep it a secret until they were both comfortable with saying it.And what better time to say it, then the happiest time of the year?
After bundling up and heading out of the pool, the two went to the dorm to change into different clothes. After changing, they stood near the door, holding hands. "Ready to go Al?"
"O-Only if you are."
"Obviously." Undyne bragged, her gloved fingers were entwined with Alphys's, before letting go of her hand she planted a little kiss on the shorter girl's cheek, and opened the door. Neither of them were a fan of public romance display, Alphys mentioned it was too embarrassing, while Undyne said she wouldn't mind if it wasn't "so damn cheesy" as she worded it. They walked as if everything was as it usually was, platonic.Platonic my ass. Undyne thought to herself.
They eventually got there, Mettaton had reserved a table at a restaurant for everyone. When they entered, they saw the place was practically empty, besides the table that contained: Mettaton, Napstablook, Papyrus, Sans, Toriel and Asgore. Everyone waved and Mettaton patted two seats he saved for them both. "It's nice to see you darlings~" Mettaton greeted using that typical tone of his. "N-Nice to see you t-too." Alphys replied nervously.
"This is the day I get them to kiss." Mettaton thought to himself.Mettaton and Papyrus talked beforehand, accumulating a plan. Papyrus had a mistletoe in his coat pocket. I'm sure you can guess what he was going to do with it. Of course, they still didn't know that Undyne and Alphys had become a couple a while ago.
Undyne and Alphys sat on the padded seat, with Asgore and Toriel. The restaurant was decorated for the holiday season, a wrath on the door, Christmas lights of various colors, as well as a small Christmas tree on the counter, it had a gold star set upon it. Next to it, there was a Menorah, with all the candles lit. Under it there were a few chocolate coins covered in a golden foil. The atmosphere there was lovely, welcoming, and warm.
A man in glasses walked over to the group and gave each one a menu. Everyone ordered themselves an item to their liking, and so the waiter went back to the kitchen.They all talked about the holidays, school break, and how the winter break was going. Mettaton kept trying to get to the kissing part, but Papyrus kept stopping him, saying that it was too soon and too forced. They would just need to let it happen. Once everyone got their food, they started eating. Everyone at their own pace, some hadn't eaten all day, while others had eaten not too long ago.
Mettaton didn't have much patience any more. How tempted was he to grab the mistletoe out of papyrus's pocket and stick it over the girl's heads? Very tempted.
So he just did.
Mettaton went for papyrus's pocket -to his surprise- and hung the mistletoe on his finger, putting it over the two girl's heads.
"You know the rules darlings~"
Both looking up in surprise, Undyne realized this was a good chance to tell everyone. Well, show them, technically. So Undyne went for it, and with quick actions she pulled Alphys into a passionate kiss, one that didn't seem like a first kiss. Alphys didn't seem too embarrassed, at least not as much as you'd think she would be. She kissed back, using the same level of passion as Undyne. After about 10 seconds that seemed longer, they pulled away both smiling, and turned to look at their friends.Mettaton was fanboying and shocked at the same time, he wasn't exactly expecting it to be like that. But he certainly wasn't complaining. Undyne crossed her arms with a smug look on her face. "Oh, I guess we forgot to mention we became girlfriends!" Mettaton sat up in joy flinging his fork onto the floor. "When on earth did THAT happen?!"
"Like- 5 months ago??"
Mettaton let out an over-dramatic gasp. "And you DIDN'T tell us?!"
"Nope. You know now though." Undyne replied joyfully. Now that she could smooch and cuddle her girlfriend in the presence of her friends, she felt glad that the secret was out.During the rest of the dinner, Undyne did everything she possibly could to embarrass Alphys. She pecked her on the cheek multiple times, she asked for a taste of her food and went for a kiss, she put her arm around her and nuzzled the bottom of her chin, sometimes she'd poke her butt and receive a little adorable squeak in response. She couldn't help it, her girlfriend was too adorable for life.
After the party and lunch, everyone parted to spend the rest of New Years with others. Undyne and Alphys went to their dorm and sat on the floor with a blanket wrapped around them both.
"W-wanna watch a-anime?" Alphys asked.
"Nope." Was Undyne's reply.
"Okay, we could r-read manga together-"
"M-Mario Kart???"
"S-So what do you want to do U-Undyne-?"Undyne formed a smirk across her face. "I wanna do you."
Alphys blushed 50 shades of red and pink. "O-Oh my god U-Undyne--"
"Buuuut Mario Kart sounds good too!"So Mario Kart it was.
((A/N: I didn't EXACTLY have ideas for this, but hey, an ending is an ending! Thanks so much, for those who stuck around from the beginning, those who joined in the middle, and those who joined just now! I appreciate all the support, votes, comments, follows and reads! We hit over 4k reads, and I can't thank you enough.
My next Undertale book is a Charisk Human AU! I'd recommend following me for updates, no pressure though!
I'll be taking a tiny break from the big fan fictions for a little, (EDIT: That was bullshit) if you want more, I'm currently taking requests in my one-shot book!
Have a happy new year everyone!
-Fish 1/1/17))

Out of Her League (Alphyne human AU)
Fanfiction"I couldn't hold my breath for so long, my vision was all blurry, and my hearing muffled. I heard a loud splash and saw something red and flowing. I felt something pulling me out and a sharp pain on my right ankle. It felt like a cut to me. I could...